“Okay,” I started hesitantly as we arrived at the truck, “Just what are you two up to? Not that I’m not enjoying the attention, but…”

Gena spun me around and stoppered my mouth with a kiss. I felt her legs relax and I was suddenly leaning into her on the passenger door of Sandy’s F150. She kept my tongue busy while Sandy walked around the back, unlocked the drivers’ door and leaned over to unlock our side. Then she released the grip of her hand in my long red hair and gave me that you-better-listen-if-you-want-to-live look of hers.

“Lance, I’m only saying this once. You want this, Sandy wants this and you better god-damned believe I want this,” Gena whispered fiercely to me, “Neither of you has the guts to risk the friendship but you want each other bad. As for me, if you have had your eyes closed all this time to the way Janet, Terri and I treat each other, well; we’ll deal with that later. Tonight, for once in your fucking life, don’t analyze. Just have fun. Now slide into that truck and put your god-damned hand on her thigh where it belongs.”

I’d like to say that I was smart enough to do as I was told but I think I was just too shocked and confused to do anything else.

Sandy trembled when I placed my left hand on her thigh as Gena had suggested.

I squeezed slightly and she turned her head to look into my eyes. If the eyes are pools then I could see the question floating on their surface. But as I continued to leave my hand where it was I saw something deeper, a hunger that I had been in denial about and perhaps she had too. I had gotten so used to thinking of Sandy as my unreachable mentor that I had made certain assumptions about her side of things.

Now, as Gena slammed the door and snuggled into me, I saw a confirmation in Sandy’s eyes. It was not so much a decision-making moment as it was a relaxation about a decision already made. Sandy backed the truck out of the spot, switched into drive and headed for her house. But before she drove off, she moved my hand further up and in on her leg.

The fifteen minute drive seemed to both go too quickly and to last forever. As we pulled into the driveway I made an effort to button back up what Gena had unbuttoned on the way over. Sandy and Gena didn’t wait for me, but just headed for the front door, giggling all the way. In moments I was following them.

As I shut and locked the front door I heard Gena call me from the living room.

Walking in I saw that she was lighting the gas in the fireplace and had several candles laid out before her.

“Baby, could you light these candles and set them around the room? I’m going to go join Sandy in her bedroom and change, okay?” Gena kissed me lightly before moving towards the back of the house.

I noticed that this had been prepared earlier and wondered about the duration or existence of Gena’s “private lesson”. There were a couple of quilts laid out on the floor and the coffee table had been moved out of the way. Three wine glasses were set beside the comforters next to a bucket filled with half melted ice and a bottle of champagne. I set the candles around the edges of the room and lit them with the long matches Gena had used for the fireplace. Because it was a gas fireplace it did not let off the heat of a wood one, but it would be enough to keep away any night chills. When I was finished the room was still pretty dark. If I remembered correctly…yes, the dining room light is on a dimmer switch. Just a little bit and then we should have a gentle light but still enough to see what we are doing.

By the time I started to unwrap the foil from the neck of the champagne bottle I had regained some of my calm. Despite all the prep, I truly did not think anything was really going to happen. This was real life, not Xaviera’s column in Penthouse. We would drink the wine and play around and that was all.

My illusions and my calm demeanor were shattered in the same instant when I heard Sandy say my name in a whisper from the hallway. As I looked over at her and Gena, I knew I had indeed entered into new ground.

Gena was wearing a blue and black silk kimono style robe that reached mid thigh. Under it she wore a black lace garter belt and stockings. That was all. No bra and no panties. The robe was draped in such a way as to cover her nipples but I could see no straps or cups. There was even less ambiguity about the panties as I could clearly see the gentle curls and even from here could tell that she had trimmed the hair immediately around her pussy lips to so short a length she was almost bare.

Sandy wore a white lace sleeveless robe over a baby blue camisole and tap pants. Her erect nipples were poking hard into the thin material of the halter style top.

