coach in pieces. He smiled at the cursing and shouting, and wondered if the ship also contained a team of horses.
Nathaniel watched the people, reading their faces as easily as he could read tracks in mud. Many looked unhappy. Most of them appeared tired. Worst of all, though, were the ones who just didn't care. They plodded along listlessly mostly redemptioneers with long years remaining on their service reminding him of du Malphias' pasmortes. He couldn't see much difference between them, and doubted the people could either.
He glanced at the Government House tower clock. He'd never learned his letters, but his father had taught him ciphering and to read time. Marking time by the sun suited Nathaniel just fine; the day, after all, ended when the sun went down, not at some point on a clock. Still, Temperance ran to the clock and while he refused to be enslaved by it, he was willing to abide by it temporarily.
I could go past, just to see if she is well. He thought about it for a long while, but refused. If he went to see Rachel, he'd not want to be leaving. Esther would report his presence to her master upon his return and, more like, to her kin in his absence. That would stir up a tussle Nathaniel'd not mind having a piece of, but not now.
He smiled, easily imagining Owen Strake standing with him on one side and Kamiskwa on the other. The Casks and Branches and anyone else could come for them and they'd run home all bleedy and whipped. Owen had been a good man- still is-and Nathaniel's guts hollowed out when he thought of him. That surprised the Mystrian, because he didn't make friends easily and never would have thought a Norillian could be a friend. The Prince came as close as possible, and he'd been raised in Mystria most all his life.
He and Kamiskwa had been having the Norillian on at the start, but not out of being cruel the way the Branches would have. Nathaniel had been prepared to take the man as far as he wanted. Nathaniel needed to see, however, what sort of man Owen was. The wilderness wasn't a place you could drag a man who couldn't carry his own weight. It was like a deer herd keeping the strong animals together and letting the weak pass. It was the natural order.
Nathaniel shook his head. 'He was about the least complaining man I ever done met.' There'd been fire in him, and times he wanted to take a poke at Nathaniel, no doubting that, but he'd held himself back. And then, in the fight with the Ungarakii, he'd done just fine. Despite being wounded, he'd killed two of them, and shooting that one in the face required a steady hand and ice in the veins.
But you still left him to die.
Nathaniel bristled, playing the scene through his mind again. He would've ignored Owen, excepting when he said that the journals would save Mystria. Owen had said it to get him to leave. They both knew it. They both knew that was the only thing that would have worked. And Owen had used it.
Another glance at the clock started Nathaniel on his trek up the hill to the Frost house. He smiled out of force of habit. He'd been welcome there from time to time, up until three years ago. He still remembered Mrs. Frost's towering anger. If Guy du Malphias ever came to Temperance, he'd meet his match with her in a rage.
His long legs ate up the distance, so he found himself at the gate, waiting, as the tower clock struck three. The house door opened and Caleb bounded down to the gate. His father came out onto the porch and his mother stood in the doorway, clearly intent on barring passage.
Caleb opened the gate. 'She's not having it.'
'I imagine.' Nathaniel walked behind him, but remained at the bottom of the steps. 'Doctor, ma'am, I do recall your telling me n'er to darken your doorstep again. I apologize for violating your wishes. Wouldn't do it if it weren't powerful important.'
Doctor Frost turned to his wife. 'It is about Captain Strake, Hettie.'
Resolution made her face into a marble mask. 'He is not coming through my house. If you must speak to him, it shall be in the kitchen yard.' She stepped back and closed the door, trapping father and son outside.
Doctor Frost pointed to the path around the house. 'After you, Mr. Woods.'
Caleb led the way and Nathaniel imagined he was feeling what a man on the way to the gallows might. He didn't look toward the windows, not wanting to see any faces there. He recalled the Frosts had a whole passel of children and imagined Mrs. Frost would be shooing them somewhere safe while he was on the property.
Two chairs had been put into the yard. Caleb offered him one, but Nathaniel refused. 'Go on, sit. Been thinking about this on my feet. Ain't sitting going to make it no easier for me.' Nathaniel added a bit of volume to his voice so it would play on through the almost-closed kitchen door.
