Her only knowledge of the night was through her bedroom window in front of which she often stood staring at nothingness, wondering what matter of creatures scurried about cloaked in shadows. Even if she left, she would most likely not find her way home. And what’s more, she could not lie to herself. The blunt truth was that she was afraid and would not dare venture out.

“I don’t have a choice but to stay in this dreadful place with you, tonight. Come first light, I shall be on my way home vampires or no vampires.” She would not display weakness in front of this frog, though if she were staring in a mirror, she’d have no recourse but to confess that her vulnerability was already known to him.

“Not without first giving me what I desire,” he said.

“Ah…yes, I admit to secretly hoping that you had forgotten.” Ludicrous that she thought that for even a second. This was one determined talking frog. He had actually pulled her up from a well. How was that possible? Oh, yes, magic. She’d have to question him further…never mind, right now, she was faced with learning what it was that he so desired from her.

“I can’t blame you. You’ve had quite a night and we’re still many hours from daylight. No telling what else awaits you,” he said.

Yawning, she said, “Do tell me what it is you want before sleep overtakes me.” She was not tired at all but hoped that her fake need for slumber would cause him to put off his declaration until morning when she could leave and never have to see him again.

“It’s simple. I desire you,” he said, smirking.

She let out a laugh. Indeed, the night had more strange events to unveil. “I see. What exactly does that mean?” Honestly, she wanted to walk right over to a wall and beat her head against it. Better still, she wanted to pick up the frog and fling him against it.

“A witch cursed me. Turned me from a man to a frog. All because I would not lie with her. Despicable witch.”

“Are you serious?” She laughed again, this time louder. “A witch cursed you because you would not lie with her? Oh my, you must be…hmm, quite a man that you were so wanted.”

“Don’t mock me, spoiled princess. I have saved you twice this night.”

“Yes, yes, you have already reminded me of such. Why would a witch want to lie with you?”

Witches unlike vampires were without doubt real creatures who lived high in the mountains of Barmoth. Secretive and territorial, they kept to themselves, never bothering anyone unless they felt threatened or…ah yes, they fancied something from someone. In both cases, a person was doomed. Going against a witch was never, ever a good idea. A curse was sure to fall upon anyone who threatened a witch or refused to surrender whatever a witch wanted.

“I suppose she found me enchanting and yes, perhaps unbelievably handsome.”

“If you keep talking my stomach will burst from laughter.”

“I have the ability to enchant. Do not be so quick to dismiss me.”

“All right, dear enchanting frog, do you mean for me to lie with you?” Feeling one of her head pains coming, she massaged her forehead and sighed.

“Kiss me first and yes, then, lie with me,” he said as if the words that had just left his mouth were as natural as inviting her for a stroll in a garden.

Knowing she was going to spend the night in the middle of the forest with a talking frog enticed her sense of humor. She decided to play along with him. “You’re a frog. How do you suppose we’re to lie together?”

“Kiss me and you will see me changed. The witch’s curse will be broken once I lie with a princess.”

It was all too much for Lela. Yet, a part of her was intrigued. She could not deny her curiosity. “Fine little frog. I shall kiss you, but I will not lie with you.”

“Very well,” he said. “A kiss then?”

She held out her hands. He hopped into them. Bringing him to her lips, she kissed him on the top of his head.

Seconds later, he transformed into a man right in front of her. A dizzy spell overtook her and she stumbled.

“I was not lying, princess,” he said, catching her before she landed on the floor.

She wished she were home sipping her evening tea.

“Don’t be afraid of me,” he said, helping her to her feet.

“This isn’t happening,” she said, once she had regained her balance.

“You believe in witches, do you not?”

She opened her mouth to speak but held back her words.

“Well, what is your answer?” he asked.

“Of course I believe in them,” she said, staring at him. “I’ll admit that you’re…well, okay, somewhat handsome but enchanting…so much so that a witch placed a cursed on you for not lying with her?” She wasn’t about to let him know that he was undeniably the most good looking man she had ever seen. Tall, dark hair, dark eyes and pale skin…indeed he was striking.

“Will you lie with me?” he asked, softly.

She was still a virgin despite the many advances from her father’s men.

“Why should I? My kiss broke the spell.” Her head hurt.

“It won’t last. Come morning I shall become a frog again unless you lie with me.”

“You expect me to believe you? I shall fall down laughing.”

He took her hand in his. “I beg you.”

His touch sent heat through her. Brushing his hand aside, she said, “How old are you?”

“Twenty-two,” he said, reaching for her hand again.

For an unexplainable reason she did not refuse his touch. The warmth she was feeling settled between her legs and she thought she would faint. What was happening to her? She could not explain her feelings.

“I will be gentle,” he said, kissing her hand. “I promise.”

“I have never…”

“I won’t hurt you. Will you lie with me?” He brought his hand to her face and caressed her cheek.

Blessed Gods, she wanted him. She moved his hand down to her stomach.

“I must know your answer,” he whispered into her ear, lowering his hand between her inner thighs.

Lela knew she would regret this…yes, nothing good would come from what she was about to do. But right at that moment, she didn’t care. Containing her sanity, she answered, “Yes.”

She pressed her back against a wall.

“Have you changed your mind?” he asked.

She answered him by removing her cloak and then shedding her dress.

“Sweet princess,” he said, approaching her.

“May I know your name?” she asked.

He kissed her breasts.

“Eldrich,” he said, raising his lips to her mouth.

“You have enchanted me,” she said, whimpering.

Pulling his lips away, he said, “And you me.”

“Remove your trousers,” she said.

“Do you want me inside of you?” he asked, obeying her command.

What she was feeling was pure desire, nothing more nothing less. Quivering, she said, “I beg you.”

“And if I refuse?” he asked.

He was a cruel creature. “I will fall dead.”

He lifted her arms above her head and pushed his body against her.

“I beg you,” she said again.

“Not yet,” he whispered.

“You’re unkind.”

“Sweet princess,” he said as they both slid to the floor.

He placed her on her back.

“Who are you that I so want you?” she asked.

“Your prince, now and forever,” he said, his weight on her.

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