nobody would ever know now.

Then the camera cut away from the map, away from the studio. There was Heinz Buckliger, walking through the little square in front of the Gauleiter 's residence with Rolf Stolle. Stolle was pointing to the makeshift memorials that had sprung up where SS panzers crushed Berliners: flowers, candles, notes tothe dead, and one big sign that said,FREIHEIT UBER ALLES!

'The two chief architects of this remarkable day confer,' Horst said quietly.

It didn't look like a conference to Susanna. It looked as if the Gauleiter was lecturing the Fuhrer. And it looked as if Heinz Buckliger was taking it. He would nod whenever Stolle stuck out a finger and made a point. Once, Stolle laughed at something and slapped him on the back, hard enough to stagger him. Buckliger took that, too, though it was anything but the gesture of a subordinate to a superior. Despite their titles, it didn't seem as if the Gauleiter were the Fuhrer 's subordinate.

Stolle pointed to the FREIHEIT UBER ALLES! sign. Buckliger earnestly nodded again. Stolle didn't really understand what the sign meant, either. Susanna had already realized that. But if you said the words often enough, didn't you sooner or later have to go where they led you?

Didn't you?We'll find out, Susanna thought.

Francesca came bounding up to Alicia at lunchtime. 'Guess what!' she cried.

'I don't know,' Alicia said. 'What?'

'Frau Koch is gone!' her sister caroled. 'Gone, gone, gone! We've got a new teacher. His name is Herr Mistele. He smiles at people like he means it. Smiles! The Beast is gone. Gone, gone, gone!'

'That's wonderful. Too bad it didn't happen sooner,' Alicia said, and Francesca's head bounced up and down in unreserved agreement. Alicia asked, 'Did he say why the Beast left?' With Frau Koch not there, Alicia came out with the nickname without looking over her shoulder first to see whether any other teachers could hear.

Francesca frowned. 'He said…' She paused, trying to make sure she got the words just right. 'He said, with the political something the way it was-'

'The situation?' Alicia broke in.

'That's right. That's the word I couldn't come up with.' Francesca started over: 'He said, with the political sit-u-a-tion the way it was, it was better if Frau Koch did something else for a while. As far as I'm concerned, she can do something else forever.'

'Maybe she will,' Alicia said. 'She liked Lothar Prutzmann a lot, didn't she?' Francesca nodded again. Alicia continued, 'Well, with Prutzmann dead and gone and with the Putsch down the drain, naturally they're going to get rid of people like that. She's probably lucky she's not in jail. Or maybe she is.'

'Ooh!' her sister said. 'Ooh! Ihope she is. She said Daddy deserved to be, back when they grabbed him and us. I hope she finds out what it's like.' Francesca liked revenge.

'It could happen.' Alicia didn't mind the idea of the Beast behind bars, either-far from it. And when one side won a political fight, the other side suffered. That had been true in the Reich ever since the Night of the Long Knives. Sooner or later, though, didn't revenge have to stop, or at least slow down? If it didn't, who'd be left after a while? That made more sense than Alicia wished it did. All the same, she couldn't help hoping vengeance wouldn't stop till Frau Koch got what was coming to her. She waved and called, 'Hey, Trudi! Listen!'

'What's up?' Trudi Krebs called.

Alicia nudged her sister. 'Tell her.'

Francesca did. Trudi's eyes widened. 'Really?' she whispered. Francesca crossed her heart.I don't think Jews are supposed to do that, went through Alicia's mind.She hadn't done it since she found out what she was. Then she stopped worrying about it. Trudi put one arm around her and the other around Francesca and started dancing both of them around in a circle, whooping while she danced.

'What's going on?' another girl called. Trudi and Francesca both shouted out the news. The other girl jumped straight up in the air. Then she ran over and started dancing, too. More girls heard the news, too, and joined the circle. It got bigger and bigger, spinning dizzily around the playground. A few boys even danced with them, mostly ones who'd had the Beast and knew what Francesca's class was escaping.

