Doc: She encountered her future self and went into shock, just as I predicted. She'll be fine - lets get her back to 1985. And then I'm going to destroy the time machine!

Marty: Destroy it? What about all that stuff about humanity? Where we're going and why?

Doc: The risk is just too great as this incident proves. (He opens the door and they put Jennifer inside) And I was behaving responsibly! Just imagine the danger if the time machine were to fall in the wrong hands!

Cut to Biff. He groans again and falls over. Cut back to Doc.

Doc: My only regret is that I will never get a chance to visit my favourite historical era - the old west. But time travelling is just too dangerous. Better that I devote myself to study the other great mystery of the universe - women.

Cut to inside the DeLorean. Marty is sitting in the passenger seat with Jennifer, still out cold, on his lap. Einstein is behind them. Doc inputs October 26th 1985 9.00PM in the time panel. Neither he nor Marty notice that the Last Time Departed panel says November 12th 1955 6.38PM!

Doc: Marty, Einie, brace yourselves for temporal displacement.

Marty holds Jennifer. Cut to his point of view. We see the DeLorean get up to 88mph whilst travelling on the skyway, then just as they're about to pass a floating sign, the DeLorean breaks the time barrier.

OCTOBER 26, 1985

The skyway vanishes.

Marty: Did we make it? Are we back?

A jumbo jet just misses them - it appears they're back in 1985.

Marty: Argh!

Doc: We're back.

Doc flies the DeLorean down a street, lets the wheels down and lands, driving normally to a house - Jennifer's. It parks in her driveway. He and Marty get out, carrying Jennifer. Neither of them notice the wrecked car in the driveway. They put her on her porch swing during the following:

Doc: Let's put her in the swing! Then I'll take you home and you can come back in your truck and wake her. When she awakens here in her own house and it's dark, you should be able to convince her it was all a dream.

Marty: Wait a minute, we're just going to leave her here on the porch?

Doc: The disorientation will help convince her that it was all a dream.

Marty: How long do you think she's gonna be out?

Doc: I'm not sure, she received quite a shock. Could be for a few minutes, most probably a couple of hours. You'd better bring some smelling salts with you.

Marty: Well you're the Doc, Doc.

Doc: Right. Let's go Einie.

Doc and Einstein walk towards the DeLorean. Marty stays where he is looking at Jennifer. Doc turns around to face him.

Doc: Don't worry, she'll be fine.

Marty walks after Doc and notices bars on the windows.

Marty: I don't remember bars being on these windows.

Cut to the Lyon Estates signs. The DeLorean drives through them into the estate. A pack of stray dogs run across the road after the car passes. The DeLorean drives down the street and stops at Marty's house. Trash is everywhere and most of the houses on Marty's street are empty/boarded up/have got "For Sale" signs in the front gardens. Marty opens the door and gets out of the DeLorean.

Doc: If you need me, I'll be in my lab, dismantling this thing.

Marty: Right.

Marty closes the door and Doc drives off. Marty goes to the side gate and tries to open it - but there's a padlock.

Marty: (surprised) What the hell?

Marty climbs over the gate. Cut to his bedroom window. Marty quietly opens the window. He steps inside, but trips and falls onto the bed. The light is turned on and Marty sees a young girl, LORETTA, in his bed! Except it's not his bed, this room is completely different!

Loretta: Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!

Marty: Hey, hey, hey, wait, wait a minute, what are you doing in my room?

Loretta: Mom, Dad, help me!

Marty: Wait a minute, wait a minute, OK, OK!

The door bursts open and Loretta's DAD enters. He's carrying a baseball bat.

Dad: Freeze sucker!

Marty: It's OK, I don't want any trouble!

Dad: Well, you got trouble now you piece of trash!

Loretta's MOM enters and stands by the doorway. With her is their other child, HAROLD. Dad tries to hit Marty with the bat but breaks some of his daughter's things instead. Loretta is still crying.

Dad: What are you doing in here with my daughter?

Marty: Hey listen, I'm just in the wrong house!

Dad aims again - and misses again.

Harold: Go get him Dad!

Dad: You got that right!

Dad aims again.

Marty: Hey look, I made a mistake!

Dad: You're damn right you made a mistake!

Dad aims again.

Marty: Argh!

Marty crawls out of the room.

Harold/Loretta: Get him!

Cut to the front door. Marty runs out of the house, and the family chases him until they stop at the end of the front yard.

Marty: Argh!

Dad: Right, you keep running sucker, and you tell that realty company that I ain't selling, you hear? We ain't going to be terrorised!

Marty runs down a street. Things are very different to how he remembered. In the distance he hears gunshits and screaming. At a corner there are the outlines of two murder victims. Marty runs down another street and three police cars drive past in the background.

Marty: This has got to be the wrong year.

Marty sees a house. He runs over and picks up the newspaper. He reads out the date - October 26th 1985.

Marty: 1985? It can't be.

Strickland: (v.o) Drop it.

Marty looks behind him to see MR STRICKLAND wearing a nightshirt with a bullet-proof vest on top. He's got a gun and pointing it at Marty.

Strickland: So you're the son of a bitch who's been stealing my papers.

Marty: Mr Strickland. Mr Strickland, it's me sir. It's Marty.

Strickland: Who?

Marty: Marty McFly! Marty McFly! Don't you know me? From school, sir.

Strickland: I've never seen you before in my life but you look to me like a slacker.

Marty: Yeah, that's right. That's right, I am a slacker. Don't you remember? You gave me detention last

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