the Black Adders, seemto have learned how to project thoughts, and in a big way.”

“You said the Empire was actively trainingpeople. I assume this includes a defense against this kind ofattack?”

“Yes, but until now it has never been triedagainst someone who projects thoughts, because there was no suchperson. Fortunately the defense does seem to work. In fact, that ishow I have managed to keep my cool throughout this crisis. The nextobvious question is how, so let me answer it. To block an empathyou need to take hold of your emotions and bury them behind a stoiccover. It takes much dedicated practice to do this on a consistentbasis, but once you learn it you can still experience the fullrange of emotions while appearing to have none. Blocking a telepathis much harder; you need to learn to cover your thoughts with ashield. I don’t know how it works, nor am I very good at it. Somepeople seem to be born with that ability and merely need coachingto do it.”

“Can you teach me to block this fear weaponof theirs?” I asked.

“In the time that we have left? Probably not.But I can give you some basic starter skills to work on, and if youhave the gift you should be able to work it out with time andpractice on your own. If not, no amount of training will prepareyou for the level of skill you must have to wage battle with downthere.”

“Fine. Can you come by my quarters at 0600hours?”

“Certainly. Let me ask you something, do youfeel the weapon any longer?”

Oddly, until he said that I had not paid muchattention to it. He probably knew the answer already, but I playedalong. “No, I do not. I’m not sure when that happened, but I getthe feeling you’re going to tell me it was when I began to approachthis like a challenging puzzle.”

“Yes. Very good, you have completed yourfirst lesson successfully. Tomorrow we can work on more advancedmaterial. Oh, by the way, Dr. Rannor asked me to deliver the orderfor your pre-mission physical. One wonders if he plans to offer youa way out too,” he said with his trademark big grin. “I must bemoving on now. I look forward to our meeting in the morning.” Withthat he left.

Yet more threads for the puzzle. What did hemean by “I have already completed the first lesson?” How long hadthe Empire been employing psychics? Besides counselors, what otherpositions were they in? The possibilities were endless andfrightening. Were there more cells out there like the Black Addersjust waiting to crack? Was Pandora’s box already open?

Well, that mystery would have to wait. Rightnow I needed to announce my replacement to my team leaders,distribute the policy changes and then go to see Dr. Rannor. Igathered up all my work and sent a message out to all my teamleaders to meet in my office.

Chapter Eight

As I walked to my office I paid closeattention to my crewmates. I wanted to see how each was dealingwith the fear. Most of them looked like they were struggling tofocus on their work, but holding it together. Some just wandered ina daze, and a select few seemed to be so intently focused on whatthey were doing that the ship could be on fire and they would notnotice. Like the honor guard, they seemed to be completelyunaffected by the fear weapon.

As I approached my office I saw that some ofthe team leaders were there already. “Hello, gentlemen,” I said asI passed them to unlock the door. Once inside everyone filed intohis place. Unlike the very formal atmosphere of most officers’meetings, I tried to keep mine as casual as I could. There was nolarge table to sit around, just a collection of chairs with endtables. I always had some refreshments, and kept the lighting at acomfortable level.

Once everyone arrived and was seated I letthem chat a bit amongst themselves. There were seven of them inall. To an outsider they must have looked like exact clones. All ofthem were perfect products of the best training that the Empire hadto offer. Each had their strengths and weaknesses, but that was notapparent until you had worked with them for some time.

When I took over the department it was a muchmore linear structure, and officially it still was, but I did notrun it that way. Instead I set it up so that each team leader wasequal in rank and authority, with complete jurisdiction over theirown team. Any conflict between leaders would be settled in ameeting like this with myself as the final authority if needed.Officially I still had to give them linear ranks, so I just namedeach team a color of the rainbow and their rank followed the colororder: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

“Okay, gentlemen, let’s get this meetingstarted,” I began, then gave everyone a moment to settle in. “Firstof all, thank you for coming at such short notice, especially thoseof you I had to wake up.” Since the department was required tofunction around the clock some of my team was asleep at any giventime.

“There are two things I need to go over withyou. The first is some rule and policy changes. I have already sentthem to each of your message boxes for you to review in detail. Thechanges are fairly minor. I increased team cycle times toaccommodate a longer rest cycle, shifted the balance of the rewardand punishment system to give a bit more weight to the positiveside, and a few other things of that nature. I do not want to wasteour time going over that right now. When you get back to youroffices you can review them and send questions in if need be.

“The second thing I need to discuss is theprimary reason for this meeting. The Empire is sending me on amission and I will be gone for an extended period of time. In fact,if the mission is successful, it could be several months before Ican return to this post.”

“Sir, it seems a bit unusual for a rankingofficer to be sent on such a mission,” interrupted red team’sleader.

“Yes it is, but these orders come from theEmperor himself. Everything about this mission is highly unusual. Icannot tell you much about it, but I do need to say that themission is extremely dangerous. Therefore I must appoint myreplacement, not only for the time I am away but also in case I donot return.”

I looked around the room. I knew thatwhichever choice I made would have the potential to cause jealousyfrom those not chosen. I remembered one of my professors explainingthat in this kind of situation it is best if everyone else can beconvinced that they made the decision. The trick would be gettingthem to make the same decision I had already made.

There was no doubt in my mind that red team’sleader was the best choice. From the first day I worked with him Iknew he would replace me. He was a natural in his position, andwell-liked by his teammates. I hoped I would not have to steer themto that realization, but rather that they would get there bythemselves.

“Well, team leaders, you know each other wellby now, as well as I do if not better. I would like to hear fromyou. Who do you think will make the best replacement for me?” Thiswas where I would find out if all the work I put in encouraginghonest and open communications had any real impact.

Unlike the typical, rigid structure ofcommand teams, everything about my department was designed to beloose and casual. I hated all the formality of my job. It just gotin the way of getting the job done and had a stifling effect oncreativity and imagination, which were critical to my line of work.That was one reason I used colors to name my officer ranks insteadof the official ranking system. It helped cover up the rigidness ofthe system a bit and allowed my officers to forget that there was astrict line of command.

“Sir, I think I can speak for all of us whenI say that the best person for that position is Red,” repliedGreen.

“Anyone else have an opinion?” I asked,somewhat shocked at how easy that had been.

“Sir, Green is right. Red has out-performedall of us in your tests and challenges, and has a good, level headon his shoulders,” replied Blue.

“Well, Red, what do you have to say aboutyour peers’ recommendations?” I asked.

“I am honored by their respect andcompliments but no one could replace you, sir. If I am chosen Iwill do my best to serve as well as you have,” replied Red.

“Are there any comments against Red’sappointment? Speak now; you will not get another chance. I leave inless than forty-eight hours.” I waited, but received no reply.“Very well, then. Effective in forty-eight hours, Red will take myplace. I will let him choose his own replacement as Red leaderafter he takes over.

“The mission I am about to embark on carriesa high risk of capture by a hostile force. While we all like tothink that we could never be forced to give up the secrets we hold,the reality of modern day drug-induced interrogation is

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