'The long and the short of it is this: Captain Strake ain't coming back for a spell. Not sure how long. Might be he's dead, but I'm fair sure he ain't.'
The door opened and Bethany Frost slipped through it. 'If he's not here, why are you?'
Her accusation sank straight into his heart. 'Well, Miss, I reckon that's on account of he's a brave man. Braver than me. He charged me with a duty, and made sure I did it. I give him my word to obey his orders. And I give him my word I'd be returning for him.'
Doctor Frost removed his spectacles and rubbed them on the hem of his coat. 'Bethany, dear, get our guest a chair. Mr. Woods, I would have the whole of the story from you. As much as you can tell.'
Nathaniel accepted the chair, but waited to speak until Caleb returned with yet another chair having given his to his sister. Bethany sat at her father's right hand, clutching it. Caleb leaned forward, expectant, and she hung back, fearful.
He told them of the trip in every detail, omitting only the idea that du Malphias could raise the dead. When he talked about the fighting, he showed them his thumb and the blood beneath the nail. He didn't need to embellish Owen's role or prowess. The Frosts took pride in their guest's abilities. Doctor Frost especially liked the endorsement his family's firm had gotten in Hattersburg and offered to send a note to the Bone family to tell them of Makepeace's situation.
The telling had gone through the pealing of four and five, but they didn't notice. At the bottom of the third hour, two younger boys hauled a small table out into the yard, and Mrs. Frost appeared with a tray, teapot and cups. She poured wordlessly, then departed, though the door did not close fully after her.
Bethany looked at her father. 'They cannot just leave him out there, can they? Someone has to go after him.'
Doctor Frost patted her hand. 'Bethany, Mr. Woods had told us the Prince will make arrangements. This is how things are done between nations. It may be slower than we like, but we must be patient.'
She looked at Nathaniel. 'Couldn't you go in and get him?'
'Well, Miss, it is as your father says. The Prince, he has hisself a plan.'
Her eyes became slits. 'In all the stories of the Magehawk, I've never heard cowardice mentioned as one of his characteristics.'
'Bethany Frost!' Hettie Frost appeared through the doorway. 'Mr. Woods may be an unrepentant sinner and a man of dubious moral character, but this gives you no right to insult him. As much as you might not care for him, and as little as I care for him, I will not tolerate such behavior. You will apologize this instant!'
Bethany looked down. 'I beg your pardon, Mr. Woods.'
'Ain't no apology needed, Miss.' Nathaniel rested his hands on his knees. 'I ain't a coward. Ain't no man alive what's been three days deep in the wilderness that is. But I reckon it does seem like I'm acting like one. I don't like it. Fact is, the Prince, he's one smart fellow. He reckons that anyone walking on in to Anvil Lake territory is a fool who is like to get hisself killed dead. And if they go to get Captain Strake out, they'll get him killed too.' And ain't none of us want to be dead there.
'I will, however, tell you this: Captain Strake is a strong man. Stronger than you imagine. Stronger than I suspected. I know, God as my witness, he's going to come through your front gate. Afore long you'll all be having a laugh about things. Until that time, and preparing for the war that will come, me and Kamiskwa is going to be going back to learn what can be learned. I swear to you we'll be back to tell you all everything we know.'
Nathaniel settled a reassuring smile on his face. 'I'm thinking you should all know he set a great store by all of you. Didn't have anything but a kind word for you all. And plenty of them. The Prince is going to have the journal copied for you. Owen was looking forward to your reading it.'
Distantly came the sound of the front door's heavy knocker. One of the younger children came out the door and spoke to Mrs. Frost. She turned on her heel and re-entered the house.
Bethany looked up, her eyes wet. 'What did he say, Nathaniel, when he sent you away?'
'He said it was up to me to see that you were all safe.' Nathaniel nodded. 'That was important to him. Worth all the risk and pain.'