cheap seat in private theater, 6d.

'to see a dead Indian' (qtd. in

The Tempest),

1.25d. (ten 'doits')

play quarto, 6d.


coffee, Id. a dish

chicken, Is. 4d.

pound of tea, .3


falcon, .1 1 5s.

billiard table, .2 5

three-quarterlength portrait painting, .3 1

pamphlet, 1 to 6d.


1750 1815 1875 1950 'drunk for a ounce of laudapint of beer, pint of Guinpenny, dead drunk num, 3d. 3d. ness stout, for twopence' (gin lid . shop sign in Hogarth print) dinner at a steak-ha m and potato dinner in a pound of beef, house, Is. dinner for two, 7s. good hotel, 5s. 2s. 2d. pound of tea, 16s. Prince Regent's pound of tea, dinner on rail- dinner party for 2s. way car, 7s. 2000, .12.000 6d. theater tickets, 1 admission to Covtheater tickets, admission to to 5s. ent Garden thea6d. to 7s. Old Vic theater, 1 to 7s. ter, Is. 6d. to 10s. 6d. admission to Vauxannual subscripadmission to admission to hall Gardens, Is. tion to Almack's Mada m Tus-Odeon cin( exclusive club), 10 saud's ema, Man - guineas waxworks, Is. chester, Is. 3d. lottery ticket, .2 0 Jane Austen's annual fees at tropical fish (shares were sold) piano, 30 guineas a gentleman's tank, .4 4s. club, 7-1 0 guineas issue of The Genissue of Edinburgh copy of The copy of The tleman's Magazine, Review, 6s. Times, 3d. Times, 3d. 6d.


circa 1390 1590 1650 a Latin Bible, 2 Shakespeare's First student Bible, 6s. to .4 Foiio (1623), .1 payment for Foxe's Acts and Hobbes's Leviailluminating a Monuments, 24s. than, 8s. liturgical book, .2 2 9s. transportation night's supply of wherry (whole day's journey, hay for horse, boat) across coach, 10s. 2d. Thames, Id. coach, .8 hiring a horse for coach horse, .3 0 a day, 12d. quality horse, hiring a coach for fancy carriage, .1 0 ' a day, 10s. .17 0 clothes clothing allow-shoes with buckfootman's frieze ance for peas-Ies, 8d. coat, 15s. ant, 3s. a year



cheap edition of

Milton, 2s.

Johnson's Dictionary, folio, 2 vols., .4 10s.

boat across

Thames, 4d.

coach fare, London to Edinburgh, .4 10s.

transport to America, .5

worldng woman's gown, 6s. 6d.

1815 1875 1950 membership in cirillustrated ediissue of Eagle culating library tion of comics, 4.5d. (3rd class), .1 4s. Through the a year Looking-glass, 6s. 1st edition of Aus1st edition of Orwell's Nine- ten's Pride and Trollope's The teen Eighty Prejudice, 18s. Way We Live Four, paper- Now, 2 vols., back, 3s. 6d. . 1 Is. coach ride, out15- minute London tube side, 2 to 3d. a journey in a fare, about 2d. mile; inside, 4 to London cab, a mile 5d. a mile Is. 6d. palanquin trans-railway, 3rd petrol, 3s. a port in Madras, 5s. class, London gallon a day to Plymouth, 18s. 8d. (about Id. a mile) passage, Liverpool passage to midsize Austin to Ne w York, .1 0 India, 1st class, sedan, .449 .5 0 plus .18 8 4s. 2d. tax checked muslin, flannel for a woman s sun 7s. per yard cheap pettifrock, .3 13s. coat, Is. 3d. a lOd. yard


circa 1390 1590 1650 1750 1815 1875 1950 shoes for gentry wearer, 4d. woman's. 1 5s. gloves, falconer's10s. hat, gentleman's.8 suit, hiring a dressmaker for a pelisse, 8s. overcoat for an Eton schoolboy, .1 Is. tweedjacket, 6d. sports .3 16s. hat forwearer, gentry lOd. fine cloak, .1 6 black cloth for mourning household of an earl, .10 0 very fine wig, .3 0 ladies silkings, 12s. stock-set ofteeth, false .2 10s. 'Teddy boy' drape suit, .2 0 labor/incomes hiring a skilled building worker, 4d 4d4d . .. a aa da dada y yy actor's daily wage during playing season, Is. agricultural laborer, 6s. week 5d. a price.3 2 of boy slave, lowest-paid sailor on Royal Navy ship, 10s. 9d. a month seasonalcultural laborer, week agri14s. a minimu m wage, agricultural laborer, . 4 14s. per 47hour week wage for professional scribe, .2 3s. 4d. a year + cloak household servant 2 to .5 a year + food, clothing tutor to noble- man's children, .3 0 a year housemaid's wage, .6 to .8 a year contributor to Quarterly Review, 10 guineas per sheet housemaid's wage, .1 0 to .2 5 a year shorthand typist, .36 7 a year minimu m income to be called gentleman, .1 0 a year; for knighthood, 40 to .40 0 minimu m income for eligibility for knighthood, .3 0 a year Milton's salary as Secretary of Foreign Tongues, .28 8 a year Boswell's allowance, .20 0 a year minimu m income for a 'genteel' family, .10 0 a year income of the 'comfortable' classes, .800 and up a year middle manager's salary, .1,48 0 a year income from land of richest magnates, .3,500 a year income from land of average earl, .4000 a year Earl of Bedford's income, .8,000 a year Duke of Newcastle's income, .40,000 a year Mr. Darcy's income, Pride and Prejudice, .10,000 Trollope's income, .4,000 a year barrister's salary, .2,032 a year


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