Amy was lost in the spell of the sex rite, an incredulous frown on her face, as though she didn't want to believe it but she couldn't tear herself away, either.
I knew I was as guilty as the others because I was making no move to protest or halt this act that was unfolding at my home, my castle, the place where I was lord and master over anyone I chose.
Alexander was paying no attention to us and we could hear his guttural panting as he placed his red thing against the rosebud and began a series of rapid jerks, stabbing Trudy cruelly several times before he pierced her anus right on target.
There was nothing sophisticated about his assault. He worked like a Trojan from the first, jabbing in ever faster strokes, sometimes withdrawing entirely and missing with several strokes before working himself inside again. Trudy closed her eyes and held on, enduring what must have been searing pain as the sharp penis stabbed her backside and lashed at the tender muscles in her anal region.
He worked for less than a minute before he began his orgasm, spreading his loins over her bottom and hanging on, close and quivering for a few seconds. His panting was hoarse and his tongue was hanging out a foot as he panted.
Trudy cried out and that told us that Alexander had broken his cherry, so to speak, coming for perhaps the very first time in his young life.
Pretty much a failure at the art of sophisticated loving, the dog leaped from his victim at once, abandoning Trudy to stand, legs spread, panting. Then he began to look around and under his belly, examining his still swollen penis to find out what had happened.
“Here, boy,” Mary Ellen was calling, her voice urgent. “Come here. I'll take care of you.”
We watched, as aghast as before, as the husky young girl hurried to the dog's side and began stroking him keeping his head from under his belly. Then she reached under it herself and grasped the slippery thing, squeezing a drop of leftover semen onto her fingers. She plunged the hand into her mouth, smacking her lips.
“Hm. Not bad at all, eh, fellow?”
She rolled to her back and, working like a mechanic sliding under an ailing automobile, Mary Ellen worked her way under his body while he stood patiently, waiting. Her face slipped back to his loins and then his lance was dangling, still out of its sheath but softening, directly above her lips.
She opened her mouth and the thing fell inside. Her throat muscles worked as she drew it into herself, ever deeper, her head coming up until her face was buried in the heavy fur of his loins. We stared, gasps coming from everyone in the circle, as she sucked on the rod until it was clean. After a few minutes she withdrew her head from Alexander's loins and slid out from under his body.
“Golly.” It was Johnny blurting the word. “Mary Ellen, I didn't know you liked to do stuff that way.”
The girl wiped her mouth, smacking her lips as though she'd just finished a hot fudge sundae. “Neither did I, sport, but one runs into unusual situations out in the world, right? You've got to think fast to catch your pleasures while you can.”
She looked around the group, seeing that even Trudy was sitting up, although still rubbing her sore bottom, her eyes fixed on the newest sexual star in the heavens.
“Was it good, Mary Ellen?” Trudy asked, awe filling her voice.
“Real good. Want to try yourself?”
The blonde baby-sitter made a face. “I don't like sloppy seconds, especially with a dog.”
Johnny guffawed. “Heck, maybe she already did it when she was sitting alone with that elephant. She probably knows him better than anybody else.”
Trudy tossed him a saucy look. “I'm not a kiss and tell girl. You can ask anybody. What happened between me and Alexander is a private matter.”
Buddy snorted in merriment. “At least Alexander will never squeal on you, Sis.”
I stood up, feeling weary and drained, as though I'd had a dream in which the human race drove itself over a cliff into the world of primeval times, trapping itself in the tar pits with the extinct creatures of the past ages and sinking into the ooze forever.
Depressed, I suggested, “Let's all jump into the pool for a while. I think well feel cleaner. I know I will.”
Taking Amy's hand, I helped her to her feet and, as she rose, she looked down strangely at her vagina, stroking her thigh. “I feel funny there,” she murmured.
I thought about Alexander's earlier foray the length of her body. “I shouldn't wonder,” was my only reply, for I still wasn't certain how long she'd been asleep or how much she'd been aware of during the visitation.
