Pike Logan, however, is real. He represents a small fraternity that, more than anything else, is the catalyst of this book. I had the honor of serving with many, many Pike Logans, but make no mistake, I am not he. I owe them a debt of gratitude, not only for what you’re holding in your hand, but for allowing me to serve alongside them. Greater still, the nation owes them a debt of gratitude for successful operations that will never see the light of day.

When I first put pen to paper, this was, of course, the finest novel ever written. Family swooned over it. Friends begged to read it. Fortunately, it didn’t take long to realize it needed massive work to reach a level worthy of publication. Through a series of fortuitous events, I met Caroline Upcher, a freelance editor and published novelist in her own right. She has the distinction of being the singular reason you’re reading these words. She not only helped me frame the story, but literally taught a knuckle-dragger like me how to write. If any new writers are reading these words for a clue of how I managed to get published, there’s your big black X.

Even after all the work, someone still had to be willing to take a risk on an unknown. I’m indebted to John Talbot of the Talbot Fortune Agency for doing just that. When nobody else seemed willing to even want to open the Word document, he decided to see where it would go. Hopefully, it was worth the look.

As for the book itself, a huge thank-you to Major Beau Spafford, of the South Carolina Army National Guard and a James Island Red-neck, who’s currently getting shot at in Afghanistan. You won’t find anyone with more common sense. Well, I should say more common sense who’s willing to use the book as an excuse to go drink beer. He corrected innumerable inconsistencies.

To select people from my former life: thank you. The special mission world is close-knit and very unique. Writing for publication of any sort is frowned upon, but some friends agreed to read the manuscript to make sure I hadn’t said anything that would compromise the safety of those still in harm’s way — namely themselves. I say agreed, not supported, because my name on the cover is irritating enough.

A huge thank-you goes out to Dutton publishing and my editor, Ben Sevier. Honestly, I was worried when I signed the contract that I’d also sold my soul. I had visions of this big-name publisher ordering me to change everything in it that I held dear. Far from it, Ben took the manuscript to the next level, coaching, mentoring, and providing invaluable guidance. Again, I found myself learning.

Unlike what I originally naively believed, getting a book published entails more than just hitting print. Although that’s certainly an option, I’m grateful that the Dutton team chose not to take that route and have relentlessly supported the effort to see this succeed.

Finally, I’d like to publicly thank my wife, Elaine. One, for not losing her mind at the risk of leaving the military for a writing career, and two, for fixing all of my knuckle-dragging mistakes before anyone else had a chance to read them. When we were first married, she started a tally of what I owed her for various deployments and problems she was forced to solve in my absence, all based on the size of a diamond. I’m up to forty-three carats, which is roughly the size of the Hope diamond. So, if you see me in the Smithsonian “researching diamonds” for my “next book,” you’ll know why. Just don’t turn me in when it comes up missing. I love you.


Brad served for more than twenty-one years in the U.S. Army, retiring as a Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel. During that time he held numerous infantry and special operations positions, including eight years in 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment — Delta where he commanded multiple troops and a squadron. He has conducted operations in support of U.S. national interests in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other classified locations. He holds a master’s of science in defense analysis with a concentration in irregular warfare from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. When not writing, Brad serves as a security consultant on asymmetric threats to various agencies. He currently lives in Charleston, South Carolina, with his wife and two daughters.

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