'Precisely,' Ludendorff said.

'Then we should get to the specifics and requirements of the situation,' Joplin insisted. 'Without a detailed analysis of our adversaries, I cannot forward your request to my government.'

'As of the moment,' Ludendorff said, 'they are no more than a detachment.'

'A detachment is an ambiguous military term,' Joplin said. 'It is impossible to determine the makeup of such an organization?'

Sanchez sighed. 'We do not know their exact numbers, Dr. Joplin. But they have the potential of growing strongermucho mas fuerte!'

'I see,' Joplin said. 'In that case, I must insist that you pass on to me all the intelligence you have on these fascists. I cannot possibly bring this matter up with my government with no more than sketchy details.'

All three South Americans reached under the table for their briefcases crammed with data. Now they could get down to business.



2IC: Second in Command

AA: Anti-Aircraft

AFSOC: Air Force Special Operations Command

AGL: Above Ground Level

AKA: Also Known As

ARG: Amphibious Ready Group

ASAP: As Soon As Possible

ASL: Above Sea Level

AT-4: Anti-armor rocket launchers

Attack Board (also Compass Board): A board with a compass, watch and depth gauge used by sub-surface swimmers

BOQ: Bachelor Officers' Quarters

Briefback: A briefing given to staff by a SEAL platoon regarding their assigned mission. This must be approved before it is implemented.

BDU: Battle Dress Uniform

BUD/S: Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL training course

C4: Plastic explosive

CAR-15: Compact model of the M-16 rifle

CATF: Commander, Amphibious Task Force

CNO: Chief of Naval Operations

CO: Commanding Officer

Cover: Hat, headgear

CP: Command Post

CPU: Computer Processing Unit

CPX: Command Post Exercise

CRRC: Combat Rubber Raiding Craft

CS: Tear gas

CSAR: Combat Search and Rescue

CVBG: Carrier Battle Group

DPV: Desert Patrol Vehicle

Det Cord: Detonating cord

Draeger Mk V: Underwater air supply equipment

DZ: Drop Zone

E&E: Escape and Evasion

FLIR: Forward Looking Infrared Radar

MC: Field Training Exercise

GPS: Global Positioning System

H&K MP-5: Heckler & Koch MP-5 submachine gun

HAHO: High Altitude High Opening parachute jump

HALO: High Altitude Low Opening parachute jump

HE: High Explosive

Head: Navy and Marine Corps term for toilet; called a latrine in the Army

HSB: High Speed Boat

JSOC: Joint Special Operation Command

K-Bar: A brand of knives manufactured for military and camping purposes

MA: Killed In Action

LBE: Load Bearing Equipment

LSSC: Light SEAL Support Craft

Light Sticks: Flexible plastic tubes that illuminate

Limpet Mine: An explosive mine that is attached to the hulls of vessels

LZ: Landing Zone

M-18 Claymore Mine: A mine fired electrically with a blasting cap

M-60 E3: A compact model of the M-60 machine gun

M-67: An anti-personnel grenade

M-203: A single-shot 40-millimeter grenade launcher

MATC: A fast river support craft

MCPO: Master Chief Petty Officer

Medevac: Medical Evacuation

Mk-138 Satchel Charge: Canvas container filled with explosive

MRE: Meal, Ready to Eat

MSSC: Medium SEAL Support Craft

NAS: Naval Air Station

Intelligence staff

Operations staff

NAVSPECWAR: Naval Special Warfare

NCP: Navy College Program

NFL: National Football League

NVG: Night Vision Goggles

OA: Operational Area

OER: Officer's Efficiency Report

OP: Observation Post

OPLAN: Operations Plan. This is the preliminary form of an OPORD.

OPORD: Operations Order. This is the directive derived from the OPLAN of how an operation is to be carried out. It's pretty much etched in stone.

PBL: Patrol Boat, Light

PC: Patrol Coastal vessel

PDQ: Pretty Damn Quick

PLF: Parachute Landing Fall

PO: Petty Officer (e. G., PO1C is Petty Officer First Class)

PT: Physical Training

RIB: Rigid Inflatable Boat

RPG: Rocket Propelled Grenade

RPM: Revolutions Per Minute

RTO: Radio Telephone Operator

SCPO: Senior Chief Petty Officer

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