four positioned for the first pass.
The show was routine as military flight demonstrations go-but impressive nonetheless. The Tigershark's performance was dramatically illustrated as the first soloist flew across the field in landing configuration at 140 knots. His partner overtook him from behind at 450 knots, lit the afterburner, and rocketed into a series of vertical rolls almost out of sight.
The first solo pilot had positioned himself for a low pass at Mach.92. Many of the spectators never had experienced the phenomenon of near-supersonic flight, and the effortless grace of the Northrop's passing-split seconds ahead of its own sound-prompted murmurs in the stands.
There followed a demonstration of the F-20's low-level maneuverability. The second solo pilot screeched over the field at 510 knots, lit his afterburner, and rolled into a vertical bank. Pulling a constant six Gs around the turn, he made two circuits-720 degrees-then climbed straight up. He was joined overhead by his partner, awaiting the diamond four.
As the six jets touched down and taxied to the ramp, knowing glances were exchanged among the IPs.
Bennett picked up a valise and walked to the announcer's stand.
He arrived just in time, as the young Saudi announcer was sticking to the schedule his notes required. Mounting the platform, Bennett looked at the crowd. Standing behind him were the students, arrayed in perfectly ordered rows.
The announcer briefly introduced Bennett, then handed him the microphone. Addressing the king, Bennett spoke slowly and clearly for the benefit of all present. 'Your Majesty, it is my privilege to present to you the graduates whom we honor today. These young men have worked as hard to earn their wings as any pilots I have known in any nation. We, their instructors, are immensely proud of them. '
The king, striding forward, seemed to glide in his elegant robes.
He warmly shook Bennett's hand and, in precise English, said, 'Colonel Bennett, your organization also is honored this day. You have completed the training of the first class on schedule, and we acknowledge the second and third classes which will graduate later this year. You gentlemen from the United States and Great Britain have accomplished all that you set out to do. I have no doubt that your professionalism will be admired by all those present today.'
Bennett recognized the latter statement as a mild rebuke to the doubters who insisted the accelerated schedule could not be accomplished. The king now regarded Tiger Force as his own, and no one could deny that the program had succeeded. The first class had achieved the equivalent of more than two and one-half years work in barely two, including indoctrination and preflight.
The instructor for each section of students stood by the rostrum as the announcer called each name in turn. Flanked by his IP, the student watched as the sovereign picked a set of wings from the large felt pillow and pinned them on the khaki uniform. A hearty handshake, a few heartfelt words in Arabic, and the young man stepped off the platform as a commissioned officer.
Bennett took a moment to speak to most of the students. He made a special point of talking to Rajid Hamir and Ahnas Menaf. Each had been identified as potential leadership material. Menaf, more self-confident than most, was among the best stick-and-rudder men in the class. He would go directly to work in the instructor's class, ready to pick up the third class late in its syllabus.
Bennett naturally warmed to Hamir. Clasping the twenty-one-year-old's hand, he could not conceal his pride. 'Mr. Hamir-Rajid-you can be proud of yourself. You've done very well in training and I think you'll have a fine career.'
The young man smiled shyly, blinking back the emotion he felt.
He introduced his father and brothers. Bennett was surprised when Rajid mentioned his fiancee. There had been no previous indication the young man intended to marry. Eventually Bennett added it up:
The marriage had been arranged when the couple still were children. He did not realize such things still were done.
'Thank you, sir. She will be a good mother for my sons and I hope she will be happy as a fighter pilot's wife.' Rajid looked left and right, then leaned close. 'Even if it may not be what she hoped for.'
Bennett thought better of pursuing that line of conversation.
'You know that after your first squadron tour you'll return as an instructor if the force needs to expand.'
'Yes, sir. I am pleased with both opportunities.'
'Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence and the other IPs selected eight of you for that duty. We have warned everyone against overconfidence; there's still eight months of operational training in the squadron, and flight leader upgrade. But pilots like you and Mr. Menaf-excuse me,
It was late afternoon before Bennett and most of the IPs could disengage from the reception and displays. Two F-20s, including 001, were available for inspection while student pilots from Class Two took turns answering the litany of questions. Bennett had just untangled himself from the French air attache to Saudi Arabia when Lawrence tapped him on the shoulder.
'Somebody's looking for you.'
'Is that good or bad?'
The blue eyes sparkled. 'Oh, I'd say good-very good.' He pointed to a comer of the hangar. 'Close enough for a visual?'
'Affirmative. '
Claudia only recognized Bennett as he drew near. She had never seen him in flight suit and ballcap-somehow he seemed to belong in those clothes, in this place. She extended her hand.
Bennett resisted the urge to hug her. It was not permitted in public. 'Claudia., I'm really glad you could make it. I got your note. '
'It was uncertain until almost the last minute. But Mr. Houston had to represent the ambassador so I hitched a ride.' She shifted her glance. 'Do you know Colonel Mallon? Glen, this is John Bennett.'
The Air Force officer shook hands with Bennett. 'Sure, we've talked a couple of times at the attache's office. You've done a fine job here, Commander.' An earnest smile. 'Wish I could trade my desk for one of those F-20s. '
Bennett appreciated another airman's discomfiture with a ground job. 'Don't you get to fly?'
'Not nearly enough. I was an Eagle driver at Langley, long ago and far away. Sometimes I beg a ride with the local sports, but it's not the same.' Bennett liked Glen Mallon.
The attache glanced at Claudia and set his lemonade on a tray.
'I'd best mingle with the politicos. See you both later.' Bennett decided Mallon would have to take an F-20 ride soon.
'Can you stay for a while, Claudia?'
Her voice was low, almost conspiratorial. 'I arranged to stay for two days. The others are leaving tomorrow morning. I'll have to write a report on the trade mission here, but I can do that from memory. Besides, the embassy feels guilty about asking me to postpone my vacation. I planned to spend my fortieth birthday with my parents but we're short-handed.'
Bennett had almost forgotten-9 October was two days away.
'That settles it, then. You'll have your birthday cake here. The IPs and some maintenance guys are celebrating graduation tonight. Can you come?'
'Are women allowed? I mean, how much mingling can you do?'
Bennett laughed.
Claudia seemed relieved. 'So I wouldn't be the only woman?'
Bennett leaned close. 'You are the only woman for me.'
'You know that's not what I mean.' Her face reddened.
“All right. There are a few wives, too, mainly Brits.'