Lifting well up the back of her dress, he exposed her legs and silken-covered posterior.
Giving her a resounding slap upon one of its delicately molded cheeks, he commanded her in rough tones to hurry yet more.
“Hurry, hurry,” he cried. “Don't be so slow. Can't you realize that this terrible suspense is killing me? My God, woman, always at the crucial moment you seem to fail me. Hurry, hurry! Off with those damned and blasted clothes! It is very rare that I lose my self-control thus, but this is with me a time when even an angel or a saint in heaven would abandon himself.
“Ye gods! How you do fumble! At any other time when it does not matter you can slip your clothing on and off as easily as a pair of gloves!
“But now, when the suspense reacts most violently upon me you need an entire century if not a millenium to remove one stitch of clothing!
“What, is that all you have got off so far?” he queried petulantly.
The unfortunate was in reality making very good speed, but to Lord Roxboro it seemed as if her garments were six inches thick and that she was moving with leaden hands.
Caroline solved the enigma!
This woman's peculiar ailment was a love of abuse! It seemed that she gloried in it! Probably it acted as a sexual stimulant upon her! Her remark to his lordship about not being able to, solved the problem for Caroline! She made haste to convey her deductions to Freda, who answered rather doubtfully:
“I never knew anyone like that.”
“You little goose, Freda,” whispered Caroline. “There are lots of things you do not know.”
“Well, keep quiet and watch, or at least let me watch,” said Freda.
At the conclusion of this remark they both reglued their eyes to their prospective peepholes and gazed with intent rapture upon the scene before them. His lordship was tearing and pulling at what little remained of her garments until she was almost in a perfectly nude state.
She had on an abbreviated pair of drawers, much smaller than the pair that Caroline had purchased under his lordship's orders, and a silken chemise that had been somewhat sadly torn by his lordship's eagerness to grasp and play with her breasts.
She still had on her silken stockings and fashionable shiny slippers, the stockings fastened by two elegant yellow silk bows.
These two silk bows were at the top. As his lordship swung her around, her chemise floated out and Caroline caught a glimpse of the hair that covered her abdomen.
“The hair! Freda! The hair!” she whispered excitedly. “She has hair all over her belly, look!”
It was indeed one! Mrs. Bates, or Ethel, had a most peculiar abnormality.
Her entire abdomen, from the lower extremity of her cleft up to the lower boundary of her wonderfully shaped breasts was covered thickly by a mass of glorious, delicately tinted hair!
The hair, while beautiful and feminine and truly suggestive of the forbidden things of life, was yet more simian than human in its abundance or rather superabundance.
Not merely did it stretch from her crack to her bubbies, but extended sideways also thinning out at the sides and being entirely absent at the center of the back.
It was a truly remarkable sight, especially to his lordship's two young nieces.
The girls glued their eyes to the peepholes not venturing to miss a single step of what was happening.
His lordship had by this time hoisted his fair charge upon the peculiar table and was engaged in fastening both legs to the holders that separated them widely.
A strap went around each ankle, pinioning it fast, and there was another for each arm.
Fastening these brought her middle high up, her private parts bared and completely opened for the girls' inspection.
The girls gazed intently at her twisting body and marveled that she could maintain this stretched position.
They could barely see her face as she twitched about. However, her genital organs were fully revealed beneath the bright light, and both girls closely examined them.
The pinken lips of Ethel's genitalia gaped slightly, the thick hair surmounting the roof, while a somewhat large buttonlike projection indicated her clitoris.
His lordship meanwhile was divesting himself of his raiment and was soon entirely nude.
Naturally the eyes of each girl snapped unto that hung pendulously from the center of his person.
They watched with wide-open eyes as it rose majestically into a proud upstanding cadetlike rod.
His lordship opened the handbag that Ethel had brought with her and dumped the contents onto the floor.
These contents surprised both of the girls greatly, being mostly harnesslike attachments and nickled instruments with rubber appurtenances.
He selected a long rubber hoselike affair with rubber cups on the ends and brought it close to Ethel, dangling it before her eyes as she lay there unable to move anything except her eyes.
“What is this, slut?” he demanded sternly, scowling at her.
By now Caroline surmised that he spoke in this harsh manner solely for the effect that it had on her.
Both of the girls strained close to the door in order to be as sure as possible to catch every word of the answer.
“It's an automatic pump,” she answered. “It is used in hospitals when women's breasts are dry. I found it in a shop a few weeks ago. It works by water power. You connect the center valve by means of a length of rubber tubing to the nearest faucet and turn on the water. The water causes a small pump to work which in turn causes a vacuum to be formed in the cups and when these cups are placed over a woman's breasts the flow of milk is promoted.”
“'I noticed the two cups,” said his lordship. “I suppose you have tried it out. I wonder what effect a little pumping will have on that little hot hole of yours if I connect this apparatus with your breasts. We shall see.”
Forthwith he attached the free end of the rubber tubing to one of the faucets over the hand basin and turned on the handle. Then, pressing the control in the middle of the main tube, a whirring sound and quivering of the cups resulted.
He shut it off and examined the two strings that he noticed fastened to the apparatus.
“I suppose,” he said, “in your spare moments you attached these cords to the cups thinking that it might please me to strap this affair around your breasts and let it whir an hour or two. I wonder what damnable ideas pass through your head when you are preparing this stuff for your own stimulation.”
“Oh, Emory,” breathed Ethel, twitching her legs, her eyes fastened on the whirring cups.
His lordship switched off the control and, passing the cord beneath her back, planted the two cups firmly over her nipples. He tied the cords tightly, his two patient though eager watchers following intently every step of this intriguing process. Then, standing beside the table, his engine of penetration coming before Ethel's face, he pressed it against her lips and she sucked it in.
Long and luxurious was the hair that covered her thickly from her secret parts to the lower boundaries of her breasts, its long silken waves of reddish hue rising from her wonderful pink flesh.
Evidently she was proud of it, and it was well taken care of. It was doubtless true, as his lordship said, that it was possible to braid it, and in some spots Caroline thought that she detected braided patches.
“Freda!” she breathed. “See, Freda!”
“I see, Caroline,” answered Freda impatiently.
The two watchers were having a time such as they had never experienced in their lives before. They watched and watched with the utmost concentration. They watched with the greatest of care each minute movement.
As Ethel wiggled and wormed, they felt strangely impelled to wiggle and worm with her in close sympathy. In fact, in addition to wiggling and worming in intimate sympathy with Ethel, both of them, especially Caroline, were ejaculating from the private organs in no uncertain way.
“Can you imagine such things,” murmured Caroline beneath her breath. “Why, I never even dreamed that such things could be possible.”
Ethel's open grotto was directly before them while his lordship's noble staff was still buried in her lips.
A whir and a leap from Ethel told them that he had started the pump and they watched her leap and quiver