Zimmer shook his head as in mourning. “Each time we hear someone at CNN say, 'And I thought I'd heard it all,' we know better. There's always more at CNN, America's number-one choice for up-to-the-minute, unbiased news reporting.”

Paula waved a new sheet of copy over her head, announcing, “Now we turn to lighter fare, the New York City's Bronx Zoo's ninetieth anniversary fair.”

Zimmer cut in. “Paula, sorry but we have more news on that horrible story coming out of Chicago. Our sources tell us that the box's origin was indeed Milwaukee, its destination the controversial artist and sculptor, Keith Orion, care of Chicago Prop Works Inc., a company owned by Orion that sets up and breaks down theatrical, educational and cultural events, including but not limited to plays, music concerts, film production needs and art showings.”

Again Paula read from the TelePrompTer. “Keith Orion has never been without controversy as he creates shock-value artwork calculated to get a reaction from viewers of his art. Called the Marilyn Manson of the arts community in and around Chicago, his notoriety has followed him across the states, wherever he has shown.”

Smirking to suppress a laugh, Zimmer added, “His record for art show shutdowns stands alone. His last showing in Milwaukee, while sold out, saw people leaving in droves before promoters had time to uncork the champagne bottles and serve the cheese.”

“Do we have film on some of Orion's more shocking pieces?” asked Paula of an off-camera producer.

“Sorry,” she apologized to the public, “but perhaps later, we will bring you an example of Mr. Orion's decidedly shocking work. I am told he has gone so far as to hang crucified cats, dogs, and other small animals in relief against his paintings.”

“He calls it odorous art,” commented Zimmer. “Wait till Bill O'Reilly gets wind of this.”

Cafferty joined the other two co-anchors in a belly laugh, adding, “Indeed.”

Jessica switched it off to an elated Darwin who looked ready to bounce off the walls. “If we can say we have someone in custody in Chicago, and new evidence has surfaced now in Chicago as well as Minnesota with DNA matching, and we can show a connection between Orion and Millbrook then-”

Jessica put up both hands to him and cautioned, “You're reaching way ahead of yourself, Darwin.”

“But this is good! Great!”

“You're reacting, creating rationalization to arrest Orion on the basis of a news story that has him connected in some way to this recent body, but he's a long way from replacing your brother in the death chamber.”

“I tell you there's something sick about that motherfucker. You saw his art. Hell, you smelled it-roadkill on the canvas, and he's guilty as hell of… of…“Of what? Rodent murder? Call in animal control. What's he done beside be a prick? Where's the evidence he's actually killed anyone? You and I can't work on suppositions, Darwin.”

“He's the Spine Thief. I just know it.”

“Sure he's despicable and distasteful and has a hate on for women, but that does not prove he's the killer we seek, and I don't have a good feeling about him suddenly falling into our laps like this.”

“Regardless, Hughes has to listen to reason now. I know… we'll confiscate all Orion's art.”

“That crap'll go through the roof in value. Become the hottest collectors' items on the market thanks to this notoriety. Look, hell, we don't even know who the victim in that crate is, not for sure, and it could all prove to be an elaborate hoax for attention, part of the bastard's public-relations effort-got a body from a morgue or a funeral home, some sick shit like that. Hell, I can imagine someone even wanting to set Orion up-possibly the real killer.”

“What're you saying?”

“It's all just too pat is what I'm saying.”

Darwin gritted his teeth, paced the room and wound up at the window, staring out over the expanse of gardens and trees of a nursery across the street. “We still gotta find out. We gotta know what Chicago knows. I have Agents Amanda Petersaul and Jared Cates teaming on it.”

Jessica blew out a long breath of air, a signal of exasperation. “Who's Cates?”

“A five-year man with our field office. He's good and thorough.”

“I'm glad you have an experienced agent with Pete.”

“Pete's a fine agent. She's sharp as a tack, and she is dogged about getting the facts.”

“Now you're talking. Let's get some details and facts. The Devil is in the details as they say.”

“That's my intention.”

“Your people need a little paving of the way in Chicago, I know some of the agents in our field office there. Worked a couple of cases with them.”

“What about the M.E. there?”

“As a matter of fact, I know the Chicago M.E. well. Keene, Horace Keene. Runs a fine crime lab and morgue. Fact is, we both studied under Holcraft, just not at the same time.”

“That's good. You two'll be on the same wavelength.”

“Keene is quick and efficient. By now he'll have any facts ascertainable from the crate, and maybe he can verify that the body is in fact Lucinda Wellingham’s.”

“And if it is?”

“Then we learn what evidence they have against Orion, circumstantial or overwhelming.”

“And then?”

“Then we go at the governor with all the facts, and we shove it down his fat face.”

“Now you're talking.”

Still, something nagged at Jessica and she was not ready to celebrate. “But what troubles me is that from what we know of Lucy Wellingham, she does not fit the victim profile.”

“So Orion changed the pattern. It happens. I've read about it happening in your own book.”

“Still, we can't ignore the facts. All the others were matronly, in their late forties. They were all shut-ins or self-imposed introverts who related better and more to animals than to people. While Lucinda appears their opposite.”

“Hardly reclusive with a business of her own,” he agreed.

“A large, prominent family. Busy businesswoman. Bet she had no animals, at least not in the city, at her place.”

“From her photos, she appears to be a classy dresser, quite up on fashion.”

Jessica agreed. “Beautiful from her photo, in step with the young and hip crowd in Milwaukee, and in her mid-twenties. Not the killer's victim of choice.”

“OK, so Orion changed his pattern drastically.”

Jessica paced the room, her chin in her hand. “It could mean that she somehow found out about his extracurricular activities and… so she was killed out of expediency, not like the others who were targeted, stalked, massaged through the drawings and then murdered.”

“By now every scrap of his artwork and supplies and instruments are confiscated, and the techs are searching for blood evidence on his art scalpels.”

“Yeah, and maybe they found the bone cutter still fresh with Lucinda's blood on it,” she sarcastically replied. “Let's stay grounded, Darwin. In a few hours we're going to be meeting Richard at the airport and all we've got in hand is the blood typing. So, let's go as planned.”

“Penitentiary for the blood test.”

“Right. And to meet your brother.”

“It's all set for two this afternoon.”

“And Richard's plane is due in at six. We see the governor again at seven. Now get outta my room and let me get dressed for the day.”

“I'll keep you apprised of any and all I learn as Petersaul is going down to Chicago to find out all she can. Meantime, our people in Milwaukee have raided the place where Orion stayed while in Milwaukee, the downtown Marriott, for anything he may have left behind.”

“Anything breaks in the investigation, let me know. Otherwise, I need some peace and quiet, and to put on my foundations, Darwin. Out, out, and Darwin, don't get me wrong, I am as pleased as you at this new development. I just think, given what we know now about J. J. Hughes that nothing 'back East' is going to persuade him unless it is absolutely overwhelming.”

“By end of business day, I am hoping to make it overwhelming,” Reynolds countered.

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