_____, “The Tides of the Heart,” Realms of Fantasy, June.

Marissa Lingen, “Some of Them Closer,” Analog, January/February.

Kelly Link, “Valley of the Girls,” Subterranean, Summer.

Ken Liu, “Altogether Elsewhere, Vast Herds of Reindeer,” F&SF, May/June.

_____, “The Countable,” Asimov’s, December.

_____, “The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary,” Panverse Three.

_____, “The Paper Menagerie,” F&SF, March/April.

_____, “Real Artists,” TRSF.

_____, “Simulacrum,” Lightspeed, February.

_____, “Staying Behind,” Clarkesworld, October.

_____, “Tying Knots,” Clarkesworld, January.

Richard A. Lovett, “Jak and the Beanstalk,” Analog, July/August.

Will Ludwigsen, “We Were Wonder Scouts,” Asimov’s, August.

Richard Lupoff, “12:02 P.M.,” F&SF, January/February.

Jeffrey Lyman, “The Hanged Poet,” OSCIMS, June.

Pat MacEwan, “Home Sweet Bi’ome,” F&SF, January/February.

Ken MacLeod, “The Best Science Fiction of the Year Three,” Solaris Rising.

_____, “The Surface of Last Scattering,” TRSF.

Ian R. MacLeod, “The Crane Method,” Subterranean, Spring.

Emily Mah, “The River People,” Black Gate, Spring.

Geoffrey Maloney, “Mr. Morrow Becomes Acquainted with the Delicate Art of Squid Keeping,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, March.

Daniel Marcus, “Bright Moment,” F&SF, September/October.

Bruce McAllister, “The Messenger,” Asimov’s, July.

Tim McDaniel, “Brother Sleep,” Asimov’s, February.

Ian McDonald, “A Smart Well-Mannered Uprising of the Dead,” Solaris Rising.

Ian McHugh, “Boumee and the Apes,” Analog, May.

_____, “The Godbreaker of Seggau-Li,” Andromeda Spaceways 50.

_____, “Interloper,” Asimov’s, January.

Maureen McHugh, “The Effects of Centrifugal Forces,” After the Apocalypse.

Sean McMullen, “Enigma,” Analog, January/February.

Greg Mellor, “Day Break,” Cosmos, April/May.

Erick Melton, “Shadow Angel,” Asimov’s, September.

China Mieville, “Covehithe,” The Guardian, April 22.

Eugene Mirabelli, “The Pastry Chef, the Nanotechnologist, the Aerobics Instructor, and the Plumber,” Asimov’s, October/November.

Judith Moffett, “The Middle of Somewhere,” Welcome to the Greenhouse.

Sarah Monette, “The Devil in Gaylord’s Creek,” Fantasy, May.

R. Neube, “Grandma Said,” Asimov’s, September.

Alec Nevala-Lee, “Kawataro,” Analog, June.

Larry Niven, “The Artists,” Subterranean, Winter.

Garth Nix, “The Curious Case of the Mondawn Daffodils Murder as Experienced by Sir Magnus Holmes and Almost-Doctor Susan Shirke,” Ghosts by Gaslight.

Rick Norwood, “Long Time,” F&SF, January/February.

Naomi Novik, “Priced to Sell,” Naked City.

Nnedi Okorafor, “The Book of Phoenix (Excerpted from The Great Book),” Clarkesworld, March.

An Owomoyele, “All That Touches the Air,” Lightspeed, April.

_____, “Frozen Voice,” Clarkesworld, July

_____, “God in the Sky,” Asimov’s, March.

Stephen Palmer, “Eluna,” Solaris Rising.

Suzanne Palmer, “The Ceiling Is Sky,” Interzone 234.

Paul Park, “Mysteries of the Old Quarter,” Ghosts by Gaslight.

K. J. Parker, “A Room with a View,” Subterranean Dark Fantasy 2.

_____, “A Small Price to Pay for Birdsong,” Subterranean, Winter.

Richard Parks, “The Ghost of Shinoda Forest,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, February.

_____, “The Swan Troika,” Realms of Fantasy, February.

_____, “The Tiger’s Turn,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, October.

Norman Partridge, “Vampire Lake,” Subterreanean Dark Fantasy 2.

Lawrence Person, “The Dog Parade,” Postscripts 24/25.

Tony Pi, “We Who Steal Faces,” OSCIMS, April.

Steven Popkes, “Agent of Change,” F&SF, May/June.

Tim Pratt, “Antiquities and Tangibles,” Subterranean, Fall.

_____, “The Secret Beach,” Fantasy, October.

William Preston, “Clockworks,” Asimov’s, April/May.

Hannu Rajaniemi, “The Server and the Dragon,” Engineering Infinity.

Cat Rambo, “Bots D’Amor,” Abyss & Apex, 2nd Quarter.

_____, “The Immortality Game,” Fantasy, June.

_____, “Karaluvian Fale,” GigaNotoSaurus, February.

_____, “Long Enough and Just So Long,” Lightspeed, February.

_____, “Whose Face This Is I Don’t Know,” Clarkesworld, May.

Kit Reed, “The Outside Event,” Asimov’s, October/November.

Robert Reed, “Euphoria,” Postscripts 24/25.

_____, “Mantis,” Engineering Infinity.

_____, “Our Candidate,” Tor.com.

_____, “Pack,” Clarkesworld, September.

_____, “Purple,” Asimov’s, March.

_____, “Stalker,” Asimov’s, September.

_____, “Swingers,” Tor.com, August 24.

_____, “Woman Leaves Room,” Lightspeed, March.

Mike Resnick, “The Homecoming,” Asimov’s, April/May.

_____, “Shaka II,” Subterranean, Fall.

_____& Laurie Tom, “Mooncakes,” Solaris Rising.

Alastair Reynolds, “For the Ages,” Solaris Rising.

_____, “The Old Man and the Martian Sea,” Life on Mars.

M. Rickert, “The Corpse Painter’s Masterpiece,” F&SF, September/October.

Kate Riedel, “The Man Who Loved His Work,” On Spec, Winter.

Mecurio D. Rivera, “For Love’s Delirium Haunts the Fractured Mind,” Interzone 235.

_____, “Tethered,” Interzone 236.

Chris Roberson, “LARP on Mars,” Life on Mars.

Adam Roberts, “Shall I Tell You the Problem with Time Travel?” Solaris Rising.

_____, “Thrownness,” Postscripts 24/25.

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