have I understood all the happiness of life. No, I shall not agree with you, and you do not really believe what you are saying.' Prince Andrew looked silently at Pierre with an ironic smile.

'When you see my sister, Princess Mary, you'll get on with her,' he said. 'Perhaps you are right for yourself,' he added after a short pause, 'but everyone lives in his own way. You lived for yourself and say you nearly ruined your life and only found happiness when you began living for others. I experienced just the reverse. I lived for glory.--And after all what is glory? The same love of others, a desire to do something for them, a desire for their approval.--So I lived for others, and not almost, but quite, ruined my life. And I have become calmer since I began to live only for myself.'

'But what do you mean by living only for yourself?' asked Pierre, growing excited. 'What about your son, your sister, and your father?'

'But that's just the same as myself--they are not others,' explained Prince Andrew. 'The others, one's neighbors, le prochain, as you and Princess Mary call it, are the chief source of all error and evil. Le prochain--your Kiev peasants to whom you want to do good.'

And he looked at Pierre with a mocking, challenging expression. He evidently wished to draw him on.

'You are joking,' replied Pierre, growing more and more excited. 'What error or evil can there be in my wishing to do good, and even doing a little--though I did very little and did it very badly? What evil can there be in it if unfortunate people, our serfs, people like ourselves, were growing up and dying with no idea of God and truth beyond ceremonies and meaningless prayers and are now instructed in a comforting belief in future life, retribution, recompense, and consolation? What evil and error are there in it, if people were dying of disease without help while material assistance could so easily be rendered, and I supplied them with a doctor, a hospital, and an asylum for the aged? And is it not a palpable, unquestionable good if a peasant, or a woman with a baby, has no rest day or night and I give them rest and leisure?' said Pierre, hurrying and lisping. 'And I have done that though badly and to a small extent; but I have done something toward it and you cannot persuade me that it was not a good action, and more than that, you can't make me believe that you do not think so yourself. And the main thing is,' he continued, 'that I know, and know for certain, that the enjoyment of doing this good is the only sure happiness in life.'

'Yes, if you put it like that it's quite a different matter,' said Prince Andrew. 'I build a house and lay out a garden, and you build hospitals. The one and the other may serve as a pastime. But what's right and what's good must be judged by one who knows all, but not by us. Well, you want an argument,' he added, 'come on then.'

They rose from the table and sat down in the entrance porch which served as a veranda.

'Come, let's argue then,' said Prince Andrew, 'You talk of schools,' he went on, crooking a finger, 'education and so forth; that is, you want to raise him' (pointing to a peasant who passed by them taking off his cap) 'from his animal condition and awaken in him spiritual needs, while it seems to me that animal happiness is the only happiness possible, and that is just what you want to deprive him of. I envy him, but you want to make him what I am, without giving him my means. Then you say, 'lighten his toil.' But as I see it, physical labor is as essential to him, as much a condition of his existence, as mental activity is to you or me. You can't help thinking. I go to bed after two in the morning, thoughts come and I can't sleep but toss about till dawn, because I think and can't help thinking, just as he can't help plowing and mowing; if he didn't, he would go to the drink shop or fall ill. Just as I could not stand his terrible physical labor but should die of it in a week, so he could not stand my physical idleness, but would grow fat and die. The third thing--what else was it you talked about?' and Prince Andrew crooked a third finger. 'Ah, yes, hospitals, medicine. He has a fit, he is dying, and you come and bleed him and patch him up. He will drag about as a cripple, a burden to everybody, for another ten years. It would be far easier and simpler for him to die. Others are being born and there are plenty of them as it is. It would be different if you grudged losing a laborer--that's how I regard him--but you want to cure him from love of him. And he does not want that. And besides, what a notion that medicine ever cured anyone! Killed them, yes!' said he, frowning angrily and turning away from Pierre.

Prince Andrew expressed his ideas so clearly and distinctly that it was evident he had reflected on this subject more than once, and he spoke readily and rapidly like a man who has not talked for a long time. His glance became more animated as his conclusions became more hopeless.

'Oh, that is dreadful, dreadful!' said Pierre. 'I don't understand how one can live with such ideas. I had such moments myself not long ago, in Moscow and when traveling, but at such times I collapsed so that I don't live at all--everything seems hateful to me... myself most of all. Then I don't eat, don't wash... and how is it with you?...'

'Why not wash? That is not cleanly,' said Prince Andrew; 'on the contrary one must try to make one's life as pleasant as possible. I'm alive, that is not my fault, so I must live out my life as best I can without hurting others.'

'But with such ideas what motive have you for living? One would sit without moving, undertaking nothing....'

'Life as it is leaves one no peace. I should be thankful to do nothing, but here on the one hand the local nobility have done me the honor to choose me to be their marshal; it was all I could do to get out of it. They could not understand that I have not the necessary qualifications for it--the kind of good-natured, fussy shallowness necessary for the position. Then there's this house, which must be built in order to have a nook of one's own in which to be quiet. And now there's this recruiting.'

'Why aren't you serving in the army?'

'After Austerlitz!' said Prince Andrew gloomily. 'No, thank you very much! I have promised myself not to serve again in the active Russian army. And I won't--not even if Bonaparte were here at Smolensk threatening Bald Hills--even then I wouldn't serve in the Russian army! Well, as I was saying,' he continued, recovering his composure, 'now there's this recruiting. My father is chief in command of the Third District, and my only way of avoiding active service is to serve under him.'

'Then you are serving?'

'I am.'

He paused a little while.

'And why do you serve?'

'Why, for this reason! My father is one of the most remarkable men of his time. But he is growing old, and though not exactly cruel he has too energetic a character. He is so accustomed to unlimited power that he is terrible, and now he has this authority of a commander in chief of the recruiting, granted by the Emperor. If I had been two hours late a fortnight ago he would have had a paymaster's clerk at Yukhnovna hanged,' said Prince Andrew with a smile. 'So I am serving because I alone have any influence with my father, and now and then can save him from actions which would torment him afterwards.'

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