I heard the sound of a motor, and Justin Hooke’s El Camino passed below the window, went around the Common, and pulled up at the curb in front of the church. Justin helped Sophie out, and she threw a furtive glance up at the clock on the steeple. When they came close to the circle, they halted. Justin released her arm and he looked up at the clock. It was five minutes to twelve.
More men had appeared, solitary, silent, stationing themselves beside the trees or the lampposts. Mr. Buxley came out on the church steps. He looked around, went back inside. Justin was talking to Sophie. Listening, she lowered her brow and leaned it against his chest. He shook his head, made an angry gesture, and raised her chin to him. She tried to leave, and he seized her hand, forcing her to listen. She drew away and flung herself down on the ground.
Justin glanced at a group of men, then quickly knelt and brought her to her feet. He lifted her face again, gently, and spoke some more words. She seemed acquiescent as he reached for her hand and began to lead her toward the circle. She halted once more, staring at the blackened earth, glancing indecisively at the clock and back again. Finally, she snatched her hand away and began to run. Justin took three or four steps after her, then stopped. The lounging men became more attentive, watching the departing figure as it disappeared up Main Street.
The steeple bell began striking the hour. When the final stroke rang, Justin stepped into the circle, under trees whose autumn leaves seemed to have hemorrhaged, seeping blood. The men watched him, never speaking but closely observant as he moved toward the center. Amys Penrose came through the vestibule doors and down the steps. He did not look at the figure in the ring, but rounded the Common, crossed the roadway, and disappeared beneath my window.
I pulled the blanket off, swung my feet to the floor, and went into the adjoining bathroom to wash my face. I looked dirty and disheveled, and in need of a shave. My head hurt worse than before as I bent over the basin. I soaked the washcloth and laid it against the swelling. The bedroom door opened and Amys’s face appeared behind me in the mirror.
“Some bump.”
Holding the cloth to the back of my head, I went and sat on the edge of the bed.
“How did I get here?”
“They brought you. Merle Penrose and Morgan Thomas.”
They had slugged me, then carried me to bed. “Just goes to show you, nobody’s all bad.”
Amys eyed me. “Nice bed?”
“Comfortable enough. Were you there last night?”
“Hell, no. For that damn foolishness? Was over t’the picture show. When I came back, they was just lugging you up on the church steps. I told ‘em to bring you here.”
“Do you know what happened?”
“They had their Kindlin’ Night.”
“And tonight they’ll have their Harvest Home. Amys, listen to me-” He turned away; he knew what I was going to say. I told him about Jack’s discovery in the hollow tree, about his finding and taking Roger’s ring. Irene Tatum had never found a body in the river; the coffin had been weighted with a sack of corn and a fake marker put up over her grave.
“She wasn’t pretty, Amys. Not when she came back.”
He nodded dumbly. “I know. I seen her.”
“I seen her. The night Roger rode her back across the bridge on his horse. I’d been hidin’ in Irene’s orchard every night, waitin’. I knew one of ‘em was bound to cross the river. He rode her into the orchard. Her face was done up in some sort of scarf-he took it off. When he saw what had happened to her, he left her there. She swore she’d come to Harvest Home. Roger told the Widow, and she rode out and ordered Gracie not to come. But I knew she would. She was bound to. Bound to-even though she knew they’d kill her.”
“You knew.”
He shrugged simply. “Everybody knew. Gracie’s tragedy was that she fell in love with Roger. No girl ought to do that when she’s Corn Maiden-not with the Harvest Lord.”
“Then that must be Sophie Hooke’s tragedy, too. Why did you lie to me and say that Mrs. Zalmon had driven Worthy Pettinger away?”
“They told me to. Old Deming and the elders, they-” Tears came to his eyes. “They knew we was friends-”
“Are we friends?”
“Yes, sir.” He turned to me, squinting against the light, his eyes streaming. “I know what you’re thinkin’, but listen to me. I’ve prett’ near lived my life out now, and I done just about what I wanted to, but when you’ve lived as long as I have, you learn one thing-to keep your nose out of what don’t concern you. I don’t meddle with folks’ doin’s, and they don’t meddle with mine. I don’t know what happened last night. And if you do-or if you think you do-I wouldn’t go around spoutin’ off about it. Folks can get mighty cranky hereabouts.”
I glanced out the window at the watchers: the farmers watching Justin standing immobile in the circle. Not a woman in sight, except for Missy Penrose.
“What will she do?” I asked, indicating Missy, “now that the sheep are put to fold?”
“She’ll wait. Everyone will wait.”
“For what?”
“Hoping Jim Minerva will choose a-”
“Corn Maiden.”
“Who will it be?”
He was sounding a warning; my wits, dulled from the night before, were slow to take it in. I stared at him.
Then: “Kate?”
“The Widow wants new blood. That’s why she got you the house. Villagers didn’t want outsiders here. They had a meetin’. The Widow says yes, they should let you come. She saw you the first day you came here.”
I remembered the Polaroid photograph of Kate that I had written our number on, the Widow’s immediate interest. More conspiracy. I seized Amys’s wrist, held him. “Amys, what’s going to happen at Harvest Home?”
“What no man may know nor woman tell.”
“He won’t tell, neither. Not before he goes, not when he comes back.” With his free hand, he released my fingers from his wrist and stepped away. I remained at the window, staring down at the figure on the Common, waiting at the center of the ring.
The enigma. The baffling mystery that still eluded me.
Amys was lying; he knew. They all knew; all but me. And though the Harvest Lord stood at the exact center of the circle, he did not stand alone; there was another with him, and though I did not know Her, I knew now who She was.
I vowed war on Her. I vowed death and destruction. New blood-for Her? If it came to that, I would set a torch to every barn in the village, to every field that grew a single stalk of corn. I would pollute the earth with some poisonous substance that would kill Her. I would rust the blade of the plowshare, I would break the handles. I would make a wilderness of briars and weeds. No matter how fair it flowered, no furrow or hill or meadow would not feel my hand, to lay low the spirit of the holy Mother-Earth. I cursed and damned Her, and I swore that She would not win against me.
Amys was looking at me. Had he read my thoughts? “Son, there’s only two ringin’s today. I just done the first. The second’s at moonrise. That’s a special ringin’-curfew, you might call it. When you hear that bell, you make sure you’re to home.” He touched his fingers to my arm. “And son,” he added, almost an afterthought, “make sure you stay there.”
I intended nothing of the kind. “Well,” I said, “pray for rain.”