Everyone else around him was out like a light: Dog was at the foot of the cramped twin bed, paws twitching as he dreamed of bunnies or gophers…or maybe black shadows that had teeth. Adrian was propped up around the corner, his back against the crawl space, big body tense even though his breathing was even. And Eddie? Well, the guy was dead, so it wasn’t like he was up pacing the floor.

Desperate for a cigarette, Jim got out of bed on the wrong side to avoid disturbing Dog, and grabbed his pack of Marlboros. Before he left, he went over and checked on Adrian.

Yup. Asleep sitting up.

With a crystal dagger in his hand, in case someone came after his boy.

Poor damn bastard. Eddie’s loss had been a crippler for the team…but particularly for the pierced and tatted wild card who had been on vigil ever since it had happened.

Why did a strong man showing grief in a tough way seem so much sadder than any kind of histrionic weeping and wailing?

And P.S., it was fucking weird to have partners.

Back when Jim had been an assassin in XOps, he’d been a strict solo operator. Now, so much had changed, from his boss to his job description to his weapons of choice—and Eddie Blackhawk had been the one to show him the way, teaching him what he needed to know, calming him and Adrian down when they were throwing punches at each other, being the voice of reason in situations where there seemed to be no logic whatsoever…like when you were standing over your own corpse. Or fighting a demon who had a penchant for Prada and a thing for men who didn’t like her. Or bearing on your shoulders the future of all the good souls and the bad ones that ever had been or would be.

Kind of made a guy want to flip burgers for a living.

With a curse, he went over to the couch, snagged a leather coat, and draped it over Adrian’s lower legs. The other angel grunted and shifted on the floor, but stayed under the coat. Good thing—the goal was to keep the guy warm, not talk to him.

Jim didn’t feel like talking to anybody.

No newsflash there, at least.

Stepping out onto the top landing of the stairs, the cold air clawed into the bare skin of his chest. Before he had a roommate and a dog, he’d always slept in the nude. Now he wore sweats. Helped with the fact that in April, Caldwell was still pretty chilly at night.

Not that he did much sleeping.

The fresh pack of Marlboros was still wrapped in cellophane, and he smacked it on the heel of his hand as he shut the door quietly. One of the advantages of being both immortal and corporeal was that you didn’t have to worry about cancer, but nicotine still had an effect on your nervous system.

You also didn’t have to pat your pockets for a lighter.

Ripping the flip top open, he took out a coffin nail, put it between his lips, and brought up his hand. As his forefinger glowed on command, he thought of Eddie again—and felt like murdering Devina, as usual.

At least overall, the good guys were still ahead two to one in the war. If he could just squeak out two more wins, he’d have done it: snatched the Earth out of the jaws of damnation, kept his mother safe in the Manse of Souls…and gotten his Sissy out of Hell.

Not that she was his.

Exhaling, he wasn’t one hundred on that last one, but that had to be the way it worked, right? If the angels won, and Devina didn’t exist anymore, he had to be able to go down and get that poor, innocent girl free of that prison. Hell would be his to do with what he chose.


On that note, he wondered who the next soul in play was.

Thinking about his new boss, he heard the Englishman’s voice in his head, Nigel’s smooth, haughty tones echoing around, getting on his nerves: You will recognize him as an old friend and an old foe who you have seen of late. The path could not be more obvious if it were spotlit.

“Thanks,” he muttered, the smoke leaving his lips along with his breath. “Big help there, pal.”

How the hell was it fair that his enemy knew the target and he did not?

Fucked. Up.

Last round, he’d tricked Devina into giving him the intel, and she wasn’t going to fall for anything like that again—say what you would about that demon, she was not a dumb blonde on so many levels. And that meant that here he was again, stuck in neutral, as the opposition no doubt got a head start.

Which was precisely the problem he’d had in the battle over his former boss’s soul. The whole time, he’d assumed the one on deck was someone else’s, but it had turned out to be Matthias’s all the way.

Too little, too late, and the SOB had made the wrong choice.

Win: Devina.

At this rate, the game was set up to be unfair—as long as Devina continued to interact directly with the souls. According to the rules, Jim was the only one who should be doing that, but in practice, she was as much a part of the ground action as he was. Naturally, Nigel, chief Boy Scout in charge, was convinced she was going to get shanked for this kind of coloring outside the lines—and maybe she would. But who knew the when of that?

In the meantime, Jim had no choice but to stay sharp and hope he didn’t fuck up again.

He had to win. For his mother…and for Sissy.

As he took another drag and let it out, he watched the milky white smoke curl up into the cold air and rise until it disappeared. Between one blink and the next, he saw Sissy Barten, that beautiful young girl, hanging upside down in a white porcelain tub, her bright red blood staining her light blond hair, her skin marked with symbols he’d never seen before, but that Eddie had understood all too well—

A subtle scratching interrupted his train of thought, and he reached behind and opened the studio’s door. Dog limped out, his shaggy hair all discombobulated—although that was the stuff’s SOP, not because he’d fallen asleep in a weird position.

“Hey, big man,” Jim said softly as he reclosed things. “You need to go out?”

The poor old thing had a hard time with the stairs, so Jim usually carried him down to the ground. As he bent down to oblige, though, Dog just lowered his butt onto the landing—which was his way of saying he wanted to be picked up and held.

“Roger that.”

The animal, who Jim knew damn well was so much more than just a random stray, weighed next to nothing in his arm, and was warm as a Bunsen burner.

“I told her to think of you,” Jim said as he held his cigarette downwind of the dog—just in case he was wrong about the something-else. “I told Sissy to picture you chewing on my socks. I want her to imagine you playing in the bright green grass when things get…”

He couldn’t finish the thought aloud.

In his lifetime, he’d done ugly things, hideous things, to ugly, hideous people—which meant he had been long hardened to his emotions—

Well, actually, that had happened when he was still a teenager, hadn’t it. On that day when everything had changed forever.

On the day his mother had been murdered.

Whatever. Water under the bridge.

The fact of the matter was, the idea of Sissy in the demon’s Well of Souls was enough to make even a battle-hardened soldier like him lose his mind.

“I told her…to think of you, when she felt like she couldn’t hold on any longer.”

Dog’s stumpy tail wagged back and forth, like Jim had done the right thing.

Yeah, hopefully she was using Dog down there to sustain her.

Shit knew there was nothing else.

“I gotta find the next soul,” Jim muttered before taking another hit of the cigarette. “Gotta find out who’s on deck next. We gotta win this, Dog.”

As that cold, wet nose gave him a nuzzle, he was careful to exhale over his shoulder.

The fact that Nigel maintained he knew the soul at bat told him absolutely nothing. He’d known a shitload of people during his life.

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