neck when I saw the red door standing wide. Curtains were open, but I saw no movement inside as I pulled up the drive. I climbed out of the car and listened, and heard nothing but icy branches creaking in a small wind. A knot tightened in my stomach.

I looked down at my fingers, and wiggled them in their splints. I peeled the tape off my right hand and pulled the splints off. Underneath, my fingers were bruised and swollen. I reached into the car and took the Glock off the seat, and very slowly wrapped my hand around the grip. It hurt like hell, and I wasn’t at all sure I could hang on through the recoil, but it was better than nothing. I slipped the gun into its holster behind my back and headed up the path. I slipped it out again when I approached the door.

There were footprints in the pristine snow, and handprints, and shapes that a body might make if it ran, fell, and then crawled. Scattered on the trampled patch, in dashes, spidery lines, and fat, ragged dots like rotted berries was blood. I called out, but there was no answer. The blood trail led to the path, up the stone steps, to the front door, and inside. My pulse was racing, and I followed.

The heating system was cycling loudly, but it was no warmer in the entry hall than on the front steps. I wondered how long the door had been open, and I called out again. Again, no answer. There were scuff marks on the polished wood floor, and the Persian rugs were twisted and askew. The rusty droplets led to the left, through the living room, down a hallway, and past the study. Besides the rush of air in the ducts, the rooms were silent.

I followed the trail to a pair of French doors and the conservatory. It was a long glass room with a peaked glass ceiling and a brick floor laid in a herringbone pattern. Warm air wafted through the open doors, along with an odor. It was not a garden smell, and it was not pleasant. I held my gun down along my leg, and stepped across the threshold.

Big container plants- fruit trees and dusty shrubbery in round terra-cotta pots- lined the room, and made an enclosure around an Oriental rug, a long wicker sofa, a glass-and-wicker coffee table, and a wicker chair. Nicole Cade was sitting on the sofa with her legs folded under her. She wore jeans and a purple sweatshirt, and a distracted look on her wind-beaten face. Her sleeves were pushed up over her sinewy arms, and there was a short-barreled Smith amp; Wesson in her hand. Herbert Deering was on the chair. He was leaning heavily to his left, and on the floor beneath him was a pool of blood.


Deering was alive. He moved a paper-white hand when I stepped into the room, and opened cloudy, terrified eyes. His desiccated lips parted, and a groan came out. A sheen of sweat covered his gray face, and his thin hair was plastered to his head. His right arm cradled his gut, and his right hand was pressed to a wet patch on his left side. Blood soaked the left side of his plaid shirt from armpit to waist. His khakis were stained with something else. Deering’s breaths were rapid, shallow, and uneven, and if he hadn’t already crossed into shock, he was right at the edge. I looked at Nicole. She hadn’t moved, except to point the gun at her husband.

“He said you were coming. He told me last night.” Her voice was shaky, and she had trouble with the volume. One of her legs was quivering, and strands of tired red hair fell across her face. There were sooty circles under her eyes, and red patches on her neck and bony cheeks. The gun was black and hammerless, and Nicole ran a nervous thumbnail over the top of the rubber grip.

“That’s what started it- that you were coming. He said you were coming to talk more about Holly, and that you had questions about Redtails, and Dad. I asked him how you knew about Redtails, and…he came apart.”

I nodded, and put on my most earnest face. “Uh-huh. We should call an ambulance now, okay? We should get you some help here.”

She shook her head absently. “He said he couldn’t take it any more- the lying. He said it was making him crazy, and that he was glad it was over, that he was exhausted. Can you believe he wanted me to feel sorry for him? Feel sorry, for chrissakes!”

I nodded some more. “We should call an ambulance now, Nicole, and get all this taken care of.” I eased my cell phone from my jacket pocket.

Nicole pointed the gun at me. “No calls,” she said. She was quite certain. “He falls apart- crying, hysterical- and I’m supposed to take care of him. Comfort him! He was grabbing my arm, kissing my hands, burying his face in my shoulder, begging forgiveness. Like I’m supposed to make everything all right.” She looked down at the gun in her hand and almost smiled.

“When I brought Daddy’s gun down, he knew that wasn’t going to happen. He ran around the house, screaming like a girl. He wet his pants, for chrissakes. I should’ve left him in the snow all night.”

“You shot…Herbert was shot last night?”

She nodded vaguely. I looked at Deering again and saw what might have been a blood-soaked dishtowel clutched in his right hand. He opened his mouth and managed a parched whisper.

“I’m sorry, Nikki, I-”

The gun swung back to Deering and I gritted my teeth. “I don’t want to hear from you, Herb. Not one word!”

I took a slow breath, and tried to keep my voice conversational. “When’s the last time you ate, Nikki?” I said.

She ignored the question, but turned back to me. She held the gun out for me to see. “This is what he used, you know- my father’s gun. The little bastard took it from my lingerie drawer.” She turned to Deering again, and her face darkened. “So on top of everything else, you’re a thief too!”

She pointed the gun at him again, her bony fingers white on the grip. My heart was pounding, and my ribs were shaking in my chest. I gulped some air. “Let me get you something, Nikki- some water, something to eat…” I took half a step backward, and the S amp;W swung over again, following me like a camera lens.

“Stay here,” Nicole said. She squinted at me, as if recognizing me for the first time. “What did you want from him? Why did you want to talk about Redtails?”

I fought to keep my voice steady. “Holly mentioned it, on some videos she made when she visited your father. I wanted to know what it was, and why she didn’t want it sold. And I wanted to ask about those visits. Herbert told me she never saw him, but apparently she did.”

“Is that a surprise- that he lied to you? Is that a big shock? Lying is what he does.” Deering shifted on the chair and another groan came from him, from deep in his chest. Pain rippled across his face and Nicole pointed the gun at him.

“What is Redtails, Nicole?” I asked. Even to me, it sounded desperate and too loud.

Nicole’s lipless mouth split into a nasty grin, and something like a laugh came out. She looked at Deering. “You idiot. You thought he knew something! You came crying to me with your confessions because he was coming here, and you thought he knew. And it turns out he doesn’t know anything. You stupid, pathetic idiot.”

Her knuckles whitened on the gun again, and I cleared my throat. “What is Redtails?” I repeated softly.

She shook her head. “It’s a cabin. Not even a cabin, more like a falling-down shack. One room, an outhouse, and a sagging porch- but she could never get over the place.” She turned back to Deering again. “And that’s what this is all about, isn’t it, Herbert.” There was loathing in her tone and on her face. Deering stayed silent.

“It’s a house?” I asked.

“It’s a shack, I told you- a fucking shack, on a big piece of land. Redtails-Holly gave it that name, like it was a manor house or something. She was six or seven, and we saw a pair of hawks up there one weekend- that’s when she came up with it. And just because it was Mother’s, just because Mother went there when she was a girl, and it was in her family for who knows how long, Holly was fixated on the place. But Mother didn’t leave it to Holly, did she? No- she left it to Daddy, to do with what he wants.”

A bead of sweat rolled down my ribs, and my fingers ached on the grips of the Glock. Deering was looking at me, and looking for- whatcompassion? Rescue? He kept shifting in his chair, and every time he did, Nicole pointed the gun at him and I held my breath.

“And now your father wants to sell?” I asked.

Nicole frowned. “Daddy’s not up to dealing with that kind of thing right now; that’s why he turned those decisions over to me. I’m the one who wants to sell, and why not? The kind of care he needs- it’s goddamn

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