everything these women did for the last month of their lives. I want to know every person they spoke to, every phone call they made, every shop they visited. I want a moment-by-moment account with nothing left out. I want to see photographs and names of their boyfriends, dates, family, and friends. I want their computer records searched. I want everything back here. This killer has been interacting with them and he will have left traces.

‘So listen up, we will work two systems. The boards for all the visuals and key incidents, people and places. The database for absolutely everything. Every name, number, location and event. We’re working six different murders here, gentlemen, and it’ll be easy to miss something, but the computer won’t. It’ll flag up any similarities. Got that? The boards for basic facts, key leads and suspects, the database for everything. All clear?’

The room nodded its approval. Harper continued. ‘Secondly, I’m putting three teams, round the clock, to respond to information from the public. I don’t want to be swamped by this shit and I don’t want to miss anything. Again, all names, numbers, details logged and cross-referenced to crime scene details — if anyone is authentic it should flag it up. We meet every day to give a brief report, we see what the computer flags up and we see if anything on the boards throws up an idea. We haven’t been doing the ground work, gentlemen, and it’s not good enough. He’s one man, we’re many. We’ve got over a thousand hours a day of detective time pouring into this case, so let’s not waste any of it.

‘And one more thing. We’re getting serious heat from One PP and I don’t want anyone, and that means anyone, talking to the press. Someone is briefing Erin Nash and it’s ripping big holes in our investigation. They’re hyping this up enough as it is. I trust you, so be trustworthy. Now, let’s go to.’

‘Amen!’ shouted Kasper and the room laughed in response.

Harper dismissed the detectives to set up their teams and then started calling in the advisers he’d identified as necessary. First he called the FBI at the New York field office and asked for two special agents to join the task force and offer advice. As far as Harper could see, they needed every bit of help they could get.

By the end of his first few hours in the lead spot, Harper returned with Kasper to find the boards were already filling up. They had three full-time administrative staff and it was finally beginning to look like a serious operation.

Harper looked at the photographs of the five female victims. They had a lot of overkill and they were all posed. He looked slowly at each in turn: Mary-Jane Samuelson with her legs apart in the hallway of her own home; Grace Frazer, hands together, on the rocks off Ward’s Island; Amy Lloyd-Gardner posed like an angel in an underground parking lot; Jessica Pascal posed like Christ in the doorway of her apartment; and Elizabeth Seale posed like a nude in a painting on her own bed.

Each of the victims had their most recent photograph next to their crime scene shots. They looked undeniably similar. All had the same blond hair, but more interestingly they all had similar features. It took a while for Harper to see, but there was definitely a ‘look’ the killer went for. They all had long hair and thin, angular faces. And, of course, they were all very rich and very beautiful. But it was more than that. Harper called Eddie to his side.

‘What do you think? It must take him quite a while to find the particular type,’ he said.

Eddie moved over to the boards. ‘Yeah. Rich, blonde and — well, if I saw them in a club, I’d call them stuck- up. No, not even that. They’ve got a quality to them. I don’t know. Innocent. Not ones I’d pick out for a one-night stand.’

Their eyes fell from the five bright smiling faces to the corpses. It was a terrible contrast. Harper’s eyes scanned across the women in quick succession. The horror jumped right out, but so did something else. The five corpses were sexual to different degrees.

The victims, Elizabeth Seale, Jessica Pascal, and Amy Lloyd-Gardner were posed with their genitals covered; the others were posed pornographically. Kasper put it a lot more plainly. ‘Open legs, shut legs.’

Harper jumped down his throat. ‘Okay, I like the jokes, but do some thinking too. Why are they like that?’

Kasper looked again at the corpses. ‘Some got him hot, some didn’t.’

‘Try harder,’ said Harper.

‘I don’t know, Tom, that’s not my area.’

Harper paced up and down in front of the boards. ‘Maybe he thought some were whores, some were angels. Maybe it depends on how they responded to him. It’s still a feature that we can’t explain, so we ought to look into it.’

‘I’ll put it on the list for the briefing,’ said Eddie.

Harper thought about calling Denise Levene. He picked up the phone and then put it down. He needed clarity. He’d think through this himself.

Thirty minutes later, after reaching no conclusions whatsoever, he called Levene directly. He admitted to himself that he didn’t know what the symbols meant. Maybe this was Levene’s area. He heard her voice on the line. They hadn’t spoken since Nate’s death.

‘How is it going up there?’ she asked. ‘I wanted to call. I didn’t know if I should.’

‘Well, it’s been hard, but we’re all focusing on the investigation. It’s all we can do.’

Denise held her breath for a moment. ‘I’m sorry, Tom.’

‘We’re all sorry.’

‘My profile backfired, badly. I don’t know what to say.’

‘It wasn’t the profile, Denise. This guy had been stalking Nate for a good few days. We’ve got eyewitnesses.’

‘You sure?’

‘Don’t beat yourself up. The killer wanted to show us what he’s capable of.’

‘I thought it was my fault.’

‘Well, you can’t take the credit this time.’

‘You shouldn’t joke.’

‘What else can I do? No time for feeling. I’ve got to cut to the chase here.’

‘Fire away. What you got?’

Harper gathered his thoughts. ‘Our killer is a compulsive sexual predator, right? We’ve just got the crime scene photos of all five women in front of us. Amy, Elizabeth and Jessica are posed with their genitals covered, but Grace and Mary-Jane are posed explicitly. What do you think? Anything might help.’

Denise thought for a moment. ‘It’s a difficult one to call, Tom. Research says that if a killer poses them graphically and hides or mutilates their faces, then it’s likely that he knows the victim. Hiding the face and exposing the genitals is an act of depersonalizing the victim and, some say, blaming her.’

‘What about the other type?’

‘Well, the other type suggests that he doesn’t know them, so they aren’t personal to him.’

‘Can I conclude from what you’re saying that this killer might have known Mary-Jane and Grace?’

‘Well, it’s possible.’

‘But that’s important. That’s real important. How would he know them?’

‘It’s possible, if — as you say — the killer is stalking these women, that they are women he knows and has become obsessed by. Sometimes killers start with people they know. Then they move on to the unknowns.’

‘Okay, Denise, that’s a great help. We need to have a look at that. What the hell kind of job might this guy have to meet this kind of woman?’

‘Might not be his job. Maybe he knows them socially?’

‘What, like this guy is an upper-class madman?’

‘I don’t know, Tom, but it could be anything, that’s all.’

‘We’ll follow it up.’

‘I’ll try to work up some ideas.’

Harper nodded. ‘Keep thinking, Denise. We’ve got until tomorrow. If he’s keeping to his two-day cycle, then we’re expecting another body to show up.’ He put the phone down, his head spinning.

‘What she say?’ said Kasper.

‘Maybe the killer knew the first three victims.’

‘Okay, that’s worth a look,’ said Kasper. ‘We need to cross-reference every place they come into contact with others and see if there’re any points of connection.’

‘Exactly. Let the teams working Mary-Jane, Grace and Amy know about this.’

Eddie shrugged. ‘Will do, Harps. And listen, we’ve already got news coming in from the teams. You want the

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