We slipped into the pool one by one, silently, as though we were frogmen on a secret mission close to the enemy shore. I watched as the women cleansed themselves. Amy rubbed her entire front briskly, apparently tingling where Alexander's tongue had done its work. Trudy concentrated on her bottom, her small hands massaging. Mary Ellen had the most difficult job, repeatedly filling her mouth and spewing water with great force.
At last we relaxed, lolling in the shallow end and the strange quiet continued, as though we were all spent and perhaps ridden with guilt. I knew I felt very low, wondering why I'd allowed it to happen. Why had I gotten mixed up with these kids in the first place? What magic had Trudy worked that first night to bring me to my knees? How had Buddy worked the same spell over Amy's head, making her go astray for perhaps the first time?
Now I'd opened the door to another pair of young but powerful people, Mary Ellen and Johnny. Together, they made the Trudy-Buddy team seem like innocent children, especially Mary Ellen. If she were a normal teen-ager then Jack the Ripper would have made a wonderful headmaster at a girls' school.
It was Amy who finally spoke, and when she did, I felt a spark of admiration for her. “I think,” she murmured, her voice lifeless and far away, “That it's time to call an end to this party. Good afternoon, children.”
They looked at her, hardly believing, obviously not ready to go. “Cool it, Mrs. Brady,” Trudy snapped. “We're not leaving this gravy train until all the gravy's been eaten, you dig? Just you cool it until we say different.”
“Knock it off, Trudy,” I snapped. “You have no right to talk to my wife that way.”
Trudy raised her eyebrows at me. “Well, lover, so you've finally had enough. You've taken your pleasure with me and my friends until you've had your fill. Now it's all over and you want out. It's not going to be that easy.”
“It doesn't hardly seem fair, Mr. Brady,” Buddy was muttering and I looked on him with surprise, amazed that he seemed to be thinking. “You invite us here and then, when we want to have fun, you get sore and want us out. Why did you think we came and brought Johnny and Mary Ellen, because we wanted to sit around and discuss great books?”
“I don't know why you came and call me a rude host, if you wish,” I snapped, “but you're all going to leave at once. Make trouble, if you dare, I couldn't care less at the moment. I feel dirty and, God love her, my wife feels dirty because of your presence. So long, kids. On your way, pronto.”
They muttered about it for a few more moments and Mary Ellen swam over to me, locking her knees on my thigh. She tried to kiss me, but I turned my head away, close to throwing up as I remembered where those lips had last been.
“Come on, Mr. B., loosen up. We can have some more kicks like we did behind the diving board.” She giggled. “You wouldn't want me to tell Mrs. B what we did over there, would you?”
“I don't give a damn,” I rasped. “Quite obviously she knew we weren't reciting poetry.”
Mary Ellen turned to my wife. “In a way it was like poetry, Mrs. B. We played daddy and mommy, and he sucked my nipples real good. Then I blew him and he said I was a real fine mama through it all. He really popped his balls, I can tell you.”
Amy paled and blinked, but she did not turn away. Instead she took a deep breath and muttered, “You heard what my husband said. You're all to leave at once.”
They began to get the message that the party really was over. “You're going to regret this, Mr. Brady,” Trudy said, coming close to me, playing with the hairs on my chest. “We're such good friends, it world be a crying shame to end it all this way. Our fun could go on and on and on, you know?”
“Goodbye, Trudy,” I snapped, turning away. The sight of Mary Ellen casually fondling Johnny's penis enraged me. “You! Out! At once! All of you!”
I must have sounded like a rabid lion, for they fairly leaped from the pool, drying themselves as best they could and then pulling on their scattered clothing, not caring whose garments they plucked up in the process.
I convoyed them through the house to the door and waited, steam coming from my ears, as they filed out on the porch. It was Trudy who turned back at the end, leaning her hips against mine. She was really a very attractive