“ Since the fish population has declined, the shrimpers usually go out twice a day, twilight and dusk,” said Combs in Jessica's ear. “Owner-operator of the boat being held is pissed off that we haven't released his vessel.”

As Jessica and J.T. walked toward the boat, their shoes slapping the boards, Jessica read the name painted across the wooden rear: Uneven Odds. As she neared the boat, she studied the screeching seagulls all around and overhead, and aside from their footfalls on the boardwalk, she heard a playful sound like melodic chimes. It was the boat's rigging just overhead, the ropes in the wind tapping out a tune over the body, as if playing a hymn for the dead girl.

Sheriff Lorena Combs said, “Boat captain says he picked her up about a mile north of here. I've got men combing that area for anything unusual, trying to determine exactly where she may have been dumped into the river.”

“ Shot in the dark, huh? Any luck identifying her?” Possibly. We put missing persons on it, and they're bringing over a couple to have a look.”

Jessica exchanged a look with J.T. No one wanted to break such news to the family in a normal death, let alone a mutilation death, and yet they had to have a positive ID. The two previous victims had been identified and put to rest, so those parents, family and friends at least had the closure of a burial. “Part of the killer's MO has been to take with him anything that might help officials identify the victim,” J.T. said to Combs.

Combs replied, “Worst part of the job. I told the possible parents that it would be easier on them after we got her to the morgue, that they could view the body through a window, but they're adamant and on their way here.”

“ Determining where she entered the water might well be of help in the investigation,” Jessica said, changing the subject. “Might locate some tire prints, some cigarette butts.”

“ We can only hope.”

They now stood on the dock, high over the boat captain in the hull. Abrams's clothes marked him as a working crewman as well.

“ Dr. Coran, Dr. Thorpe, meet Captain Abrams.”

“ Permission to come aboard, sir?” Jessica asked the skipper.

He laughed in response. “You know how many people have come and gone here? You're the first to ask permission.”

“ So, may we?”

He returned his cap to his head. “Why not? Permission granted. I'm going to find a drink.” He stormed off to his pilothouse.

Jessica noticed the tarp someone had positioned over the body, and now she and J.T. went toward it. J. T grabbed hold of the tarp and pulled it down to the victim's chest area. Jessica went to her knees beside the dead girl and tore the cover away entirely. She found the body now just as it had been described to her-as having been rolled. The victim lay on her stomach, no visible sign of injury. “Help me turn her, carefully.”

J.T. did so as the others held back. When the body was fully turned, Jessica heard Police Chief Sheay, standing well back, moan and say, “My God, Cutter. Do you see what this butcher did to her?”

“ Gentlemen,” said J.T., “this is surely the third such victim found in this horrid condition within a month. But it's not a butcher's job he's done on them.”

“ What do you mean?” asked Chief Sheay.

“ The cutting open of the skull, the manner in which it's been done here… this is no amateur at work. He's highly skilled with a scalpel and bone saw.”

Jessica let them know she agreed with J.T. “Scalpel, bone saw, forceps. The killer had all the right tools for his ends.”

“ Forceps?” asked Combs.

“ He had to have used forceps to snatch hold of the brain and remove it through the front like this,” Jessica explained. “It's as if he's trained to do it or has seen it done. It only happens on autopsies. Brain implants or brain surgery usually leaves only an oval in the affected area.”

“ But this guy wants the entire brain,” said Combs.

“ Why?” asked Sheay, handkerchief covering his nostrils and mouth.

“ To eat it, to weigh it, to dissect it?” asked Special Agent Henry Cutter. “We don't pretend to know why, Chief. Even the FBI's never seen this kind of thing before.”

“ If we knew why, it might help us find him,” said J.T. “But we honestly can only guess at his motives.”

Jessica added, “Our earlier examinations have shown that he uses a surgical saw, rotary style from the findings we've seen. Makes clear striations against the bone. If we could locate this guy and his saw, we could nail him on the saw markings to the skulls alone.”

“ How do the other victims compare to this one? Physically, I mean,” asked Cutter, stepping closer, wincing at the wound.

“ Approximate size and shape, hair color difference, color of eyes no match.” Jessica bent down and stared into the eyes to determine an answer to her own question. “Blue. The others had brown and hazel eyes.”

“ So he isn't too picky. Not in search of a specific type with blue eyes, brunette hair, size, weight?” pressed the hawk-nosed Cutter.

“ It appears his only interest is what lies inside their skulls,” replied Jessica. “None of the previous victims were raped either. Tests are likely to show the same here, I suspect.” She examined the eyes more closely for any telltale signs of strangulation-the minuscule red dots of hemorrhaging in the eyes. She found none. She next felt about the exterior of the throat for any damage there, and other than the now-familiar restraint marks at the throat and temples, where the head had been held in place by some elaborate restraint, she found nothing of particular note, certainly no merciful sign of strangulation. “J.T., that medical head strap you brought,” she said, hand out. J.T. obliged, handing the strap to her.

She fitted it about the neck and head of the deceased. It matched perfectly against the head restraint marks left on the girl. “That tears it. This guy knows medical supplies, John.”

“ And no signs of strangulation?” asked J.T.

“ None.”

“ Like the others.”

The two M.E. s knew that this indicated a death that came with the shock of having one's skull split open by a bone cutter.

Agent Cutter asked, “Any sign of drug use in your earlier victims?”

“ The only significant amount found in either was the drug Demoral.”

“ Demoral?”

“ Used mainly as a sedative and muscle relaxant,” said J.T.

“ Found in both prior victims, and no apparent injury to any other part of the body. We've determined that they all died while alive-while under this madman's scalpel and saw.”

“ That's what the autopsies show?” Combs's obvious empathy for the victims showed in her eyes now.

“ Afraid so. This guy works methodically. We've found residue of red marker. He maps out the cut just after shaving the hair away from the crown and eyebrows. His first incision is with the scalpel, after which he brings the bone saw to bear along the scalpel lines. We've determined that he is left-handed from the angle of the pressure he brings to bear on the marker.”

“ And he'll strike again?”

“ If he can, yes.”

Combs hesitated. “Strange, all so strange..

The case was indeed strange, Jessica thought. “It fits no pattern I've ever seen in all my years as a forensic scientist.”

Jessica examined the bruised wrists and ankles, noting that they appeared to have been caused by handcuffs. J.T. concurred.

“ Well then… if her head and limbs were restrained…” Combs's light brown eyes grew dim.

“ Then we know the killer has mapped out his every move,” said J.T.

Jessica said, “Be clear on one thing, people. It's not enough that the bastard kill her. He wanted her to know what he was doing, wanted her conscious. He wanted her brain still palpitating when he got to it.”

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