Her expression was all about the oh-please, but she extended her palm. “Do you want to tell me what’s going on here—”

The instant contact was made, he put her into a trance: She just stared up at him, relaxed, ready to be informed, her short-term memory wiped clean.

Cool. He wasn’t sure he could pull it off.

Matthias locked a vicious hold on Jim’s arm. “What the fuck did you do to her?”

“Nothing. Just a little hypnosis.” He glanced at his old boss. “Here’s what’s going to happen. She won’t remember me—neater and cleaner that way. And you’re going to take her to the hotel that I’m reserving a room for you in—”

Matthias was focused only on his reporter. “Mels? Mels—are you okay—”

Jim put his face right up into the guy’s eye. “She’s fine—haven’t you ever heard of Heron the Magnificent?”

Annnnnnnnd out came the gun. Matthias shoved the barrel right into Jim’s neck, and suddenly the other man’s jaw was right where it had always been, tight, hard, all about the get-’er-done.

“What the fuck did you do to her.” Not a question. More like the countdown to a trigger pulling.

“Well,” Jim said reasonably, “if you pop me in the carotid, you’ll never get her out of it, will you.”

Actually, if the guy shot him, nothing was going to happen. But they had enough drama going on here, and he wasn’t sure he could do this mind trick with two people at the same time. More to the point, given Matthias’s tricky mental landscape, Jim didn’t want to run the risk of blowing the bastard’s brain up with the truth about the whole angel-demon thing. Not yet, at any rate.

That gun didn’t waver. “Bring her back. Now.”

“You’re taking her to your hotel room.”

“I’m the one with the gun. I make the plans.”

“Think about it. If you’re with her, then you can make sure I leave her alone, right?”

Matthias’s voice dropped an octave. “You don’t know who you’re dealing with.”

“And neither do you.” Jim leaned into the guy. “You need me. I’m the only one who can tell you what you want to know—trust me on this. I’m more aware than you about exactly how buried your past is, and nobody’s going to break that barrier but me. So get in that fucking beater, have her drive you to the Marriott downtown, and I’ll get there when I’m good and goddamn ready.”

Matthias just stayed where he was, squaring off for the longest time. “I could shoot you right now.”

“So do it.”

Matthias frowned and brought his free hand to his temple like his head hurt. “I…shot you, didn’t I….”

“We’ve got a long history. And if you want to find out about it, you will stick with her—no arguments. I’ve got you by the short hairs, and I’m calling the shots. Nice fucking change of pace, if I do say so myself.”

Jim went back to the stairs and ascended, leaving Matthias stuck between a rock and his reporter. At the top of the landing, he snapped his fingers for show and then disappeared into the studio. From behind the drapes, he watched the woman come back on line and the pair of them talk it out.

“So Matthias is the soul,” Ad said from between bites of his Reuben.

“Looks like it.”

“You sure you want to drag that woman into all this?”

“Did you see the way he looks at her?”

“Maybe he just wants to get laid.”

“Good luck with that,” Jim muttered. “And yeah, she’s going to be an asset for us.”

The question now was, Where were the crossroads. Sooner or later, Devina was going to set up a choice, and Jim had until then to get a completely conscienceless, power-hungry despot to do a one-eighty.

Great. Juuuust great.

He was so completely surrounded by job satisfaction at the moment that he was positively choking on the shit.

“Let’s get down to that hotel,” he said.

“What hotel?”

“The Marriott.” He went for his wallet. There was a credit card in it under the Jim Heron name that was up- to-date—and MasterCard wasn’t going to know he was technically dead because he hadn’t told them.

Adrian wiped his mouth with a Goldstein’s Deli napkin. “Are you sure you want this to be so public? Lot of people downtown, and Devina loves to be the center of attention.”

“Yeah, but the lack of privacy will tie her hands—first of all, she’ll have to clean up any messes. And second, she’s going to have to be very careful about how she proceeds in this round—and I can’t believe that killing innocent civilians of the human variety is going to put the Maker in His happy place.”

Jim went over to the dresser, such as it was, and got his holsters out. Slipping them on, he put his dagger in on one side and another of his guns in the other. Checking his pockets, he went to see how many cigarettes he had—

The folded piece of paper in the ass of his jeans stopped the hunt, and he closed his eyes briefly.

There was no reason to take the newspaper article out; he knew it by heart. Every word, every paragraph— and especially the picture.

His Sissy.

Who wasn’t really his.

Always with him. Never forgotten.

Making sure Adrian couldn’t see, he outted the piece of eight-and-a-half-by-eleven, unfolded the page, and sneaked a peek at her face. Nineteen when she was taken by the demon, eternal down below in that wall of souls —

Jim frowned and looked to the door. Matthias had been in that vicious hell. What had he seen inside of it….

Or, fuck, what had he done there?

The idea that that girl was in there suffering was enough to make Jim see white with rage.

“Hurry up, Ad,” he muttered. “We got to go.”

Chapter Sixteen

Riding in the passenger seat of the Toyota, Matthias felt like things were going at a dead run. In fact, not only was Mels obeying all the traffic laws, but they were creeping along at five miles an hour through a construction zone full of jackhammers and paving trucks.

He glanced over at her. Behind the wheel, she was fine, calm, normal, even with the not-a-clue about Jim Heron.

What the hell had the guy done to her?

Man, ordinarily Matthias would have called bullshit on the whole thing. Hypnosis his ass. Except…well, he was kind of in the same situation, although instead of losing a couple of minutes, he’d pulled a blank on his whole fucking life.

And what did he know from “ordinary” anymore anyway?

As they stopped at a red light on the far side of the assault on asphalt, he stared through his window. “I don’t do well with being out of control.”

“Not many people enjoy it.” Mels took a deep breath. “I’m glad you’re letting me take you back to your hotel.”

If you’re with her, then you can make sure I leave her alone, right?

He pushed his fingers underneath the rims of the Ray-Bans and rubbed his eyes.

“Almost there,” she said. Like she thought he was going to pass out or something.

He wasn’t sporting a case of the vapors, though. “You make me feel…powerless.”

“I don’t think that’s me. I think that’s your situation.”

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