“You’re not conversant in the UFO literature, of course. You’ve never read a word of anything I’ve given you.”
“That would be correct,” Dan said.
“I got a visit from the Air Force.” He looked from one of them to the other.
Katelyn had no idea what to say. She was at a complete loss.
“All right, let me background you. There is this legend that when somebody has a serious sighting or gets video or something like that, the Air Force secretly investigates. Do you follow that?”
“Yeah,” Dan said. “Of course.”
Katelyn felt kind of queasy. She wasn’t sure she wanted to hear this.
“Okay, so I went back to my office after class and who’s there but this Air Force colonel and this woman— my God, this
“Yes, she’ll be over in a minute. The baby’s going to sleep. But I didn’t want to wait, and you’ll see why in a second. Just listen. Okay, so I come in and the colonel is looking at
“Okay,” Dan said. “Ended up on the shelf with
Chris’s voice had a curious, measured quality to it, so different from his normal tone that Katelyn felt a twinge of concern that he might be sort of crazy just at the moment.
She did not want him to be crazy here. She and Dan were trying to work their way past the Marcie incident and having trouble. She wanted to let him make love to her, but so far had been unable. Unable just a couple of hours ago.
“Anyway, I have a prediction. These two folks are going to show up right here at this house sometime very soon, and they are going to ask to meet Conner.”
That focused Katelyn at once. “That’ll be the day,” she said.
“The man is this very big, tough-looking type. But fatherly, sort of. You know this guy is in on the secrets the second you lay eyes on him. Very imposing figure, indeed. The woman—well, you have to see her. She radiates something and it is weird. If I ever saw anyone who might be an alien in human form, it’s this woman. She has these big, staring eyes and she is very, very still. She just sits there staring at you, and you get these bizarre feelings, like she’s penetrating your mind, somehow.”
This was all beginning to sound more than a little crazy, even for Chris. “You’re scared,” she said. “Tell us why.”
“I didn’t realize at first what was going on, and I slipped. I told them something I don’t think I should have. About Conner being a genius.”
“But they were there asking about the UFO,” Dan said, “so what does it matter?”
“Oh, no, they never mentioned the UFO. Of course not. That isn’t the way these things are done. They were asking if we had any physics geniuses at Bell for some kind of Air Force program.”
Katelyn laughed, she couldn’t help it. He glared at her, though, and she stopped.
“I’ve had enough laughter,” he said in a low voice. “The point is—”
“They didn’t actually mention UFOs, though?”
“No, Katelyn, they did not.”
The phone rang. Katelyn got up and took it in the kitchen. “Hi, Nancy.”
“It’s snowing too hard, I’m staying put. Has he told you?” Nancy asked.
“He thinks the Air Force is interested in Conner because of the UFO. He’s not making a lot of sense, Nancy.” She did not tell her that he sounded like he was on his way around the bend, not with a little baby for her to worry about. Anyway, he’d probably be fine in the morning. He had these flights of weirdness every time a big UFO report appeared on one of the crazy-person Web sites he haunted.
“The reality part is that the Air Force is looking for geniuses for some sort of program of theirs,” Nancy said. “The Chris part is that they’re secretly investigating UFOs.”
“Well, then, I’m glad he told them about Conner. Conner could use more stimulation.”
“Be careful, Katelyn. This is some kind of military thing. I’d make certain that you can supervise Conner at all times.”
Katelyn had no real problem with the military. But then again, she would protect Conner and Conner’s mind from any kind of intrusion at all. “For sure,” she said.
“Is Chris drinking, by the way?”
“No, he didn’t ask and I didn’t offer. Dan got tanked at the Peep the other day and I loaded the liquor into the garage attic.”
“Over the Marcie thing, yeah, I heard.”
God, this was such a little place! “You mean, the fact that he got tenure?”
There was the briefest of silences, then Nancy said, “Congratulations, by the way.”
“We’re holding off on the official celebration until after the official announcement. You want me to send yours home?”
“Yeah, please. Before the UFOs come out.”
She went back into the living room, where Dan and Chris were staring at each other like two people at a funeral. “Momma called, Chris. Time to go home.”
“Katelyn,” Dan said, “I’m what they call an abductee, and so are you.”
She sat down. “That again. Okay, Dan, it has to do with folklore, not with reality. There’s nobody being abducted by aliens because there are no aliens, at least not here at the moment. I’ll grant that the video is strange, but we are in no way involved.”
The doorbell rang—and sent a shock through her. Silence fell. Dan jumped to his feet, strode off to answer it.
Katelyn brushed past him. “I’ll get it.”
She swung the door open.
A QUARTER OF A MILE away, Mike Wilkes crouched watching the Kelton house. He was freezing cold, despite the fact that he’d bought boots, gloves, and a black Eddie Bauer jacket. He knew the house’s layout, and by nine he also knew that the boys both slept in the same room, that the dog was a Doberman, and that nobody in the house was in good enough condition to match him, despite the boys’ age advantages.
Lights flickering drew his gaze to the road. A car came, moving slowly in the snow. He slid back a little, lest the lights reflect on the lenses of his tiny, light-amplifying binoculars. He did not recognize the vehicle, but he could see two dim figures inside.
The lights went out abruptly, and he was sure that it had stopped around the bend. That would mean that it was either at the Jefferses’ or the Callaghans’ house. That was of interest, and he had to find out. He left his position but remained behind the tree line as he worked his way to a location that would enable him to see the last two houses on the road.
OVERHEAD, THE THREE THIEVES SAW the radiant energies of all the bodies on Oak Road. Given the alteration of the deadly satellite’s orbit, they were on full alert now. Below them, they observed the shimmering darkness that was Colonel Wilkes moving among the trees. The Thieves were uneasy about Wilkes being out here. But he showed no interest in the Callaghan house. The collective had instructed them to let him proceed, as long as he didn’t threaten Conner directly. In fact, it was eager for him to proceed. Maybe he had bought their little trick.
MIKE RETURNED TO HIS ORIGINAL position. He had wanted to see if it was a motor pool car. It was not. Not only that, it was in front of the Jeffers house. His conclusion: continue with his plan.

KATELYN WAS THUNDERSTRUCK TO SEE the very people that Chris was talking about standing on her stoop. They were snowblown and miserable looking, and she immediately let them in.