“I’m afraid we are,” Amelie said. “I have a very special job for you, Shane Collins.”

“I’m not going to like this, am I?”

She smiled.

“Didn’t think so,” Shane finished under his breath.

“You will be in charge of the Bloodmobile,” Amelie said. “And one other thing.”

“Like the Bloodmobile isn’t bad enough?”

Amelie reached in the pocket of her crystal-specked robes, and pulled out a small leather-bound book.

It looked really, really familiar. It was the book that had gotten them in such trouble before—the book Bishop wanted.

“You’ll be in charge of this,” she said, and held it out to him.

He took it, and as he did, Claire realized what Amelie had done.

She’d just made Shane the bait.

About The Author

In addition to the Morganville Vampires series, Rachel Caine is the author of the popular Weather Warden series, which includes Ill Wind, Heat Stroke, Chill Factor, Windfall, Firestorm, and Thin Air. Her seventh Weather Warden novel, Gale Force, will be released in August 2008. Rachel and her husband, fantasy artist R. Cat Conrad, live in Texas with their iguanas, Pop-eye and Darwin; a mali uromastyx named (appropriately) O’Malley; and a leopard tortoise named Shelley (for the poet, of course).

Please visit her Web site at www.rachelcaine.com and her MySpace, www.myspace.com/rachelcaine.

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