I stood and walked back to where Kellyn wassleeping. I moved my bed next to hers in such a way that no onecould get to her without waking me first. Then I climbed into bedand began to integrate all the new information I had into the weavethat I had started when this mission began. That seemed like alifetime ago now. I slowly slipped deeper and deeper into mythoughts, and lost all connection with the outside world.
The problem with all this new information wasthat no matter what happened now, I could never go back to justbeing Commander Vydor. That life, that once held so much promisefor a shining career in the Imperial Navy, had ended. Indeed, whatI had learned and experienced during this mission had shatteredmany of the beliefs I had held since childhood. The cover-up aboutthe planet, the imprisonment of the Black Adders, the memory blocks- all that I had learned along the way had severely damaged my viewof the benevolence, infallibility and power of the Empire and theEmperor. In fact, they look rather weak and helpless in the face ofthis new threat.
I do not know how long I lay like thatpondering all that I had learned, but I was awakened by a touch tomy face. Without opening my eyes I reached out mentally and foundKellyn kneeling next to my bed. I silently said,
She mentally gasped a bit, and thenresponded,
While she talked I found myself drawn to her.Beyond the outer layer of thought that we used to communicate, sheopened herself completely to me. I saw down into her core, herinner being. First I saw a bright and pure light, almost blinding,but beyond that was the most surprising thing. She had at her verycore a fierce fire that could outshine a million stars. I knew inmy heart the meaning of what I saw. I knew that she was pure atheart, and that nothing would sway her from my side.
I gasped as I made this realization and felther say to me,
Once that was done she said with a tone ofhumility,
I rose then without breaking my link toKellyn; it brought me a sense of peace that I was not willing togive up. I looked around the room and saw the rest of the teamalready at the table. Kellyn and I walked over and took theremaining two seats. After getting some food I connected with therest of them, keeping my connection to Kellyn separate and secret,and asked,
After that others piped in with their views,and soon the discussion got repetitive with no real progress beingmade. During all this time that box sat on the table staring at us,daring us to make a decision. After some time, I stood and waitedfor the conversation to stop. I raised my hand and mentally reachedout and opened the box. I could feel the surprise from everyonearound me, especially as I lifted the seven rings out of the boxand moved them towards each person, resting them on the table infront of them. I said,
Kellyn then scooped up a ring and put it onher finger, saying,
There was a pause while the other five staredat the rings but then, one by one, they each picked up a ring andslipped it on, saying,
As the last ring was placed on the lastfinger, I felt a change in the room. The order of events was notclear to me, but our uniforms all became dark robes, and the staveswe all carried were exchanged for others that looked like the oneMantis wielded. Our bodies felt different, too; I could not placethe feeling and no one else could either, but we were definitelydifferent.
Once all that had passed I rang the bell tolet Mantis know that we had made our decision. I was sure the soundhad not yet reached the door when he opened it and entered.
“I see you have made your decision, and Imust say I am glad at the choice you’ve made,” he said as he walkedover to a small table in the corner that I had not noticed before.He took from his robes an impossibly large hourglass and set it onthe table. Purple sand slowly dripped down as it counted out theseconds. “This timer will run out at the same time the first rockshit the colony. When that happens I will bring you back to the gateyou used to get here and send you back to your realm.” He walkedover to a section of wall and waved his hand over it. As he did sothe wall disappeared, revealing another room. We followed him intothat room where walls and walls of books greeted us. “Here is mypersonal library. Study what you can while you are here, and beforeyou leave I will copy some of the more important texts for you totake to start your own library. I suggest you start by learning thespell of many tongues so that you can read any of the books, butyou are welcome to start wherever you please.” With that