like my sisters and brothers. Don't let me be different. If only I could put the hair in the plastic images as Ellen does, or make people fall in love with me as Laura does with people, or read strange books as Sam does, or work in a respected job like Leonard and Bion do. Or even raise a family one day, as mother and father have done….»
At midnight a storm hammered the house. Lightning struck outside in amazing, snow-white bolts. There was a sound of an approaching, probing, sucking tornado, funneling and nuzzling the moist night earth. Then the front door, blasted half off its hinges, hung stiff and discarded, and in trooped Grandmama and Grandpapa, all the way from the old country!
From then on people arrived each hour. There was a flutter at the side window, a rap on the front porch, a knock at the back. There were fey noises from the cellar, autumn wind piped down the chimney throat, chanting. Mother filled the large crystal punch bowl with a scarlet fluid poured tram the jugs Bion had carried home. Father swept from room to room lighting more tapers. Laura and Ellen hammered up more wolfsbane. And Timothy stood amidst this wild excitement, no expression to his face, his hands trembling at his sides, gazing now here, now there. Banging or doors, laughter, the sound of liquid pouring, darkness, sound or wind, the webbed thunder of wings, the padding of feet, the welcoming bursts of talk at the entrances, the transparent rattlings of casements, the shadows passing, coming, going, wavering.
«Well, well, and
A chilly hand took his hand. A long hairy face leaned down over him. «A good lad, a fine lad,» said the stranger.
«Timothy,» said his mother. «This is Uncle Jason.»
«Hello, Uncle Jason.»
«And over here ?» Mother drifted Uncle Jason away. Uncle Jason peered back at Timothy over his caped shoulder, and winked.
Timothy stood alone.
From off a thousand miles in the candled darkness, he heard a high fluting voice, that was Ellen. «And my brothers, they
«I have no idea.»
«They operate the undertaking establishment in town.»
«What!» A gasp.
«Yes!» Shrill laughter. «Isn't that priceless!»
Timothy stood very still.
A pause in the laughter. «They bring home sustenance for Mama, Papa and all of us,» said Laura. «Except, of course, Timothy….»
An uneasy silence. Uncle Jason's voice demanded. «Well? come now. What about Timothy?»
«Oh, Laura, your tongue,» said mother.
Laura went on with it. Timothy shut his eyes. «Timothy doesn't?well?doesn't
«He'll learn,» said mother. «He'll learn,» she said very firmly. «He's my son, and he'll learn. He's only fourteen.»
«But I was raised on the stuff,» said Uncle Jason, his voice passing from one room on into another. The wind played the trees outside like harps. A little rain spatted on the windows «raised on the stuff,» passing away into faintness.
Timothy bit his lips and opened his eyes.
«Well, it was all my fault.» Mother was showing them into the kitchen now. «I tried forcing him. You can't force children, you only make them sick, and then they never get a taste for things. Look at Bion, now, he was thirteen before he….»
«I understand,» murmured Uncle Jason. «Timothy will come around.»
«I'm sure he will,» said mother, defiantly.
Candle flames quivered as shadows crossed and recrossed the dozen musty rooms. Timothy was cold. He smelled the hot tallow in his nostrils and instinctively he grabbed at a candle and walked with it around and about the house, pretending to straighten the crape.
Leonard's voice. Hateful Leonard!
«I like the candle, that's all,» said Timothy in a reproachful whisper.
More lightning, more thunder. Cascades of roaring laughter. Bangings and clickings and shouts and rustles of clothing. Clammy fog swept through the front door. Out of the fog, settling his wings, stalked a tall man.
«Uncle Einar!»
Timothy propelled himself on his thin legs, straight through the fog, under the green webbing shadows. He threw himself across Einar's arms. Einar lifted him.
«You've wings, Timothy!» He tossed the boy light as thistles. «Wings, Timothy: fly!» Faces wheeled under. Darkness rotated. The house blew away. Timothy felt breezelike. He flapped his arms. Einar's fingers caught and threw him once more to the ceiling. The ceiling rushed down like a charred wall. «Fly, Timothy!» shouted Einar, loud and deep. «Fly with wings! Wings!»
He felt an exquisite ecstasy in his shoulder blades, as if roots grew, burst to explode and blossom into new, moist membrane. He babbled wild stuff; again Einar hurled him high.
The autumn wind broke in a tide on the house, rain crashed down, shaking the beams, causing chandeliers to tilt their enraged candle lights. And the one hundred relatives peered out from every black, enchanted room, circling inward, all shapes and sizes, to where Einar balanced the child like a baton in the roaring spaces.
«Enough!» shouted Einar, at last.
Timothy, deposited on the floor timbers, exaltedly, exhaustedly fell against Uncle Einar, sobbing happily. «Uncle, uncle, uncle!»
«Was it good, flying? Eh, Timothy?» said Uncle Einar, bending down, patting Timothy's head. «Good, good.»
It was coming toward dawn. Most had arrived and were ready to bed down for the daylight, sleep motionlessly with no sound until the following sunset, when they would shout out of their mahogany boxes for the revelry.
Uncle Einar, followed by dozens of others, moved toward the cellar. Mother directed them downward to the crowded row on row of highly polished boxes. Einar, his wings like sea-green tarpaulins tented behind him, moved with a curious whistling down the passageway, where his wings touched they made a sound of drumheads gently beaten.
Upstairs, Timothy lay wearily thinking, trying to like the darkness. There was so much you could do in darkness that people couldn't criticize you for, because they never saw you. He
In the cellar, mahogany doors sealed downward, drawn in by pale hands. In corners, certain relatives circled three times to lie, heads on paws, eyelids shut. The sun rose. There was a sleeping.
Sunset. The revel exploded like a bat nest struck full, shrieking out, fluttering, spreading. Box doors banged wide. Steps rushed up from cellar damp. More late guests, kicking on front and back portals, were admitted.
It rained, and sodden visitors laid their capes, their waterpelleted hats, their sprinkled veils upon Timothy who bore them to a closet. The rooms were crowd-packed. The laughter of one cousin, shot from one room, angled off the wall of another, ricocheted, banked and returned to Timothy's ears from a fourth room, accurate and cynical.
A mouse ran across the floor.
«I know you, Niece Liebersrouter!» exclaimed father around him but not to him. The dozens of towering people pressed in against him, elbowed him, ignored him.
Finally, he turned and slipped away up the stairs.
He called softly. «Cecy. Where are you now, Cecy?»
She waited a long while before answering. «In the Imperial Valley,» she murmured faintly. «Beside the Salton Sea, near the mud pots and the steam and the quiet. I'm inside a farmer's wife. I'm sitting on a front porch. I can