Are your mothers, they who bore you;

They, their past rude life ignoring.

Now return to you, imploring

That you rise from degradation

And become a noble nation.

Urge with kindness the pale faces

To accord you better places.

Better lands and reservations —

Then fulfil your obligations.

Plough and sow, and you shall gather —

' Tis the law of the Great Father;

And while it remains unheeded

Will the bread of life be needed.

Gain that comes to him that worketh.

Cometh not to him that shirketh.

Not to him that idly sigheth,

But to him whose feet swift flieth

Is the race at length accorded,

And the golden prize awarded.

Listen ! my beloved nation,

To the earnest exhortation

Sitting Bull brings from your sires.

Dance no longer round your fires.

Thinking thus to woo the sages.

The Messiahs of past ages !

All your forms have no attraction

For these souls of earnest action.

But in every true endeavor

Will they aid and guide you, ever.

And, O pale face, more enlightened,

Be not anxious, be not frightened.

When you see the red man dancing,

' Round his camp fires wildly prancing ;

' Tis his mode of invocation.

White man maketh supplication

When and wheresoe'er he chooseth.

Yet the privilege refuseth

To his poor, untutored brother,

Who at present knows no other

Way to ease his burdened feeling.

Than by this rude, wild appeaUng. Would you lift him to your station, Pale face, give him education: Not the kind that comes from preaching, Or from praying — but the teaching That results from observation. Give him this, O pale faced nation. By allowing him to enter Every business mart and centre That is open to pale faces. Why not he, like other races. Be accorded free admission, Come and go without permission ? The Great Father who created Red and white man hath not stated That the red man's claim be bounded. Nay! in liberty was founded Life for every tribe and nation : Bondage bringeth degradation. Therefore Sitting Bull now prayeth That whene'er the red man strayeth From his lands and reservations Unto those of other nations. He be kindly met and treated — Kindness would in turn be meted — For the red man hath deep feeling.


And love maketh strong appealing

To his nature deeply hidden.

Should he sometimes come unbidden,

Or with rudeness seek to enter

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