Biff: Well go find him. He cost me three hundred bucks damage to my car, and I owe him a knuckle sandwich. Get going!

3-D offers Biff the bottle.

3-D: Here you go Biff!

The gang start to walk off, then:

3-D: You coming?

Biff: I'm reading.

The gang walk past Marty but don't see him. Marty sees a familiar car approach. It's 1955 Doc's Packard - with the Marty from Part 1 (1955 MARTY) and 1955 LORRAINE inside! Marty turns to Biff. The almanac is in Biff's pocket. He jumps down and falls behind Biff. Biff hears a sound, but thinks nothing of it and goes back to his book. Marty almost has the almanac when:

Strickland: Well, well, well, Mr Tannen. How nice to see you here.

Biff: Why Mr Strickland, it's nice to see you sir.

Strickland: Is that liquor I smell, Tannen?

Biff: Uh, I wouldn't know, I don't know what liquor smells like 'coz I'm too young to drink it.

Strickland: I see. And what have we here? Sports statistics, interesting subject. Homework, Tannen?

Biff: No, it ain't homework, 'coz, uh, I'm ain't at home.

Biff chuckles. Strickland doesn't find it so amusing and pushes Biff.

Strickland: You've got a real attitude problem, Tannen. Watch it! Or one day, I'll have you right where I want you, in detention. Slacker!

Strickland walks off. Marty follows him (Biff goes the other way). Strickland walks past the Packard, Marty freezes beside it.

1955 Marty: (o.s) Jesus, you smoke too?

Lorraine: (o.s) Marty, you're beginning to sound just like my mother!

1985 Marty creeps past the car unseen as we hear Lorraine and 1955 Marty speaking.

Lorraine: When I have kids, I'm going to let them do anything they want. Anything at all.

1955 Marty: (in the car) I'd like to have that in writing.

1985 Marty: (outside the car) Yeah, me too.

1985 Marty walks off to catch Strickland. As he leaves we hear:

Lorraine: (o.s) Marty, why are you so nervous?

Marty enters the high school and walks to Strickland's office. The sign says "S S Strickland, Discipline." Marty pears in and sees Strickland pouring himself a drink He puts the almanac on his desk. Marty quietly opens the door and creeps inside, unheard. The door slowly closes. Marty gets to the desk. He moves a little American flag on the desk out of the way and leans forward to grab the almanac. However the door closes and Strickland gets up. He goes to the door, wondering what happened, then opens and closes it again before sitting down. As he walks past his desk, we see Marty underneath it. Strickland hears something outside and moves his chair to the window to take a closer look. Marty tries to grab the almanac, but just as he does Strickland moves back again, hurting Marty's hand. Strickland finishes his drink, as Marty has his hat in his mouth to stop himself from making a noise and giving himself away. Strickland leans forward and Marty "rescues" his hand. Strickland gets up and takes the almanac. He leaves and throws the almanac in the bin. Once he's sure Strickland has gone, Marty gets it out of the bin.

Marty: Yes!

He flicks through, and to his horror it's not the almanac! It's Biff's girl magazine, with naked women in it, called Ooh La La. It seems Biff was hiding the magazine inside the almanac cover.

Marty: No! Ooh La La? (pause) Ooh La La? Ooh La La?

He gets out the walkie-talkie.

Marty: (w.t) Doc, Doc!

Marty is standing by the window, and we can see Doc's Packard from Part 1 outside. Outside, George walks up to Lorraine's car. Marty does not see or hear him.

George: Hey you, get your damn hands off her! (realises who's in there) Oh!

Marty: (w.t) Doc, dammit, come in.

Doc: (v.o) Marty, what's up?

Marty: (w.t) Doc, Doc, I'm in trouble, I blew it!

Cut to Doc.

Doc: (w.t) Where's the book?

Marty: (v.o) I dunno, Biff must still have it with him, all I have is the cover.

Cut to Marty.

Doc: (v.o) But where's Biff?

Outside, Biff has confronted George.

Biff: Alright, McFly, you're asking for it, and now you're gonna get it.

Marty: (w.t) I dunno!

Doc: (v.o) Well, do you have any idea where he is?

Marty: (w.t) No, he could be anywhere by now!

Cut to Doc.

Doc: (w.t) Marty, the entire future depends on you finding Biff and getting that book back!

Cut to Marty. Outside, Biff gets out of the car. George tries to punch him, but Biff grabs his arm and twists it, causing George to let out cries of pain.

Marty: (w.t) I know! I just don't know where...

Lorraine: Stop it, stop it Biff! You're gonna break his arm! Stop it!

Marty has heard her this time!

Marty: Of course! (w.t) I gotta go, I got one chance, my old man's about to deck Biff!

Marty runs outside. George hits Biff in the face. Biff falls down to the floor. George looks at his fist with a "I can't believe it! I did it!" expression and then turns to Lorraine.

Marty: Yes!

Student: (o.s) There's a fight over here, come on guys!

Marty: Talk about deja vu.

George: Are you OK?

He helps Lorraine up and they walk hand in hand to the gym. A crowd, including 1955 Marty and the WALLET GUY (the reasons for this name will soon be revealed), has developed. 1955 Marty checks his photograph and runs off. 1985 Marty goes over to Biff once his parents and 1955 Marty have left.

Marty: OK everybody, let's back up now, huh, let's backup, just everybody back up. Give him a little bit of room, OK, a little bit of air. It's OK. I know CPR, (to Wallet Guy) I know CPR.

Biff is beginning to wake up.

Biff: Hey...

Wallet Guy: What's CPR?

Biff wakes up and looks at Marty.

Biff: (to Marty) You!

Marty punches him again - he falls unconscious. Marty takes the Almanac out of Biff's jacket.

Marty: He's fine.

Marty runs off.

Wallet Guy: Hey, did you just take his wallet? He just took that guy's wallet!

Cut to Doc at the DeLorean. Marty can be heard through the walkie-talkie.

Marty: (v.o) Doc, success, I got it!

Doc: Thank goodness. (w.t) Great Marty, as soon as I reload the fusion generator,

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