Narn Regime can, I hope, be brought to a peaceful and amicable end. Ambassador Morden assures us the Alliance will be happy to work as mediators in the peace treaty.
'Of course we will need an embassy and diplomatic staff on Kazomi Seven. Minister Durano, you are to be our Ambassador there. Minister Cotto will serve as your second. I have the utmost faith in both of you to represent our interests fully.'
Durano bowed formally, smiling, although it was clearly a false smile. He was being moved away from the homeworld, from the Court, further from the centre of power and away from his preferred occupation. None of that mattered. If Durano stayed the Vorlons would have him killed in no time. He would not be able to work with them, not without compromising his principles. Also, he must have known of Marrago's deal with the Shadows. Morden would punish him for that. Durano was not a friend, but he was a loyal Centauri, and he deserved to be kept safe, to be able to serve the Republic.
Then Londo looked at Marrago. His friend. One of his oldest friends. A man who had lost his daughter.
A man who would soon lose so much more. Londo did not want to do this, but he had no other choice. There was nothing else.
'Marrago.' The Lord–General straightened, as if he knew what was coming. 'You have been accused of bargaining with alien races hostile to the Republic, and in doing so jeopardising our situation with our allies, especially the Vorlon Empire and the United Alliance. You have been found guilty of all charges by your Emperor.
'You are stripped of all your titles, all your estates and holdings and ranks.' Londo paused. Don't hesitate now. Continue. See this through to the end. 'You are also exiled from Centauri space. One space shuttle alone will be provided for you, in memory of your years of service to the Republic. If, when night falls over this palace tomorrow, you are found in any world, station or holding of the Centauri Republic, you are to be killed on sight.
'You may leave.'
Marrago's bearing was ramrod–straight. There were unshed tears in his eyes, but he said his last words with dignity, the last thing he possessed that Londo had not taken from him.
'As my Emperor commands.'
He turned and left. The awed crowd stood aside for him.
Londo could not bear to look, so he shifted his gaze to Morden. He expected the 'Ambassador' to be angry about that, but if he was Morden did not show it. This was the only way. If Marrago stayed he would be interrogated, tortured and murdered. At least now he was alive. He could find something out there, something to do, someone else to serve as loyally and as well as he had served Londo.
At least he was alive.
'General Carn Mollari,' Londo said, turning at last to his nephew. 'You are promoted to Lord–General, in recognition of your valour in defending the homeworld. You have command over all the armies, navies, and warships of the Centauri Republic. Your first mission is to go to Kazomi Seven and aid the Alliance in their war with the Shadows. You are to offer the services of our fleet to the Alliance, although you will of course retain full control in matters relating to actual military deployment.'
'Funds for rebuilding will be provided from the central treasury, and of course the Vorlon High Command has graciously offered us assistance. Minister Virini. You have overall responsibility for supervising the reconstruction efforts, as well as providing for displaced persons and refugees. You will have whatever resources are necessary for those purposes.
'That is all. You are all dismissed.'
Then they left, one by one, just as they had come. Carn left talking with the Narn Warleader. The Narn was probably offended that Londo had not spoken to him, but there had been nothing to say. A formal meeting would have to be arranged later. Durano left with Vir, both already making plans for the provision of staff for their embassy. Virini wandered away, muttering to himself. The guards resumed their normal positions. Except for the bodies on the floor, everything was normal.
Morden was, not surprisingly, the last to leave.
'I am surprised you did not object,' Londo said, wearily. 'You did not even say anything.'
Morden shrugged. 'You're the Emperor, after all. Everything you did was within your power. The treaty between us will be arranged soon. I think we should pass it as swiftly as possible, don't you? The sooner we sort it out, the sooner we can begin providing aid. And protection, of course. After all, someone is going to have to guard the homeworld with your fleet away.
'And as for Marrago, well.... it's a big galaxy, but not that big. We'll find him. Eventually.
'Well, at least that's all over now. We can begin preparing for the future.'
Londo did not have the energy to laugh. 'I do not believe we have much of a future. Not any more.'
'Oh, you do. It just isn't the sort of future you might have imagined you were going to have.'
With that, Morden left. Londo was alone.
Before the End.
Alone.... but not for ever.
Londo looked up and smiled wryly. 'I know you're there, my friend,' he whispered. 'You can't hide from me.'
The shadows parted and Lennier stepped out. Londo looked at him, and was relieved that he appeared unharmed. 'I do not think I have been a very good bodyguard for you,' he said softly. 'A bodyguard would not have left you alone.'
'You have been a fine bodyguard, Lennier. And a finer friend. I do not know what I would have done without you.'
Lennier looked down. He had always seemed to have the weight of several worlds on his shoulders, but now.... the burden seemed even heavier.
'I must go.'
'I know. I have sent away everyone who cared for me, Lennier. I cannot keep you behind.'
'No, it is more than that. I am.... Shadow–tainted. They have given me one of their Keepers. Soon the Vorlons will find out, and if I am still here, then....'
'I know. I have always known. Just as I knew you would never be a threat to me or to this throne.' Londo sighed. 'There have been few who have served this Republic half so well as you have. I just wish there was a better gift I could give you as you leave us.'
'You have given me all that is necessary. I was proud to be your friend.'
Londo rose from his throne and took the few short, hesitant steps towards Lennier. He reached out his hands and Lennier took them both, grasping his wrists. For a moment they both stood there, and then Lennier pulled back.
'I must go.' He made to leave.
'I will undo this,' Londo called back. 'I will drive the Vorlons and 'Ambassador' Morden from this world. When I do.... you can come back. I will take you to the red light district and get you drunk.'
Lennier smiled sweetly and sadly. 'That would be nice, but I do not think I will live to see it.'
'No, you will, my friend.'
Lennier smiled again, and then he was gone.
Londo sat back on the throne. Lennier was the last of them, the last of those who knew him as a man and not an Emperor. They were all gone now. So who was he?
What was he?
After the End.
'No, not alone.'
Londo looked up, unsure of how much time had passed. Long shadows covered the throne room. Everything was dark. The only patch of light in the whole room was where Lyndisty lay.
'Somehow I knew you would be here, Londo. You always were one for melodramatic gestures.'
He groaned softly as he saw the woman enter the room. Her clothes were scorched and burned. There was a soot mark on her cheek and numerous scratches on her face, but still Timov looked every inch the Empress she