“We travelled all this way and now going we’re going all the way back,” whispered Taylor.
“I have no doubt we will be back shortly.”
Taylor hoped not. He was fully intending to recommend destroying the gateway and the enemy’s access point to the Solar System. He imagined he was going back to Earth for good, but the possibility of other paths was quite frightening.
“You know we fought and won on our own soil, who is to say what lies beyond that gateway?” he asked.
She nodded in agreement.
“Have Jafar join us. Have Tsengal join Captain Jackson aboard the gateway. They might be able to help at both ends.”
They arrived in the docking bay where the Deveron still lay to find Captain Ryan with his feet up, playing a game of cards with his bridge crew in the vast docking area. They had stacked up some crates to make a table and used others for seats. Ryan looked genuinely surprised to see them approaching.
“Every time I see the two of you, it always means we’re heading for trouble,” he jested.
“Not this time. We’re heading home to report on everything we have seen, and you’re our chauffeur,” Chandra answered.
Jones briskly rushed into the room with his troops in tow. He held his rifle at the ready as if he expected a fight. Chandra was glad to see he was naturally as cautious and ready as ever. He relaxed as he approached and saw their casual conversation.
“We’re heading back to Earth, Charlie. I am leaving you in charge of our forces on the Washington. Captain Jackson will be your second and preside over any duties aboard the gateway.”
Jones looked confused by the news.
“The fleet is staying here. We’re reporting back, and we’ll see where this goes. Have your men get aboard the Deveron and prepare for departure. We will return in a month’s time, perhaps more.”
She could see he had many more questions, but he didn’t waste time asking them. He turned and sent the troops forward into the Deveron before making his goodbyes. She didn’t like leaving almost everyone she knew at the enemy gateway, knowing that at anytime a fleet may come through it.
“Good luck,” he said.
She turned to Ryan.
Have your crew square away. We’re heading for Earth.”
Chapter 5
The Journey home was even more tedious and mind numbing than the route they had taken to find the gateway. Chandra and Taylor were sat on the bridge, both knowing they would soon see their home. Up ahead, the Moon shone brightly like a beacon calling them back. As they drew nearer, a transmission came in.
“Deveron, this is Commander Kelly.”
A video display flickered to life. The battle-hardened officer displayed a smile as he could clearly see Taylor and Chandra on the screen.
“Good to see you again, Sir,” replied Chandra.
“Likewise,” followed Taylor.
The Commander was displayed on a small projection beside the larger view of the Moon before them. As they drew nearer at a rapid speed, they could see a mass of ships orbiting the Colony.
“You see them, don’t you?”
“Sir?” asked Chandra curiously.
“The next battle group, and almost ready to join you.”
They could make out fifty ships already. The massive dockyard of the Colony was packed with hulls and partially completed ships. They could see many of the craft were freighters that had previously been used to transport goods and people between Earth and the Moon. Others were exploring vessels. All had been undergoing a refit to prepare themselves for military service. The vast fleet dwarfed what they had led out to the gateway only a month before.
“My God, how did you do it?” asked Taylor.
“Not alone,” he replied. “The powers of Earth have combined to work hand-in-hand around the clock. These are wartime conditions. You would be amazed at what can be achieved when things are desperate.”
“Ain’t that the truth?” Taylor added.
“We have all heard the news of your defeat of the enemy fleet. Congratulations on your victory.”
“Thank you, Sir, but it was not without loss.”
“It never is, Colonel. I have been called to an emergency meeting on Earth, along with our Prime Minister. I assume that has something to do with your arrival?”
“I believe so,” replied Chandra.
“Then I’ll see you both shortly. Good seeing you again.”
The transmission cut out, and Taylor remember just how thankful he was to have made an ally of Kelly.
A few hours later, they were making their descent to Camp Pendleton where they could see dozens of civilian transports lined up in the main landing zone, awaiting their arrival. There was no victory parade organised for their landing, only an officer and few guards to escort them to inside the main conference hall.
“Not much of a warm welcome,” said Taylor.
“What were you expecting, the President to be there to give you a medal? We won an important victory at the gateway, but it is only the first step.”
Upon landing, they were greeting with an abrupt ‘follow us’. The soldiers parted Taylor and Chandra from the others who were clearly not allowed to follow them inside.
“I have been lumped in with these kind of talks before,” Taylor said quietly. “They are long, tedious and rarely take any heed of advice from people like us.”
“Maybe you just didn’t tell them the right things.”
Taylor grinned and laughed just a little.
They were led into the conference hall where world and military leaders from all major powers had assembled. It was an intimidating sight for the two of them. Taylor always hated the formality used in politics and the higher-ranking officials. They were announced and then asked for an immediate report of the events they had taken part in. For two hours, the crowd listened intently with Chandra doing almost all of the talking. General White finally stood up as they drew to a close.
“Thank you, Colonel, and you Major. You may take a seat.”
The General strolled up to their position at the front to address the crowd. He had become one of the key faces in the war against the alien invaders and had naturally risen to the task of administering the conference.
“Shortly before your arrival here, we received a transmission from the Washington that the scientist Doctor Reiter believes it unsafe to attempt to dismantle or destroy the space gateway. He believes that such tampering could have cataclysmic effects for our Solar System. Essentially, we do not know enough about the technology to attempt such a feat. He does, however, believe its operation is very simple.”
Taylor turned in shock, but it was clear that the rest of the audience had already been informed of this information.
“I believed from the very start, as did many of my staff, that all attempts should be made to destroy any route into our Solar System. That option having been taken off the table, we are now at a fork in the road. If we cannot stop them coming here, we must either take a defensive strategy, and prepare for a future attack, or take the fight to the enemy. My opinion, ladies and gentlemen, is that we should not stand back and hope for the best. I believe we should step through into their world and stick it to ‘em whilst they’re on the run.”
“Thank you, General.”
The President of the United States, Adrian Walters, stood up and took the floor.
“We have all suffered a great deal in this war. The world has suffered to the degree that it will never be the