Zejhil stood with her head down. 'I know I must be punished for what I did. I accept that. But do not punish me in front of the others.'
'Punish you?' repeated Olivia, startled. 'Oh, for the poison, do you mean? Yes, I imagine something ought to be done.'
'I'll get the whips,' Niklos said without emotion.
'Don't be silly,' Olivia told him. 'For punishment, I will insist that you replace Pentheus as the night keeper. I will expect you to patrol the house and the garden all through the night, and during the day, I want you to clean the reception rooms and the vestibule, starting with scrubbing the floors. Every day. Until I tell you otherwise. Is that clear?'
'It is a light punishment,' said Zejhil.
'Say that when ten days have gone by and I might agree.' She stared at the door. 'You are to return to your quarters now and remain there. You will have no meal this evening.' She waited while Zejhil made a deep reverence, then motioned to Niklos to let her out of the room.
When Zejhil was gone, Niklos said, 'You did give her light punishment.'
'Possibly. I am giving the agents of the Censor plenty of opportunity to approach her. If she cleans the vestibule, they can find her during the day, and if she is the night keeper, they can try after dark. And then, old friend, we can find out what it is they're really after.' She paced the length of the room. 'For some reason, they're becoming desperate.'
'And you are becoming lax,' Niklos countered.
'If we weren't strangers here, I might do this another way. But we are here on sufferance, and they are already seeking reasons to be rid of us. I would prefer to be free of suspicion, but if that isn't possible, then—'
'Then we move on?' Niklos said. 'But where?'
'So you
Niklos came and put his hands on her shoulders. 'This was supposed to be a haven.'
'Yes,' she said sadly. 'It was, wasn't it?'
* * *
Night hung over Alexandria, oppressive in its remoteness. There was a lazy breeze off the Mare Internum, blowing toward the swath of the Nile.
Drosos stood in the window of his largest reception room staring out into the darkness. Although it was late, he was still in his short military dalmatica and formal, highly embossed lorica. Only his mussed dark hair gave any indication of the distress that consumed him: it was the Feast of the Circumcision and Epiphany was five days away.
'Captain?' Chrysanthos had come into the room a short while before and was still waiting for Drosos to address him.
'I know,' Drosos said distantly, not leaving the window.
'The Guard is waiting.' Chrysanthos kept his words level and without feeling but this served only to mask his deep concern for his superior. 'You requested they accompany you.'
Drosos nodded, his broad back rigid under his ceremonial armor.
'It is after midnight,' Chrysanthos said as tactfully as he could.
'The nights are long,' Drosos remarked inconsequentially.
'It is the dark of the year,' Chrysanthos agreed, staring at the whitewashed walls, noting the smudges above the braziers.
'The Copts are fasting tonight and tomorrow. They do not feast until Epiphany.' He said the last word as if it were gall.
'Yes; I know.'
'They say it's heretical of them.' He stopped talking, his eyes fixed on the large buildings that loomed out of the jumble of darknesses that was the city. 'God,' he whispered. 'He does not know what he is asking.'
Chrysanthos suddenly found it difficult to speak. 'Drosos. If it is so unendurable—'
'I am Captain here,' Drosos said in a still voice that silenced the other man. 'I have been given a command by the Emperor. I am sworn to carry it out.'
'There are others who will do it if you give the word,' Chrysanthos told Drosos, wishing that he would turn and face him.