“ The Crawler’s boat?” Eriq was instantly curious, studying the maps.

“ Against a map of currents and drifts, showing Patric Allain’s possible movements.”

Eriq was both impressed and incredulous. “Why the hell didn’t our experts create something like this for us from the beginning?”

“ Maybe it took a seaman’s point of view,” suggested Anderson.

“ This is like… like a damned psychic thing. How did you come up with this?” he asked Anderson.

“ Eriq,” began Jessica, “Quincey and I watched Elliot put this together. He did it after we answered his questions, during the boat trip here.”

“ My ship is registered out of the Bahamas,” volunteered Anderson, “and she’s called The Misfit.” Anderson again offered his hand and firmly shook Eriq’s.

“ Yeah, okay, I see, and you’re telling me you arrived here by… by boat?” Eriq’s expression was pinched, as if he weren’t understanding, as if one of his burners remained unlit.

“ Yes, Captain Anderson’s boat.”

Eriq gave her a look of stunned curiosity, but he said nothing more.

Anderson picked up the slack moment, saying, “When the first body drifted away from the killer’s boat, he was south of the discovery site by at least ten and possibly fifty miles, given the northward drift of the current along Florida’s eastern seaboard so far south.”

Eriq looked again at the suntanned, handsome sea captain and said, “Hell, maybe we ought to have you conducting this investigation, Captain… ahh…”

“ Anderson,” Elliot repeated, trying on a nervous laugh, but he wasn’t sure if Eriq was kidding or being sarcastic, and neither was Jessica, who now glared at Eriq. She realized that Eriq had been up all night and was fatigued, but he was being rude now to a man who only wanted to help, and she didn’t understand why.

“ From the sound of things, I’d say there’re already too many chiefs in your army, Chief Santiva,” continued Anderson, taking a new course and tossing his used cup into a nearby container, “so I’ll not add to your problems. I’m out of here, Dr. Coran. See you back at the boat?”

She nodded, knowing she’d have to return there to retrieve her belongings. “Yeah… yeah, later.”

She wheeled on Eriq and through grinding teeth asked, “Do you want to explain to me what that was all about?”

“ What? What? Did I offend the guy? Well, pardon me.”

“ Eriq, you’re beyond fatigue, you’re out of it, and you’re hardly making all the right… connections.”

“ I think I know a connection when I see one, and the way that guy was looking at you, well… two nights on a boat with you. I guess that might get to any guy.”

“ There’s nothing going on between Elliot and me! Quincey was with us the whole time.”

“ Yeah, that’d put a damper on any budding romance.” He tried a laugh, which failed. Then he groggily and foolishly added, “And if Quincey hadn’t been aboard? What then, Jess?” Jessica inwardly admitted a certain attraction for Anderson, who was the quintessential freedom-loving, sun- worshiping sportfisherman. But she hadn’t acted on what little she admired about the man, who in essence remained a stranger to her; nor had she encouraged Anderson to make any moves on her. “This is ridiculous, and worse, what business is it of Eriq Santiva’s in the first bloody place?” He dropped his gaze to the floor and nodded. “Yes, of course, I’m… I’m sorry, Jess. I haven’t the right to… to have… to say…”

“ Listen, you’d better get some sleep before two rolls around, if you expect to be in on the net, Eriq. You look awful, you’re dead on your feet and your mind is in the gutter.”

“ There’re a hundred things to orchestrate.”

“ I’m a fine maestro; let me orchestrate. Go find your bed and set your alarm.”

Eriq ambled away-like a dejected puppy, Jessica thought, feeling somewhat sympathetic about his condition, and still a bit stunned by what he had said. Where the hell was his mind? Quincey and Samernow joined her now, along with Captain Ford, interrupting her musings.

“ Let’s see what the Naples PD has in the way of undercover wear, people,” suggested Ford.

“ And just how would the granddaughter of the famous and infamous Gordon Buckner dress?” asked Jessica with a rakish smile.

“ I think she’s definitely a jeans and plaid shirt girl, so you’re halfway there,” Quincey replied with a chuckle. “Ragged cuticles and open-toed shoes,” added Samernow.

Eriq was suddenly back, and he pulled her to the side and walked her into an empty stairwell, wanting a private word with her. “Whatever happens out there today, Jess, you don’t take any chances.”

“ Not a chance…”

“ I mean it-no stunts or foolish hotdogging. Got it?”

She looked again into Eriq’s handsome face and penetrating eyes, which were glazed over at the moment like those of a druggie. Probing, wondering what he’d been on all night, she asked, “Where’s this coming from, Chief? Eriq?”

“ Just be careful. No one wants you hurt.”

“ Someone been telling you stories out of school about me? Or have you been reading my jacket again? I’m not a risk, not for myself and not for others, and certainly not for you.”

“ Not a risk, huh?”

“ No.” Then she saw it in his eyes: a glimmer of lust, a flourish of desire, a bird spreading wings to take flight in that moment that his eyes lingered over hers, and she realized for the first time since seeing him that between Naples and Miami he had somehow concocted some sort of love interest in her. “No, no… this isn’t going to happen, Eriq, not between us. It would just get in the way and serve no purpose because-”

“ I can’t help the way I feel, Jess.” He reached out, took her shoulders in his hands and was about to pull her to him when she pulled away.

“ No, Eriq… I’m sorry, but this… it’s just not what I want or need at the moment. It’s nothing against you, nothing like that at all. It’s just that-”

“ It’s Anderson, isn’t it?”

“ Damnit, Eriq! Blink once for hello, Eriq, and twice for no, I’m no longer on this planet There is nothing going on between Anderson and me. Got it?”

“ Then it’s Parry, isn’t it?”

He knew she found him attractive, so she needed a good excuse to stiff-arm Eriq with, and Jim Parry certainly presented a larger-than-life explanation which Eriq could both grasp and find solace for his male ego.

“ Yeah, yeah… that’s it. I’m still very much in love with Jim.”

He nodded appreciatively. “I’ve been there. I just want you to know that if you ever need someone, Jess… if you ever need anything from me, day or night… well, I’m not just your superior, I’m your friend.”

It was a genuine remark, despite the “superior” crap. She smiled, nodded and thanked him.

“ I mean that one hundred percent, Jess. You okay with that?”

She nodded. “Now, you go get that rest, and for God’s sake, Eriq, don’t ever change.”

“ And what’re you going to do in the meantime?”

“ Meantime, we’re going to see what Ford has for us in the way of a van and some decoy clothes. What size shoe do you wear?” He couldn’t recall. “Shirt size?” He couldn’t recall. She escorted him back to the others and called Ford over to ask him to have Eriq escorted to a place where he could lie down and sleep, all to a chorus of Eriq’s protests. But finally he was persuaded to locate some rest in a room upstairs where there was a couch.

“ What’s up with him?” asked Quincey.

“ Too many pills and too little sleep,” suggested Samernow.

Jessica gave assurances. “He’s okay… He’ll be okay by two.”


Disappear like a tale that is told.

— Simeon Ford
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