the crest of an enemy-held hill. Stopping the first person he saw inside who looked as if he belonged there, he asked, 'Where in blue blazes do I find the volunteer office hereabouts?'

'Third door on the left-hand side,' the man answered. 'But I have to tell you-'

Roosevelt pushed past him, as he'd pushed past the slow wagon. He opened the third door on the left-hand side, which was indeed emblazoned u.s. MILITIA, with

an obviously new addition below: amp; VOLUNTEERS.

Inside the little office sat two clerks. The brass namcplatc on the closer one's desk proclaimed him to be Jasper St. John. 'Good day to you, Mr. St. John,' Roosevelt boomed. 'These gentlemen and I are here to offer our services to the U.S. Volunteers. High time we taught our high-handed neighbors not to get gay with the United States of America.'

Jasper St. John did not look like a clerk. Except for spectacles much like Roosevelt 's, he looked like a barroom brawler. His voice was a bass rumble: 'We aren't accepting applications right now.'

'What?' Roosevelt dug a finger in his ear, as if to assure himself he was hearing correctly. 'You're not taking volunteers? Why the devil aren't you?'

'We haven't got any orders to do it,' St. John returned stolidly.

'Good God in the foothills!' Now Roosevelt clapped a dramatic hand to his forehead. 'We're at war with the Confederate States-by what I've heard, they're shooting up everything that moves on the rivers-we're at war with England and France, and, for good measure, we're at war with the Dominion of Canada. Have we declared war on ourselves, too? Is that why we don't want volunteers?'

'In the Montana Territory, volunteers are only being accepted at U.S. Army posts,' Jasper St. John said. 'This is by order of the secretary of war, as received here when war was declared against the Confederate States.'

Roosevelt felt ready to explode. 'But there aren't any forts within fifty miles of Helena!' he shouted.

'I understand that.' St. John was as unmoving as a hilltop fortress. 'I can only follow the orders I was given. You are not the first patriotic citizen I've had to turn away, believe me.'

'Mr. St. John, sir, use your reason,' Roosevelt said, doing his best to keep a rein on his temper. 'That order may possibly have made some sense when we were at war with only the Confederate States. I do not say it did; I deny it did; but it is a point on which reasonable men might differ. I understand that we are a long way from the Southern Confederacy here in Montana. But good God in the foothills, Mr. St. John'-he was shouting again; not for the life of him could he keep from shouting again-'that's Canada right up over the border there! Has anyone back in Washington bothered to look at a map since England and the Dominion declared war on us? If they put a proper army over the border, the handful of regular troops we have in the Territory won't be able to stop them. They'll hardly be able to slow them down.'

'Let us suppose, for the sake of argument, that I accept you and your friends here as U.S. Volunteers, Mister…?' St. John paused.

' Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt. Now you're talking, sir!' Roosevelt said enthusiastically.

But the clerk shook his head. 'No, not yet,' he said. 'I'm just beginning. If I do that, you still will not be U.S. Volunteers, because I have no authority to make you such. And, as soon as the people above me find out I have done it, they will give me the sack for exceeding what authority I do have. You will be no better off, and I will be worse. Do you see my trouble now?'

'I see it, all right,' Roosevelt said, breathing hard. 'The trouble is, you're one hidebound paper-shuffler in a regime full of petty paper-shufflers. If your sort is the best this nation can afford to send out to the Territories, we deserve to lose this war. A stronger and more able race will supplant us here, as surely as we have supplanted the savage red man.'

Roosevelt 's farmhands burst into cheers. Jasper St. John remained unmoved. 'That's very pretty, Mr. Roosevelt,' he said, and paused to spit, almost accurately, at the cuspidor next to the desk of the other clerk, who, with his papers, seemed oblivious to the argument. 'It's very pretty,' St. John repeated. 'You could run for the Territorial Legislature on it, no two ways about that. But it cuts no ice with me. I have not the power to do what you want. Good day.' He inked the pen that had been lying on his desk, ready to go back to his own bureaucratic minutiae.

'God damn it, you stupid fool, I am trying to help my country!' Roosevelt yelled.

