else out there who could make her come alive. Someone other than a very talented prostitute.

Sitting up, she looked around and noticed that her skirt, shirt, wig, mask and bra were draped over the bale of hay in the corner. Wow. She must have passed out not to notice him gathering up her clothing. No sign of her panties though. She stood up and felt a twinge of discomfort between her legs. It was a good pain. It reminded her of how deeply he had filled her and how much she had loved being on the receiving end of all that unrestrained passion.

She got dressed, smiling to herself as she thought of the way she'd teased and tormented him. How was she going to go back to one night stands with random strangers after this? She was ruined. As for her original fixation, she hadn't thought of Jake since she'd seen Nick's rugged face. It was good to be free of that obsession. Before this afternoon, she had thought watching a man masturbate would be the height of eroticism. Now that fantasy seemed quite tame compared to the x-rated thoughts that were running through her head. Mostly centered on what she would do to that cowboy if she had the chance again.

It felt a little odd to be walking around without panties, but this new sensual Kayla ignored her discomfort. She could walk around with her bush flying in the breeze if she felt like it. At least until she could get to a mall and buy some new panties.

Leaving the stall, she stopped and looked around at the setting of her recent debauchery. It looked so normal. The stable door was now open. In the bright light streaming in she saw that all the items he'd thrown on the floor earlier when he'd sat her on the table were now neatly piled up next to the saddle.

She gave a cursory look for her panties, but they weren't anywhere to be found. She couldn't help but notice that the riding crop was also gone. Too bad. She would have enjoyed that particular souvenir in her private time. Probably for the best. She didn't really want to explain that particular item to the border guards when she went back to Vancouver that afternoon.

Walking out to her car, she winced as she got behind the wheel and her bruised bottom came into contact with the seat. She was going to be reminded of that particular part of her fantasy for days. But it made her smile, remembering how he had been too excited to finish punishing her.

Fishing her keys out of her pocket, she unlocked the glove box and grabbed her wallet, passport, cell phone and sunglasses. As she was setting these items on the passenger seat, she noticed a white envelope lying there, completely camouflaged by the pale leather seats.

Frowning, she slid the envelope open with her keys and looked inside, expecting a receipt of some sort. Instead she was shocked to find her cashier's check for ten thousand dollars nestled inside.

Kayla looked around, expecting her cowboy to appear and explain. But he didn't. She was completely alone. She thought about driving around the property searching for him, but wasn't sure what his circumstances were. What if he actually did work here and she got him in trouble for fraternizing at work? He'd obviously played some kind of devious joke on her, but that didn't warrant getting him fired.

Instead, she looked through her wallet until she found Miss Bright's card. She punched in the number on her cell phone and waited impatiently for the woman to pick up. It rang many times before she heard Miss Bright's clipped voice on the other end.

Kayla interrupted before she could finish saying hello. 'What exactly is going on?'

'Kayla? What do you mean? You sound distressed. I thought everything went so well. Nick has already reported in and it sounds like your fantasy has been successfully fulfilled. Did something not meet your expectations?'

Kayla thought about that question for a moment. In truth, her expectations had been exceeded, but that wasn't why she was calling. 'Miss Bright. Everything was wonderful. So, why is my own check sitting in my hands right now? Am I to understand that you've issued your second refund? Without my input? I find that very unlikely.'

Miss Bright gave a very unladylike snort on the other end of the phone. 'No, I can honestly say that I would not issue a refund in this particular case. Nick, however, said that he felt his performance was not as client-based as it should have been. It did not meet our professional standards.'

'He said that?'

'Not exactly. His words were more like, 'I acted like I was out on my first date after five years in prison.' You should take that as a compliment. Nick has never, ever been compromised like this before. He's usually a very cool customer.'

That did not sound like her cowboy at all. 'Did he say anything else?' Why did she suddenly feel like she was back on the farm, looking for an inkling of interest from Jake. The question was beneath her, but she held her breath waiting for an answer anyway.

'Just that he apologized if you were disappointed.'

Disappointed? Was he kidding? How could she be disappointed. She was getting wet again just thinking of him. 'That's really not necessary. In fact, I'd like to schedule another appointment, just as soon as I get back from Chicago in two weeks.'

'Miss Foreman. Surely you read your contract. Fulfilling a woman's fantasy is an isolated event. We do not entertain repeat performances.'

Kayla rolled her eyes. 'But this would be a completely different fantasy. So it wouldn't be a repeat performance.'

Miss Bright responded, sounding almost exactly like a robot. 'Irrelevant. Any subsequent fantasies will not be considered.' She softened her tone and continued. 'I'm sorry, but we do this for the benefit of the client. Fantasies can become an addiction, just like anything else. The first one is so sublime that the client can easily find themselves forever trying to match that experience with greater and greater perversity. Believe me, it's not in your best interest to travel that road.'

'This is about money, isn't it? What if I doubled the price?'

'Well, considering you paid exactly nothing for this experience, you do not make a very enticing offer.'

'No. I meant twenty thousand.'

'We're flattered that you feel our service is worth such a sum, but the answer is still negative. And even if I did make an exception, I don't think Nick would be willing to take money from you anyway. Not that he needs it. He's been retired for years. Obviously, he was not ready to come back.' She sighed, sounding somewhat human for the first time in this conversation.

'Retired? You mean he doesn't do this on a regular basis?'

'No, none of them do. He just happened to be in town, and I thought he'd make an excellent match for you. But obviously I was wrong.' It was obvious from her tone that she was quite disturbed at this possibility.

'You weren't wrong. He was exactly what I needed.'

'I'm glad to hear that. Now, is there anything else I can do for you?'

'Evidently not,' Kayla said, a little more snidely than was absolutely polite.

Miss Bright ignored her tone. 'Then I will conclude this conversation by wishing you well and reminding you that most of our references are through our clients. So, if you know a woman, like yourself, who would benefit from our service, please do not hesitate to put her in contact with me.'

Kayla didn't really have any close female friends outside work, but if she did, she couldn't imagine sending them to Miss Bright. Delta of Venus Inc., provided a quality product, but if there was even the slimmest possibility of an acquaintance of hers being set up with Nick, she would surely go mad imagining them together.

She closed the conversation with Miss Bright by promising to let her know how the digital recording of her fantasy turned out, and then threw the phone down on the dashboard.

That was it then. Her fantasy was fulfilled, but by an ex-prostitute, not a current one. She didn't know why that changed things, but it did. With the money back in her hands, it felt more like she'd been on a really hot date with a man she was falling for rather than just a financial transaction. Was she crazy to think she could have a relationship with someone she'd met through a fantasy fulfillment agency?

But it didn't matter. She had no way of getting hold of him even if she could overcome their unconventional first date. She needed to forget about him and focus on finding someone more suitable. Someone she liked and desired who wasn't a current or former prostitute. Why did that suddenly seem like such an impossible and unappealing task?

One week later…

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