“Panties down.”
Inara tried not to let her disappointment show. She’d worn the flesh colored panties on purpose, hoping that she wouldn’t need to strip completely bare. She pulled the slip of fabric down over her legs. Not bending, but picking the panties up with her toes. She didn’t bother to fold them, just flicking them on top of her pile of clothes.
“Come into the light.” Sara stood in the center of the room and beckoned her forward with a curl of her fingers. Heart pounding, Inara moved slowly to the middle of the photographic area. Niall was standing near the big box lights but had yet to turn them on. Fingers crossed there was enough natural light, Inara didn’t know if she had it in her to stand tall completely naked under such bright white light.
Sara stalked around her in a circle. Pausing every couple of steps to murmur indistinct words. Finally she stopped in front of Inara with her hands on her hips. When she spoke she didn’t look at Inara, but directed her comments to Niall, “It’ll have to come off. Won’t it?”
“Yes it definitely will,” Sara said as she moved forward and stroked her hand down the slight swell of Inara’s stomach. Only when her fingers dipped to run through Inara’s pubic hair did she understand Sara’s meaning.
“Off? Take…it off?” Inara stuttered.
“I recall you just saying Inara dear, that you’d do anything,” Niall said.
“Anything,” Niall repeated, his voice dipping lower.
Sara went down on her knees, her face close to Inara’s pubic mound. Inara squeezed her legs tight, clamping her thighs shut. “I have to shave it. I need it bare to paint it Inara darling,” she said as she stroked her fingers through the sparse hair. As a product of her Korean-Swedish heritage Inara’s pubic hair was fine and thin. She’d never before thought of even trimming it, let alone shaving it bare.
“Niall, can you set up my paints while Inara and I go to the bathroom?”
“Certainly my love.”
The bathroom that led off the studio was stark-bare white walls and polished concrete floors. “No need making it fancy when it gets splattered with paint on a regular basis,” Sara explained as she followed through the open doorway.
The sinks were battered double stainless steel tubs covered in paint drips. The shower was just a tap and a shower hose handle attached the corner wall. There wasn’t even a shower curtain. The floor sloped to a big drain in the center of the room. A stainless steel chair sat in the corner beside the shower hose handle. In the other corner was an old fashioned, off white toilet pedestal. It had a pull chain to flush.
“I get really dirty painting,” Sara said as she led a naked Inara over to the chair in the shower corner. “Sit here and I’ll get you ready.”
Inara sat on the cold metal chair. It felt like she was in a weird art film. How else could she have ended up naked in a concrete shower room waiting to be shaved? She embraced the out of body feeling, hoping that it would get her through this bizarre experience.
Sara’s hands pressed down, cool on Inara’s thighs. “Scoot forward on the chair.
Bring your bottom right to the edge.”
She shifted forward and spread her legs. Squeezing her eyes shut tight Inara braced for intimate contact. She felt the puff of Sara’s breath on her inside thighs as she laughed. “Calm down Inara. It’s not going to be that bad. Who knows. You may even like it.”
Inara opened her eyes and looked down at Sara. She was on her haunches nestled between Inara’s legs; her face close to the apex of Inara’s spread thighs. Her mouth tilted in a slight smile and even white teeth were biting her bottom lip-she was enjoying herself. Enjoying Inara’s stilted reaction to her touch. Inara forced herself to relax, letting her shoulders drop and her back slump into the chair. She wouldn’t-
couldn’t-show smirking Sara her apprehension.
“Good honey, relax,” Sara said, coming up on her knees to spread Inara’s thighs open wider-so wide cool air hit the lips of her pussy. “I don’t think I’ll need to trim you back with the scissors. Your hair is so soft and fine the razor should do it easily.”
Inara nodded, but she was unprepared for the feeling of Sara’s fingers spreading the shaving gel on her mound. Round and around she slicked the fragrant gel until it transformed into a thick layer of creamy foam. She wiped her hand on a damp washer and then brought the orange disposable razor up to the top of Inara’s pubic mound. “I’m going to stroke down first. Get off most of the hair and then I’ll go up, against the grain until you’re nice and smooth. Okay?”
Feeling light headed, Inara nodded.
The pressure of the razor was unlike anything she’d ever felt before. It scraped and massaged at the same time. In long slow strokes Sara worked her way down Inara’s mound, stopping every now and then to tap off the excess hair. She had a little jug of hot water in which she rinsed the razor. Every time she did it the razor returned hot on her skin. She liked the feeling and found herself spreading her legs and arching up into the movement.
“Now I’m going to work up. Against the grain. I’m going to pull your skin tight.”
Sara pressed the heel of her hand just above Inara’s clit and pulled the skin up.
Inara bit back a gasp. The heavy sensation on the root of her clit was delicious. Each time she stroked the razor blade against the grain Sara pulled up on the skin. Her hand worked in a rolling movement. Her clit began to throb, ache with the need to be touched.
After she’d finished with the top Sara’s hand moved down, her fingers pulling tight on the fleshy lips of her labia. Her thighs tightened, her ass clenched as she felt the slow build of a coming orgasm. When she masturbated she loved to pull on the lips of her pussy. She’d always done it and Sara fingers tugging at her pussy had her body craving release. It wasn’t enough, she wanted more. She wanted those long artistic fingers inside her.
“I’ve finished,” Sara said as her fingers let go-leaving Inara aching to come.
“You’re nice and smooth now. Feel.”
Inara brought a hand down to feel the smooth mound and then dipped her fingers further to the lips of her pussy. She was wet. Swollen and wet.
Sara stood and reached over her to turn on the shower head. The swell of her breasts brushing against Inara’s face as she did. She brought the soft spray of warm water down between Inara’s legs. The warm water pulsed right over Inara’s clit. She wanted to take the handle from Sara’s hand and grind it against her pussy.
“All clean,” Sara turned off the spray of water. Handing her a towel she said,
“Let’s go.”
Not yet. She couldn’t go out there. Not yet. Not with her pussy burning for release. Not wet and swollen knowing that Sara was about to paint her there.
“Sara can I just…” Inara pointed to the toilet.
Sara was putting away the shaving gel in a cabinet above the double sinks, she looked over her shoulder saw where Inara was pointing and said, “Sure.”
The bathroom didn’t have a door-just a beaded curtain that hung in the open doorway. Once Sara was gone Inara moved to the toilet pedestal and sat down, keeping her eyes on the beaded curtain. She needed this, badly enough to risk being caught. She spread her legs wide and brought her fingers down to her freshly shaved pussy. The skin was soft and so incredibly sensitive. She looked down. Her clit felt plump, it sat out between her lips like a ripe berry. With one hand she tugged on her pussy lips while she ground the heel of her other hand just above her clit. While she pushed the heel around and around she imagined it was Sara’s hand. The climax came quickly, her thighs jerking out as she felt her pussy clench tight. She was panting, with her hand still on her pussy when Sara’s head popped through the beaded curtain, “Are you okay, Inara?”
“Yes. I’m…I’ll be out soon.”
Sara smiled and then left, the movement making the beads clack together in a staccato beat. Wadding up the toilet paper Inara wiped away the evidence of her orgasm. She was ready now. Ready to finish her forfeit.
When she came through the curtain Niall and Sara were in the centre of the room. Sara was laying down a sheet of white calico and Niall was testing the light with a small hand held light meter.
“I’m ready.”