2. As published in Songs of Experience. deleting two stanzas, and making a few verbal 1. Printed in Ernest de Selincourt's Early Letters changes, Wordsworth achieved the terse published of William and Dorothy Wordsivorth (1935). By form of his great dirge.



She lived among the untrodden ways Beside the springs of Dove, A maid whom there were none to praise, An d very few to love;

A violet by a mossy stone Half-hidden from the eye! Fair as a star when only one Is shining in the sky!

An d she was graceful as the broom That flowers by Carron's side;2 But slow distemper checked her bloom, And on the Heath she died.

Long time before her head lay low Dead to the world was she: But now she's in her grave, and Oh! Th e difference to me!

tFinal Version, 1800]3


She dwelt among th' untrodden ways Beside the springs of Dove, A Maid whom there were none to praise An d very few to love.

A Violet by a mossy stone Half-hidden from the Eye! ?Fair, as a star when only one Is shining in the sky!

She liv'd unknown, and few could know Whe n Lucy ceas'd to be; But she is in her Grave, and Oh! Th e difference to me.

LORD BYRON From Don Juan1 [First Draft: Canto 3, Stanza 9]

Life ij a pluy and men. All tragedies are finished by a death, All Comedies are ended by a marriage,

2. The Carron is a river in northwestern Scotland. 1. Reproduced from transcripts made of Byron's 'Broom' (preceding line) is a shrub with long slen-manuscripts in T. G. Steffan and W. W. Pratt, der branches and yellow flowers. Byron's 'Don Juan' (1957). The stanzas were pub3. As published in the second edition of Lyrical lished by Byron in their emended form. Ballads.



For Life caw go no furthor

There two form the last gasp of Pyimmn'r brinth

All furthor ic a blank?I rUcporpgc

Thut holy ifnfr?but cortainly beneath

Tho Sun?of human thingo ?

Tin ii 11 ii in Ipyrllrri) and hnnmn hrrnth

e. TUunu piiii>h tin L|ii^uilli uf liummi IjlLJlll. Or nnv The future states of both are left to faith,

T :fj rnH ' ' like nit to disparage

-Tin. For authors think description might disparage


Ti- 't?p' thnt ]?t' nr ? try tn ?]

With nith Jii III

lluil |||)I | I uf tlnj Cutliulii liiilli

.Moor go beyond unrl ? l-..^ coo? ^ fli-?if| mifirrinrr So dramaj clooc M'ith death or rrnttlnimiiiit fot life V1111:1 ? j

_T'-I '??? ' '-' ?' ? LLR

And lien describing lithu -

Jn MURB^AAJATTTNRN nf n iliinil MMJ* HI1 ..ill

A-'-'-?' ; u

The worlds to come of both?^for fall beneath, And frH' bufli tin nuildj would blomc thorn for miccnrringo

And then both worlds would punish their miscarriage?

-Go leaning buth with pi'ieat & prayerboult lead) *

So leaving f'lnrfl iimh n e<ich their Priest and prayerbook ready,

They say no more of death or of the Lady.

[First Draft: Canto 14, Stanza 95]

quote seldom

Alas! I opoalt by Experience?never yet X had a pjuinuui? Ulld I've had many? >l.l IIUI Jlliull

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