Fin-Maskar - Coastal tribe. Herders and fishermen, one of the wealthiest of Khurish tribes.
Hachakee - Their territory lies south of Khuri-Khan. Highly-skilled horse-breeders.
Khur - Tribe of the royal house of Khur. Native territory, the eastern desert to the sea.
Mayakhur - From the far south of Khur. Smallest of the tribes, renowned for their tracking skills.
Mikku - Their territory is north of Khuri-Khan. Frequent suppliers of mercenaries to Neraka and the Khan’s army.
Tondoon - Their territory is west of Khuri-Khan. Largest tribe in Khur.
Weya-Lu - Their territory is in northwest Khur, between Khuri-Khan and Kortal.
Khurs worship a legion of gods and demi-gods only vaguely familiar to outsiders, and nomad deities vary from those worshiped by city dwellers. The following seem to be the most frequently mentioned:
Eldin the Judge - High god of nomads.
Elir-Sana - The divine healer, bringer of plenty; may equate to Mishakal.
Torghan, the Avenger - God of vengeance; may equate to Sargonnas.
Kargath the Warrior - May equate to Kiri-Jolith.
Rakaris the Hunter - Patron deity of hunters and predators; may equate to Chislev.
Anthor the Hermit - God scholars, poets, and dreamers; usually equated with Majere.
Hab’rar the Messenger - Carrier of the winds; thought to be Habbakuk.
Soro the Firemaker - God hearth and home. May equate to Sirrion.
Ayyan the Deceiver - Goddess of darkness.