eighteens from the local CVBG standing by if needed. They're due to arrive here early this evening.'
'What about medevac, sir?' Doc Bradley asked.
'That won't happen until the show comes to an end,' the Skipper said. 'You'll set up an aid station at that rear entrance close to Gomez and the SAW gunners. We'll bring any wounded down to you during the fighting. You'll have to do your best with 'em there until the situation is under control.'
Carey said, 'I might add that those carrier guys will also be able to plaster the front of the fortress, if it becomes necessary. However, don't forget the Army Rangers in your old trenches. They'll be keeping an eye on the enemy's front lines, so if you need their help, let 'em know. Any questions or comments about the air or fire support?
Okay, then. I'm going to jump to the exfiltration phase, since Lieutenant Brannigan will be covering the procedure you're going to use inside the fortress.' He checked his notes. 'When it is decided it is time for you to withdraw and you've pretty well shot the place up, you'll make a careful exit and head out the same way you entered. The AFSOC choppers will be in to pick you up. If things didn't go real well and you're under pressure, you'll have to fight a delaying action while you pull back. Once you're out in the open, those F/A-eighteens will be there to turn the back part of the mountain into molten lava. And, of course, the Air Force will make their usual timely appearance. So! I'll let your esteemed commanding officer take over now.'
Brannigan walked to the front of the room and gave his men a solemnly proud look. 'Guys, this is gonna be a fucking load. So be mentally prepared for it.' He walked to the wall, turning his laser pointer on the blueprint. 'Now you can tell there are eight--I say again, eight--bunkers inside this place. Each has two entrances, or exits, depending on which way you're going. One leads to the trenches and fighting positions outside and the other to that connecting tunnel within the mountain. It's those interiors we'll be wading through first. That means when you charge into one of those rat holes you'll be exposed to fire coming from outside. The advantage at that point is they'll be firing through a narrow opening.'
Matty Matsuno raised his hand. 'How's us headquarters weenies gonna be organized, sir?'
'Puglisi and Miskoski are gonna be my goons,' Brannigan replied. He looked at the two SEALs. 'That means you stick close to me. I'll be directing things and I'll need you two to cover my ass while my attention is directed elsewhere.'
'Aye, sir!' the pair responded.
Brannigan swung his eyes to Connie Concord. 'The Sneaky Petes are gonna be under your direct command. You'll be the last in the assault column. We'll let Assad be your grenade toter. I'll get to that part of the operation in a minute.'
'Understood, sir,' Connie acknowledged.
'Now, our basic procedure is going to be simple and calls for everyone to think fast and clearly,' Brannigan said. 'We'll all have to be adaptable because each time we hit a bunker the situation is gonna be different. Basically, here's how we'll do it. The team grenadier may not have his M-two-oh-three, but he'll be carrying four concussion grenades. These are something we normally don't deal with, since our application of handthrown explosive devices is to tear up living meat. However, Station Bravo sent some down from their prison.'
'What do they do, sir?' Puglisi asked, disappointed that they wouldn't necessarily 'whack' anybody.
'They have a stunning capability,' Brannigan said. 'The reason we chose them was to keep from having our own shrapnel whip back on us. I'd rather we got headaches then a bellyful of pellets or fragments. So each time the lead team comes to a bunker entrance, the grenadier tosses one in, and as soon as it goes off, the entire team charges into the interior. The backup team will then move to the entrance for support, being ready to rush in and lend a hand if necessary.'
Jim Cruiser was thoughtful. 'If each team has four concussion grenades, then we'll be carrying in a total of twenty-eight. That's more than enough. Hell, with eight bunkers that means we'll have more than three for each one.'
'Not if we have to take and retake some of those bunkers four or five times,' Brannigan said.
'Oh, shit!' Cruiser remarked.
'Yeah,' Brannigan said. 'Oh, shit.'
Ensign Orlando Taylor was leaning forward in his chair, his concentration and attitude showing he was looking forward to the coming action. 'You said we were going to do some battle drill, sir. What was that all about?'
'The Air Force has some unused storage sheds east of the landing strip,' Brannigan said. 'We'll use them as simulated bunkers and work out the best way to get the job done.' He looked at his watch. 'Well, we'll start right away. There's only about forty hours before we jump into the OA. Tomorrow we draw ammo, supplies, parachutes, and other goodies.' He nodded to Dawkins. 'Senior Chief, get the detachment outside.'
'Aye, sir!' Dawkins said. 'Off and on! Move it!'
Carey and Berringer watched the men get to their feet and move toward the exit. Berringer was more morose than normal, and he turned to his fellow staff officer, speaking in a low tone. 'I wonder how many of 'em are coming back, sir.'
'I don't even want to think about it.'
ENSIGN Orlando Taylor worked the toggles on his parachute by the book, and he stalled enough to land as gently as if he were stepping off a curb. He grinned happily and looked around to see if any of the others had seen this Class A act. The smile faded as he realized his triumph was not witnessed by any of the other SEALs, who had been occupied with their own PLFs.
A few more light skidding and thumping noises of others landing sounded before everyone was down. The jumpers quickly shucked their chutes and organized M-16s, bandoliers, and grenade pouches as they readied for the bloody job ahead. Within three minutes the detachment was formed up. CPO Matt Gunnarson and his SAW gunners, along with Doc Bradley and Frank Gomez, brought up the rear. Gomez had the combined twenty pounds of the Shadowfire radio and battery to lug, while Doc was burdened with extra medical gear he deemed would be necessary for the mission. He anticipated the worst-case scenario, with several badly wounded men to care for.
Up at the front, Garth Redhawk and Matty Matsuno acted as point, with Mike Assad and Dave Leibowitz backing them up. The middle of the column was formed by Lieutenant Jim Cruiser's First Section, Ensign Orlando Taylor's Second, and SCPO Buford Dawkins' Third. Lieutenant Bill Brannigan and Connie Concord had buddied up as Tail-End Charlies until they could rejoin the Sneaky Petes for the assault on the mountain fortress.
0105 HOURS
REDHAWK and Matsuno had the same deadly task as in the first HALO assault, but this time it would be in a different place. The original attack outflanked the southern enemy positions and worked its way down the Zaheya MLR. This time the two point guys would be taking out a guard or guards at the camouflaged entrance to the fortress interior. In fact, the Brigands would literally be going in through the back door.
It took twenty minutes of careful maneuvering to get into position to sight the ingress within the heavy thorn vegetation and boulders. The two SEALs' NVGs showed only one guard on duty, and he didn't seem to be too attentive to or concerned about the assignment. The ragheads obviously considered the place secure, and had posted a sentry simply because it was SOP to have someone at each entrance and exit. Redhawk and Matsuno had agreed that it was the Japanese-American's turn to tend to this latest unpleasant silent killing, and he pulled his K-Bar knife from its scabbard.
Matsuno moved softly through the darkness, working around a stand of tangled brush, then easing between a camouflage net and the mountainside. The dozing guard squatted at the entrance, facing forward with his back against a rocky outcrop. Matsuno moved in, bent down, and drove the sharp blade into the guy's throat, then pushed the blade sideways, slicing around to the jugular vein. The gurgling and gagging were muffled by the SEAL's hand and did not last long.
Matsuno spoke into his LASH. 'The entrance is cleared.'
Brannigan replied, 'We're moving up. Go ahead, First Section.'