Slowly, St. John put down the pen. Slowly, he got to his feet. He was half a head taller than Roosevelt, and looked half again as wide through the shoulders. 'And I,' he said pointedly, 'am tired of being shouted at. No matter how much you want to help your country, I am not authorized to help you do it.'

Regardless of his size, Roosevelt was about to punch him in the nose. He would have felt the same had he been in the office alone; that he had his men with him never entered his mind. But something else did, so the punch remained unthrown. 'Then I'll raise my own troops!' he exclaimed. ' Roosevelt 's Unauthorized Regiment, that's what I'll call 'em!'

His men pounded him on the back and shouted themselves hoarse. 'Do whatever you please,' Jasper St. John said. 'Do it somewhere else.'

'Come on, boys,' Roosevelt said. 'We'll show him not everybody in Montana Territory is stuck in the mud.'

As they left the Territorial capitol, Roosevelt 's mind whirled with plans. If he was going to recruit the Unauthorized Regiment, he would have to wire back to New York for money: the ranch, though profitable, didn't make nearly enough to support a project of that size. He didn't think he would have to arm the men he raised, not with Winchesters as common as weeds out here. A Winchester didn't have the range or stopping power of an Army Springfield, but, with their tubular magazines, Winchesters put more bullets in the air than single-shot Springfields. The regiment could take its chances there.

He would have to feed and shelter the men till such time as the Unauthorized Regiment really did pass under U.S. control. And not men alone-'We'll be a cavalry regiment, of course,' he said, as if he'd known as much all along. 'No use pounding along wearing out boot leather.'

'That's it, boss,' Esau Hunt said. 'First class all the way, that's how the Unauthorized Regiment goes.'

The nucleus and, at the moment, the entire membership of Roosevelt's Unauthorized Regiment piled into Roosevelt 's Ranch Wagon (he was, he knew, thinking in capital letters). He drove over to the Gazette office, more sedately now than before: the horses hadn't had a chance to cool down fully during his brief, unfortunate visit to the capitol.

At the newspaper, he bought a large advertisement seeking recruits for the unit he was forming. ' Roosevelt 's Unauthorized Regiment?' said the printer who took down the text he dictated. 'I know they aren't accepting volunteers-I tried-but this here-'

'May light a fire under them,' Roosevelt interrupted. 'And even if it doesn't, I'll still have the troops to present to the U.S. Army. I'll also want you to print up some handbills with the same information as goes into this advertisement. Can you hire someone to paste them up here in town?'

'Sure can,' the printer said, 'but it'll cost you two dollars extra per five hundred.'

'I'll take a thousand,' Roosevelt declared. 'I don't want a man to be able to walk down any street in Helena without seeing one of them.'

'A thousand should do it,' the man in the ink-stained apron said, nodding. 'That'll be ten dollars for the advertisement, eight for the handbills-we'll print from the same type, so I'll cut you a break on that; would be ten otherwise-and four more to paper the town with 'em. Comes to twenty-two altogether… Colonel.'

Roosevelt had already tossed a double eagle and two big silver cartwheels onto the counter when that registered. 'By jingo!' he said softly. If he was raising the regiment, he would be its colonel. That was how things had worked in the War of Secession, and the rules hadn't changed since.

He stood straighter and pushed out his chest. Though he'd never fired a shot at anything more dangerous than a coyote, suddenly he felt as one with Washington and Napoleon and Zachary Taylor: a leader of men, a conqueror. This was what he was meant to do with his life. He could feel it in his marrow.

He'd already felt a couple of other callings-writer, rancher-in his marrow during his twenty-two years on earth, but so what? He'd obviously been mistaken then. He wasn't mistaken now. He couldn't be mistaken now.

'Let's find a saloon, boys,' he said. In Helena, that was harder than finding air to breathe, but not much. He had his choice, only a few doors away from the Gazette. He and the farmhands strode into the Silver Spoon. 'Drinks on me!' he yelled, which made him friends in a hurry. 'Let me tell you about Roosevelt 's Unauthorized Regiment,

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