'Was ist hier los?' A man's voice-a teacher's voice-stopped the exuberance in its tracks where nothing else would have. 'Alicia Gimpel, tell me at once.'

'Jawohl, Herr Peukert.' All panting and sweaty, Alicia paused. 'It's nothing,Herr Peukert. We're just… happy,Herr Peukert.'

Would he ask why they were happy? Would their being loud and disorderly count for more? It would have with a lot of teachers.Herr Peukert kept right on looking stern. But then, slowly and thoughtfully, he nodded. 'Happy is not a bad thing for children to be. You may continue.' He turned his back on the circle. He didn't turn around when the dancing started again.

'He knows why,' Francesca whispered to Alicia. 'He knows, but he doesn't care.' Wonder filled her face.

'Nobody cares about what happened to the Beast.' Alicia corrected herself: 'Except that she's gone, I mean.' She couldn't think of a better reason to dance.

When lunch ended and students went into their classrooms again, hers buzzed with the news. Nobody could hold still. Nobody could keep quiet. A lot of Alicia's classmates had suffered through a year with Frau Koch. Some of the ones who hadn't had a brother or sister who had, the way Alicia did. And all the boys and girls knew what the Beast was like.

Herr Peukert put up with it longer than Alicia thought he would. At last, though, he said, 'Enough. If you want to dance at lunch or after school, that's your business. When you're here, though, we have work to do. You may not care about it now, but some of it will be important later on. Kindly buckle down and pay attention.'

And they did, or most of them did. The bargain seemed fair to Alicia. The boys and girls-mostly boys-who kept on being noisy were the ones who were always noisy in class.Herr Peukert had a lot more patience than Herr Kessler had, but he didn't own an infinite supply. He gave the loudest, most obnoxious boy a swat. The whack of paddle on backside did an amazing job of calming the others down.

Nobody on the bus going home told the children to be quiet. They giggled and squealed and sang songs, most of them about the things a Beast did in the woods. They would have danced in the aisle, but that was too much for the long-suffering bus driver. 'You got to stay in your seats,' he shouted over the din in the bus. 'You got to. Them's the rules, by God.'

The children did sit down. Maybe that was simply fear about what would happen to them if they didn't, but maybe it was something more, too. In the Reich, few arguments carried more weight thanthem's the rules. The rules and good order went hand in hand, and German children learned to obey along with their other lessons.

But we wouldn't obey Lothar Prutzmann, even if the Beast thought we ought to,Alicia thought. Then something else crossed her mind-what do you mean, we?She couldn't automatically think of herself as a German any more. That was what being a Jew did to her: it made her an outsider in her own country.

Part of her still wished for the feeling of belonging she'd had before she found out what she was. But, considering a lot of the things Germans had done, maybe being on the outside looking in was the better part of the bargain.

Had Lise Gimpel expected miracles from the new Reichstag, she would have been disappointed. Since she expected very little, she found herself pleasantly surprised every now and again. The delegates chose Rolf Stolle as their Speaker. The Gauleiter used his new bully pulpit to go right on slanging Heinz Buckliger for not doing enough, and for not doing it fast enough. That didn't surprise Lise at all.

Laws cutting back the powers of the SS did. So did the public hangings of a couple of Lothar Prutzmann's chief henchmen. The dangling bodies-shown on the evening news-declared the new laws had teeth. The lesson was unsubtle and thoroughly Nazi, but no less effective for that.

Holland held elections, too, and chose a parliament with a non-Fascist majority. Panzers didn't roll. The German Foreign Ministry said not a word. Dutchmen didn't dance in the streets. They didn't seem to want to give the Reich any excuse to change its mind. Lise couldn't blame them.

As summer gave way to fall, Heinrich said the Americans were getting friskier than ever. 'What will they do?' Lise asked him. 'Will they try to rebel?'

'I don't think so. I hope not,' her husband answered. 'That would be just what…some people needed.' He still spoke carefully. The house might be bugged.

'How hard would the government…the way it is now…try to stop them?'

'I don't know that, either,' Heinrich said. 'But if the government…the way it is now…didn't try to stop them, I

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