her a chance to adjust to his invasion. When she relaxed and could feel her inner muscles softening to welcome him, he began to move, thrusting gently into her body and then out again, over and over in rhythmic motions as timeless as the waves of the sea striking the shore.

Her own passion rose to meet his, waves of ecstasy beginning to surface again as the feel of his erection, so large inside her, touched places she’d never known she had—nerves and centers of sensation she’d never known existed. Slowly, and then with growing intensity, she felt her passion for this man, finally in her arms, finally in her body, rise and encircle her with pure, almost magical sensation.

She felt she could face anything and triumph—even if the witch forced power through the Emperor again, she could conquer them both with the power of her love for Daniel and this amazing, miraculous sensation.

“I like affirming life very much,” she said breathlessly, and then he plunged deep inside her, deeper than he’d been before, and her entire consciousness, body and soul, jumped, spinning, off the edge of the world.

* * *

Daniel felt the exact moment Serai began to reach her peak, and he increased his pace, building her orgasm as high as he could and then prolonging it, while he captured her cries with his mouth. He kissed her, feeling every tremor and spasm in her body as an exquisite goad to his own pleasure, even while he tried to ensure hers. His cock had never been so sensitive, and he was fighting against release, trying to hold on, but two more thrusts and he was gone, coming and coming inside her, his cock and his brain emptied by sheer, world-shattering pleasure.

He collapsed, but caught himself with his arms, careful not to crush her with his weight but needing to feel all of her body against his own. He pressed kisses against her cheeks, nose, and mouth, murmuring meaningless phrases, until they both stopped shaking.

“You were right,” she said seriously. “That was much better.”

He laughed, delighted with her. Delighted with himself. Delighted with every damn thing in the universe.

“I’m glad, because that’s only the beginning,” he said, kissing her again.

She kissed him back but then suddenly stopped and pushed him away, her eyes dark and unfocused.

“Reisen again?” he growled, thinking of all the ways he’d like to make the damn warrior suffer for interrupting them at such a private time.

“No,” she finally said, narrowing her eyes. “Worse. The high prince of Atlantis is on his way here, with his brother.”

“Here? Now?” He carefully disengaged from her body and started swearing, cursing viciously in at least three different languages.

“They’ll be here in less than half an hour,” she said, calmly enough, but he knew her well enough to read the fire in her eyes. “Luckily I have another shirt, with the buttons intact. Time to make use of that river for the bath I’ve needed all day.”

“I know they’re your royalty, mi amara, but I might have to kick their asses for them,” he growled.

She pulled his head back down to hers and kissed him thoroughly and then stood up and headed for the water. “I may help you do it,” she said. “I’d enjoy that very much, I think.”

Daniel followed her to the river, thinking of the saber-toothed tiger and grinning. “My money’s on you.”

Chapter 21

Still warm from Daniel’s lovemaking, Serai waited in the moonlight for the man who was to have made her queen of all Atlantis. She’d pictured this moment in her mind so many thousands of times, when she’d been held captive: her first conversation with whichever Atlantean prince would rescue her. Then, when she’d known Conlan was to be hers, she’d tried to listen for news of him during her brief periods of wakefulness each year.

Sleeping Beauty waiting for Prince Get-me-the-hellsout-of-this-glass-coffin.

But now she’d rescued herself. No more waiting. There was no need for the flutter of nerves churning through her stomach.

“Not exactly how I’d hoped to spend the hour after making love to you for the very first time,” Daniel said, a rueful grin quirking up one corner of his mouth.

An unexpected glow of warmth and happiness curled up through her, carrying with it a boost to her confidence. She had no need for nerves here. Conlan was the one who should be nervous. She’d show him what it meant to be a princess of the true Atlantis, the Seven Isles when they still rode the seas and Atlantis was a power unmatched in the world.

Or she could always turn back into a tiger and bite him.

“They’re coming,” Daniel warned, but she had no need for his vampire senses to know this.

She could feel them, High Prince Conlan and his brother Ven, named the King’s Vengeance by tradition and right. She lifted her chin, squared her shoulders, and—for only an instant—wished she were wearing one of her rich gowns instead of the drab and masculine hiking clothes. But her gowns were rotted to dust by now, surely. Cloth could not survive the passage of time as well as magically preserved maidens.

“Serai? Are you all right? I can keep them from you if you want me to. Just say the word. Ven is my friend, but I’d be happy to kick his ass for him if you need me to do it.”

He glanced at her, his concern clear in his eyes, but he was smiling for her benefit. He rolled up the sleeves on his shirt, and her gaze was drawn to his muscled forearms. The arms that had held her so tenderly.

“I love you, you know,” she told him. “Don’t respond to that, please. I just wanted you to know it, no matter what happens on this quest.”

He opened and shut his mouth a couple of times, but honored her request and didn’t speak. Instead, he pulled her close and kissed her with so much fire and passion she was surprised they didn’t both burst into flames.

A loud whistle interrupted them, but Daniel didn’t release her until a few seconds later. He smiled down at her with that hot, seductive smile of his, the smile that was only for her, and she relaxed even more.

“If you need me, I’m right here, mi amara,” he said, for her ears only.

She nodded and turned to the Atlanteans, sweeping a perfect court curtsy, as if she did indeed wear a silk and velvet gown. “Greetings, Your Highnesses.”

They returned the gesture, bowing deeply. Conlan’s eyes were wide, but he didn’t say anything. Perhaps this meeting was as awkward for him as it was for her. They were stunning, of course; the Atlantean bloodline bred incredibly gorgeous men, and the royal genes held true in these two. Dark hair, eyes that looked ocean blue in the moonlight, and tall, strong, warrior bodies. But she had no false modesty about her own appearance, so she knew she held her own. She would be no humble maid in awe of the princes during this meeting.

“Oh, boy,” said the one who wasn’t Conlan, and therefore must be Ven. He swept his keen gaze over her and then looked at Daniel standing next to her, holding her hand. “So, Daniel, is this your version of the princess and the frog? Beauty and the beast? Galadriel and Gimli?”

Daniel stared back at the man she knew to be his friend, nothing but hard challenge plain on the lines and angles of his face. However, she’d seen a tiny flinch at the beauty and the beast reference. Something to pursue later, perhaps. For now she stared down the princes as if they were recalcitrant children who needed a nap.

The thought of naps made her want to yawn, but she held it in. She would not show any weakness, even so tiny as that. Also, using a negotiating technique her father had taught her, she wouldn’t be the one to speak first. She waited.

Conlan finally nodded, as if acknowledging that she’d won this round, and bowed again. “Lady Serai, I wish to formally welcome you to Atlantis and ask you to return.”

Ah. Bad, bad beginning.


“I have no need of your welcome to my home, youngling,” she said, putting all the haughty arrogance of a princess of ancient Atlantis in her voice and stance. “I walked the fields of our lands when you were not even a wish in your great-great-grandmother’s heart, or a drop of seed in your great-great-grandfather’s sac.”

Ven started laughing. “Oh, are we going to be great friends or what? Also, please don’t call me Highness,

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