One hundred. And then it would be done. The casual power of the technomages appalled her, that Vejar could create this in such a short time. It was perhaps just as well that most of them had gone away to hide. She shuddered to think of anyone wielding such power.
Had Vejar done this so quickly? A sudden thought came to her. What if he had prepared this beforehand? Had he known? How could he? She remembered something, and a chill crept up her spine. She almost lost count, and hastily resumed
Vejar had been conspicuous by his absence ever since Ulkesh had arrived at Kazomi 7. He had been avoiding the Vorlon completely.
Fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight....
Delenn tried to clear her mind of these worries. Whatever the technomage's plans, she could do nothing about it here. She trusted Vejar. He had every reason to want the Shadows destroyed. She had seen him blaze with anger at the sight of what their Keepers were doing to innocent people. Vejar was young and idealistic. He cared.
Seventy, seventy-one, seventy-two....
She brought her thoughts back to John. She hoped he had understood. It was a sacrifice she had made partly out of necessity, but also out of love. Her life for his. It was one she had made willingly, although with anger at having been forced into it.
Still, they had been together for one night. She clung to the memory of his touch, his kisses, his love. His wonder at being able to touch her again, to kiss her again.
She had looked down at him sleeping, and committed that image to her memory. They had never had a formal Minbari courtship. They had gone through one of the rituals, but no more. They had never truly had the sleep-watching, although they had watched each other sleep, he watching her often.
Eighty-eight, eighty-nine, ninety....
'It will not be long, my love,' she whispered. 'I will wait for you. If the universe wills it.... we will meet again.'
Ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three....
'I love you.'
Ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six....
'Remember me.'
Ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine....
'Forgive me.'
A single tear trickled down her cheek as she said the last number aloud.
'One hundred.'
She looked up, startled, wondering if her count had been wrong. One hundred, that was what Vejar had said. She remembered that clearly.
One hundred.
Still nothing.
She looked at the globe. It was still glowing. She reached out to touch it, puzzled and confused, and just before she did so it split open, revealing a small image she recognised as Vejar.
The image faded, and before her eyes the globe turned into a pile of dust.
Her heart beating hard, Delenn rose to her feet. She had understood so little of that, but she did know that the technomages would not let her inflict this injury upon the Shadows.
She went to the door, almost running. Pulling at it, she knew that it was locked.
Trapped. Trapped here, without the hope of an easy death. Trapped here.... to be made host to one of their Keepers, to be turned against her friends, to be....
She reeled across the room and fell onto the bed. It was hard and uncomfortable, and sleep was a very long time coming.
Chapter 2
Her delirium, if that was what it was, had passed, and Delenn, recently anointed the Blessed, awoke from her slumber with a clear head. She did not know how much time had passed. It was all.... difficult to judge here.
Looking around, she noticed that a bowl of water and some cloths had been placed on the table. She rose awkwardly, and stretched. Then she remembered the globe. Vejar's globe. A pile of dust on the table.
Hard to believe it had once been her hope for the future.
She closed her eyes in silent despair. They had her now. What they would do to her, she did not know. She was not sure if she truly cared. Vejar had spoken of some sort of future for her, which was why she could not die. A choice.
Another friend betrayed, if Vejar could still be called that. He had betrayed her, although on orders from another, and.... there had been no malice in his voice. No dark intentions.... just shepherding her towards a destiny.
Angrily she shoved the bowl from the table, and water splashed across the floor. She was not a puppet or a toy, to be pushed this way and that! The Vorlons, and now the technomages, they all seemed to want something from her. But what?
It was times like this she wished she were Sinoval. To be always so sure.... He had denied his destiny and dared to forge his own path. She wished she possessed the ruthlessness for something like that, but she did not feel she could have walked as alone as he did. She had friends, people she cared for dearly.... and that thought had sheltered her greatly. She had John....
She had Lyta. Delenn closed her eyes and tried to reach out to her friend. A.... a sort of bond existed between them. A legacy from their both having been host to Kosh. She had used that bond once before to get word to John, to call for his aid. Could it work now?
She concentrated long and hard, but eventually she gave up. She could feel nothing. She was not a telepath, after all. Perhaps Lyta was just too far away. Perhaps Z'ha'dum was blocked from such signals.
Perhaps the Vorlons did not want Lyta to receive any such message.
That thought struck Delenn with a chill to her spine. The Vorlons had sent her here after all. Sent her here to die. They would not want her friends coming to her rescue, would they?