“You don’t need to worry about Hargreaves. No one’s going to kill him.”
“I’m not certain that’s a subject on which I can trust you.” I smiled.
“Well, I might kill him, certainly, if the circumstances were right. But seriously, Em. You can’t spend your life trying to save him from his work. You have to trust that he knows what he’s doing.”
“Schröder will assassinate him if I stop bringing him information.”
“Do you trust Kristiana to help you?”
“To a degree.” I rubbed my temples. “I’m just afraid. How can I leave him?”
“Harrison wants you to stay in Vienna. That’s why he’s orchestrated all this,” Jeremy said. “Have you forgotten that he’s your prime suspect for Fortescue’s murder? Don’t you think he wants you far away from any evidence that could implicate him?”
“Then who is trying to lure me back to England?” It all sounded reasonable when Jeremy said it, but I could not shake the feeling that he was absolutely wrong.
“I’ve not the slightest idea.” He let his eyes meet mine for a beat longer than he ought to have, then looked down. “I can hardly bear to look at you. I’m never going to forgive you for bringing angst to my life, Em.”
“Perhaps it’s the punishment you’ve earned for living such a profligate life.”
“It would help if you’d stop being so bloody charming.” He kissed my hand.
“I think my new mission will be to find you a wife. I can’t think of anything that would make me less appealing to you. Let’s see…whatever happened to Lettice Frideswide? She’s not yet engaged, is she?”
Two days later, Sissi came to us at the Imperial for tea. As one might imagine, the arrival of an empress at a hotel caused a furor. She came with two bodyguards, who stood at her side while the manager made an impromptu speech and presented her with an Imperial torte. She gave a faint smile to the crowd that gathered to watch (Meg alerted us to the excitement so that Cécile and I didn’t miss it) and looked relieved when we whisked her upstairs.
“I’m so tired,” she said, once we were ensconced in our suite. “But it’s such a relief to be out of the palace.”
“We’re glad you could come,” I said. “I can’t thank you enough for sending your guard.”
“I hope it’s helped,” she said.
“We’ve not been troubled inside the hotel since his arrival.” I had poured tea for all of us and was now cutting the Imperial torte.
“I can’t have that,” Sissi said, shaking her head at the piece I offered her.
“What’s your current slimming plan?” Cécile asked. “Are you eating nothing but celery broth?”
“Does it even matter? It’s clearly not working.”
“You’re ridiculous as always,” Cécile said. “You’re wasting away.”
“You’re too kind,” the empress said.
“It was not a compliment, Sissi.” Cécile put a plate with a slice of torte in front of her. “Eat.”
She took a single bite, but no more. “What is the amusement you’ve planned for me this afternoon?” she asked. “I was all curiosity when I read your note.”
“I’ve asked a friend to join us. I think you’ll find him excessively charming,” Cécile said. “He’s an artist, and I want you to let him sketch you.”
“Absolutely not,” she said. But half an hour later, when Friedrich at last joined us, Cécile had very nearly changed her mind with an artfully delivered series of cajoling compliments combined with a moving account of the obstacles the stood in the way of our young friends’ love.
“I do wish you had ironed your coat,” Cécile said as Friedrich sat down next to her. “How did you expect to make a good impression?”
“I had no expectation of Her Highness—Her Majesty—” He looked at Sissi, eyes full of confusion. “Forgive me, ma’am, I don’t even know how to address you.”
“There is something charming about him,” Sissi said, leaning towards Cécile. “You really think it will make a difference in his career if I do this?”
“I’ve no energy to argue with you.” Her voice was listless, but her eyes showed the slightest hint of a sparkle. “Go ahead. Do I have to sit still?”
“I’d rather you didn’t,” Friedrich said. “I need to see the life in you to capture it.” So we ate Imperial torte— layer upon layer of the most exquisite chocolate cake and almond paste—and drank tea while his fingers flew. He worked quickly, charcoal gliding over the paper with remarkable speed. It was like watching someone dance. Before long, he stopped, placed his pencil on the table, and held his sketchbook at arm’s length. “
He stood and crossed over to Sissi, handing her the pad so that only she could see it. She looked at it, and tears streamed down her pale face. “I am no longer this lovely.”
“You are to all who see you,” he said. “It is not always wise to believe mirrors.”
“I think I will give this to my husband.” She had not taken her eyes off the paper. “He will recognize me in it.”
“Will you show it to us?” I asked.
“No.” She handed it back to Friedrich, who rolled it into a tube and tied it with a bit of string that he pulled from his jacket pocket. “
“I almost wish I were wearing a gown that showed off my tattoo,” she said.
“Tattoo?” Friedrich asked.
“Yes. An anchor. On my shoulder.” Then she laughed, and the smile that moved from her lips to her eyes made her face come alive and I saw, just for an instant, how beautiful she had been before grief ravaged her. She rose from her chair, and as I watched her prepare to leave us, I found that I could not resist approaching her.
“Your Highness?” My voice was tentative as I stepped close to her. “May I speak to you privately?”
“I suppose. What is it?” She had switched to speaking Greek.
“I share your suspicions about Mayerling.” My command of the modern language was lacking; I hoped that she could make sense of what I said. “There is an Englishman in Vienna right now who may know something about your son’s death.”
“A man you’re already familiar with. Mr. Harrison.”
“What does he know?”
“I’m only suspicious of him. I don’t know details.”
“I know that there was a plot—I know they assassinated my darling Rudolf.”
“Have you any evidence that I might be able to use to convince him to speak to me? Even a small fact might make him think that I know more than I do.”
“I’ve had everyone I can think of looking for evidence. It was all destroyed. But I do know this: the gun that killed my son was fired six times. He was an excellent shot. Why would it have taken so many attempts for him to kill the Vestera girl and then himself? It makes no sense. And there were bruises on his body. He must have been struggling with someone.” She clutched my arm. “If you can learn anything, you must tell me. I’m certain my husband knows more than I do, and I must find out what he’s hiding.”
“I will do all I can,” I said.
“What were you discussing?” Cécile asked after Sissi had left, surrounded by the bodyguards who had waited for her outside the door.
“Mayerling,” I said. “She deserves to know the truth.”