To very many persons the thoughts I have uttered here and in 'The Kreutzer Sonata' will seem strange, vague, even contradictory. They certainly do contradict, not each other, but the whole tenor of our lives, and involuntarily a doubt arises, 'on which side is truth,—on the side of the thoughts which seem true and well-founded, or on the side of the lives of others and myself?' I, too, was weighed down by that same doubt when writing 'The Kreutzer Sonata.' I had not the faintest presentiment that the train of thought I had started would lead me whither it did. I was terrified by my own conclusion, and I was at first disposed to reject it, but it was impossible not to hearken to the voice of my reason and my conscience. And so, strange though they may appear to many, opposed as they undoubtedly are to the trend and tenor of our lives, and incompatible though they may prove with what I have heretofore thought and uttered, I have no choice but to accept them. 'But man is weak,' people will object. 'His task should be regulated by his strength.'

This is tantamount to saying, 'My hand is weak. I cannot draw a straight line,—that is, a line which will be the shortest line between two given points,—and so, in order to make it more easy for myself, I, intending to draw a straight, will choose for my model a crooked line.'

The weaker my hand, the greater the need that my model should be perfect.



Copyright, 1891, by CHAS. L. WEBSTER & CO.


In a certain kingdom there lived a rich peasant, who had three sons—Simeon (a soldier), Tarras-Briukhan (fat man), and Ivan (a fool)—and one daughter, Milania, born dumb. Simeon went to war, to serve the Czar; Tarras went to a city and became a merchant; and Ivan, with his sister, remained at home to work on the farm.

For his valiant service in the army, Simeon received an estate with high rank, and married a noble's daughter. Besides his large pay, he was in receipt of a handsome income from his estate; yet he was unable to make ends meet. What the husband saved, the wife wasted in extravagance. One day Simeon went to the estate to collect his income, when the steward informed him that there was no income, saying:

'We have neither horses, cows, fishing-nets, nor implements; it is necessary first to buy everything, and then to look for income.'

Simeon thereupon went to his father and said:

'You are rich, batiushka [little father], but you have given nothing to me. Give me one-third of what you possess as my share, and I will transfer it to my estate.'

The old man replied: 'You did not help to bring prosperity to our household. For what reason, then, should you now demand the third part of everything? It would be unjust to Ivan and his sister.'

'Yes,' said Simeon; 'but he is a fool, and she was born dumb. What need have they of anything?'

'See what Ivan will say.'

Ivan's reply was: 'Well, let him take his share.'

Simeon took the portion allotted to him, and went again to serve in the army.

Tarras also met with success. He became rich and married a merchant's daughter, but even this failed to satisfy his desires, and he also went to his father and said, 'Give me my share.'

The old man, however, refused to comply with his request, saying: 'You had no hand in the accumulation of our property, and what our household contains is the result of Ivan's hard work. It would be unjust,' he repeated, 'to Ivan and his sister.'

Tarras replied: 'But he does not need it. He is a fool, and cannot marry, for no one will have him; and sister does not require anything, for she was born dumb.' Turning then to Ivan he continued: 'Give me half the grain you have, and I will not touch the implements or fishing-nets; and from the cattle I will take only the dark mare, as she is not fit to plow.'

Ivan laughed and said: 'Well, I will go and arrange matters so that Tarras may have his share,' whereupon Tarras took the brown mare with the grain to town, leaving Ivan with one old horse to work on as before and support his father, mother, and sister.


It was disappointing to the Stary Tchert (Old Devil) that the brothers did not quarrel over the division of the property, and that they separated peacefully; and he cried out, calling his three small devils (Tchertionki).

'See here,' said he, 'there are living three brothers—Simeon the soldier, Tarras-Briukhan, and Ivan the Fool. It is necessary that they should quarrel. Now they live peacefully, and enjoy each other's hospitality. The Fool spoiled all my plans. Now you three go and work with them in such a manner that they will be ready to tear each other's eyes out. Can you do this?'

'We can,' they replied.

'How will you accomplish it?'

'In this way: We will first ruin them to such an extent that they will have nothing to eat, and we will then gather them together in one place where we are sure that they will fight.'

'Very well; I see you understand your business. Go, and do not return to me until you have created a feud between the three brothers—or I will skin you alive.'

The three small devils went to a swamp to consult as to the best means of accomplishing their mission. They disputed for a long time—each one wanting the easiest part of the work—and not being able to agree, concluded to draw lots; by which it was decided that the one who was first finished had to come and help the others. This agreement being entered into, they appointed a time when they were again to meet in the swamp—to find out who was through and who needed assistance.

The time having arrived, the young devils met in the swamp as agreed, when each related his experience. The first, who went to Simeon, said: 'I have succeeded in my undertaking, and to-morrow Simeon returns to his father.'

His comrades, eager for particulars, inquired how he had done it.

'Well,' he began, 'the first thing I did was to blow some courage into his veins, and, on the strength of it, Simeon went to the Czar and offered to conquer the whole world for him. The Emperor made him commander-in- chief of the forces, and sent him with an army to fight the Viceroy of India. Having started on their mission of conquest, they were unaware that I, following in their wake, had wet all their powder. I also went to the Indian ruler and showed him how I could create numberless soldiers from straw.

'Simeon's army, seeing that they were surrounded by such a vast number of Indian warriors of my creation, became frightened, and Simeon commanded to fire from cannons and rifles, which of course they were unable to do. The soldiers, discouraged, retreated in great disorder. Thus Simeon brought upon himself the terrible disgrace of defeat. His estate was confiscated, and to-morrow he is to be executed. All that remains for me to do, therefore,' concluded the young devil, 'is to release him to-morrow morning. Now, then, who wants my assistance?'

The second small devil (from Tarras) then related his story.

'I do not need any help,' he began. 'My business is also all right. My work with Tarras will be finished in one

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