Despite the daring of her dress and situation, the look on her face was shy and demure.

Confidant she may be, but it seemed she was also a bit nervous about this.

That made two of us. I had just managed to stop the little micro-shakes I had been feeling by concentrating on mundane details like the lighting and champagne, but now they were back and much stronger than before. It wasn’t that I didn’t want this to be happening. Oh god did I want it! No, it was more that I did not believe it could be happening, and I was afraid I was going to say or do something to prevent it.

As she had been two months before, Gena was my savior. I had learned that Gena reacts differently to these situations then I do. She relishes and savors them. Just as she had put me at ease by taking control the night I lost my virginity to her, now I could see her gathering herself to accomplish the same with both me and Sandy. Gena took Sandy’s hand and led her over to where I was kneeling by the edge of the coffee table with the champagne bottle in hand. She kneeled down on the quilt next to me and pulled Sandy down as well.

“Open it Lance,” ordered my girlfriend, “I think we all could do with a drink.

Sandy, weren’t there strawberries too?”

“I put them in the fridge. Should I get them?”

“No, but if you could hand me my wine glass while our big, strong man opens this bottle…”

I took the hint and finished pulling the cork with a satisfying “pop”. As though the sound had broken the tension I sensed Sandy relaxing and felt myself do so in response to her. I have always responded to the emotions of those around me. I took the glass that Gena lifted before me and filled it halfway and then turned and did the same for Sandy. I glanced into her eyes as I returned the glass to her and saw that the calm from the truck had re-entered their blue gleam. Acting on instinct, I brought her hand to my mouth and kissed her fingers before releasing the glass. I turned to pour myself a glass and set the bottle down. Before I could turn back to the girls I felt two sets of hands settle on the shoulders of my jacket.

“Lance,” said Gena, “take a drink and then set down your glass and stand up please. You’re a little overdressed for this party. Here, Sandy, would you set this down for me?” Gena handed her already empty glass to Sandy as I turned and got to my feet.

Gena rose with me, while Sandy took a quick slug out of her own glass and then set both aside. Each of the girls took a sleeve of my leather and pulled it out and then gently down my back. Gena tossed it out of the way in the direction of the dining room.

She cast a meaningful glance at Sandy.

“Arms up sweetie,” said the blonde I had been lusting over for more than a year,

“Shirt’s next.” Sandy drew the old tee shirt over my head and handed it to Gena. “Damn, Lance, I know you eat. Where does it all go?” Sandy ran her hands down from my head and trailed out along my arms to my wrists. “Come over here to the couch, honey. We need to get those boots off.”

I silently did as I was told and sat on the couch while Gena unbuckled one boot and Sandy the other. Gena smiled over at Sandy and the conversation started up again like it had in the truck, like I was not even there.

“I told you, Sandy, my baby is all lean muscle. Skinny, yes, but a hard body. I think it is all the practice and the sweating under those hot lights. Do you like?” My right boot came free into Gena’s hands and was summarily dismissed to join the jacket in the dining room, sock and all.

“God, yes. Strong but not showy. Not that I mind a little beefcake, Gena, but this is fine too.” My left boot and sock soon joined its mate and I was left with only my faded and ripped jeans to separate me from a dream that I still could not believe was real.

Now that the boots were gone, the girls each took an arm and pulled me back up on my feet.

As I came to a standing position, I realized that they had moved in and were cheek to cheek in front of me. Not knowing what else to do, and too excited to be very scared anymore, I leaned in and kissed Gena. She responded to me with ardor, and I could tell she was very turned on. I dove my tongue into her mouth and explored every nook and cranny, running it over her teeth and twisting around her tongue in a corkscrew motion that was almost painful but exquisitely intimate. I tasted the champagne she had pounded and a lingering hint of tobacco. She must have shared a cigarette with Terri. It was as hard and passionate as any kiss we had ever shared but the whole time I was aware of Sandy’s breath against my cheek and her lithe body nestled within the crook of my left

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