Tell me!
You're going to kill my baby! Tell me!
'A boy.
'It's a boy.
'Your baby's a boy.'
A boy.
A son.
My son.
John's son.
Our son.
Oh, Valen.... John!
I didn't know, John! I didn't know! I promise you, I didn't know! If I had known, I....
I what? Lorien told me. I chose this. I chose a life of sorrow and suffering and heartbreak, for a brighter future.
But I never chose this!
Our son!
Oh, John! I love you....
Please forgive me.
Please, understand!
They're going to kill my son.
I don't know the names of the people who are going to do this. Oh, there's Welles, and Clark, and.... John's father....
But who are the doctors? I don't know their names. I don't know who they are. Do they have people they love? Husbands, wives, children?
Will they go home after this?
The enemy wants to see me as a monster, not as a person. I....
I can't do the same. They are people.
Welles said something as he left.
'There is no act of evil that cannot be done by a fundamentally good man, Delenn.
'Believe me. I know.'
Are they good men? Is Welles a good man? Clark? Do they believe that what they are doing is right?
I don't know. I wish I did,
.... but I don't.
Why should they have any doubts about what they're doing? My son is not a person to them, he's nothing more than a collection of cells. He's not even a 'he', he's an 'it'.
He is a person. He's my son. John's and my son.
A name!
He needs a name. I.... have to think....
.... of a name.
How do humans name their children? I did wonder, but I never asked....
Is there a system? Some set of rules? G'Kar told me once that Narn children are given simple, childish names until they come of age, when they choose an adult name for themselves. Do humans pick their names in the same way?
How? Is it.... based on something that happens when the child is born? A momentous event? Named after another born on that same day in the past? Named after a sight outside the birthing room?
Family? Do they.... adopt names of others in their family?
I don't know!
You must have a name, my son. I will give you a name. You....
.... can't die without a name.
I will give you a name.
What human names do I know? There are different names for males and females. Human male names....
John! John.... I like that name.
But.... can I? No.... John does not know about this baby, about his son. I cannot take his name.... not now, not like this. He does not know. It would not be fair.
Oh, John! I love you....
What other names? Oh.... William.... that is Clark's first name, isn't it? Yes, President William Clark.
What am I thinking? I can't give you that name, my son.
Marcus! Oh, Marcus.... it has been so long. I forgot you....
I am sorry. I did not.... mean to forget you. I wish I could have known you better, but when I did know you.... you believed. You did believe.
But there was.... an ill fate around you. I do not know if you were cursed, or an unfair victim of.... dark forces.... but you deserve to rest at peace now. I cannot wake you from your rest by giving your name to my son. Perhaps....
Perhaps we will meet again.
There must be another name! I.... can't....
.... think
.... of
.... any.
There must be....
What is Welles's name?