Southern states: literary culture, 54–55, 407; Poe and, 93; racial issues, 412 -14; regional writing, 414 -21; Twain and, 245 -46
Southern writers: African American, 430 -36; and race, 425 -31
Southey, Robert, 26
Southworth, E. D. E. N., 271, 282, 289 -90, 809- 10; The Hidden Hand, 110
Soviet Union, 343; influences on American writers, 333, 334- 35
Soyinka, Wole, 667; 'Twice-Bitten: The Fate of Africa's Culture Producers,' 668
Space travel, 361, 364 -65
Spanbauer, Tom, 461
Spanish-American War, 158, 248 -49
Spanish conquest, 622
Spector, Herman, 344
Spencer, Herbert, 206
Spengemann, William, 8
Spengler, Oswald, Decline of the West, 525
Spicer, Jack, 450
Spillane, Mickey: I, the Jury, 372; Vengeance Is Mine, 378
The Spirit of the Times, 55
Spiritual autobiography, 31–33; African American, 38–39; early American, 31–33
Spiritualism, Hawthorne and, 134 -35
Spivak, Gayatri, 648
Spofford, Harriet Prescott, 810 Sports novels, 357 -58
Stadler, Ernst, 318
Stafford, Jean, 458
Standardization, of domestic novels, 113
— 897-
Standish, Burt L.See Patten, Gilbert Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 126, 142, 143, 218
Static analysis of society, 192 -93
Status, alternative publishing and, 681
— of women: early American, 15 -19; late nineteenth century, 269
Stearns, J. F., 116
Steffens, Lincoln, 237
Stegner, Wallace, 439, 443 -44, 446, 810; Angle of Repose, 451 -53; The Big Rock Candy Mountain, 443- 44
Stein, Gertrude, 193, 204 -5, 312 -16, 330, 408, 727, 728, 810- 11; The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, 311, 316; Hemingway and, 321; The Making of Americans, 204, 210 -15, 314-15; 'Melanctha,' 409; Q.E.D.; or, Things as They Are, 316; Tender Buttons, 314; Three Lives, 312, 313, 316, 409, 501
Steinbeck, John, 326, 441 -42, 489, 811; East of Eden, 442; The Grapes of Wrath, 342 -43, 400, 442, 446, 458; In Dubious Battle, 441-42; Of Mice and Men, 442
Steiner, Edward, From Alien to Citizen, 385
Steiner, George, On Difficulty, and Other Essays, 693
Steinmetz, S. R., 201
Stella, Joseph, 384 -85
Stephens, Ann S., 52, 296; Fashion and Famine, 120, 147; Malaeska: The Indian Wife of the White Hunter, 122, 295, 438; The Old Homestead, 152
Steptoes, Lydia. See Barnes, Djuna
Stereotypes, homosexual, 502
Sterling, J., 657
Stern, Robert A. M., 516
Sterne, Laurence: Fuentes and, 620 -21; A Sentimental Journey, 7
Stoddard, Elizabeth Drew, 282, 811 12; The Morgesons, 110, 139
Stokes, James Phelps Graham, 387
Stone, Albert E., Autobiographical Occasions and Original Acts, 28 -29
Stone, Monica, 405
Stone, Robert, 451, 521, 535, 537, 812; Dog Soldiers, 493; A Flag for Sunrise, 537- 38
Stories, proletarian, 344
Story papers, 286 -91, 304
Storytelling, postmodern return to, 528 -29
Stout, Rex, Over My Dead Body, 377
Stowe, Calvin, 65
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 64, 114, 812.; Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp, 146; A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, 146; The Minister's Wooing, 124; Oldtown Folks, 124; Pearl of Orr's Island, 117, 125; and reform fiction, 238; Uncle Tom's Cabin, 50, 52, 54, 55, 65–66, 119, 124, 125, 144 -46, 217 -22, 226, 241
Stramm, August, 318
Stratford, Philip, All the Polarities, 572 -73
Straus, Roger, III, 684
Stream of consciousness: immigrant novels, 394 -95; Stein and, 314
Street and Smith (publishers), 291, 292 94, 296- 97, 300, 357; pulp magazines, 302, 359
Street theater, 667
Stribling, T. S., 417; Birthright, 420
Strikes, late nineteenth century, 158
Strong, Josiah, 258
Strunk, William, Jr., The Elements of Styles 478
Style of writing: efficiency movement and, 478; of James, 168; postmodern, 516, 706 -7
Subsidiary rights, 686
Suburban novels, 507
Success: novels of, 357- 59; immigrant experience, 385
Such, Peter, Riverrun, 563
Suckow, Ruth, 458
Sue, Eugène, 288
Suffragists, and domestic ideology, 126
Suggs, Christian, 344
Suicide, realist symbolism, 176
Sui Sin Far (Edith Eaton), 270, 273, 277
— 898-
Sukenick, Ronald, 732, 812 -13
Sully-Prudhomme, René-FrançoisArmand, 578
Sundquist, Eric, 91
Surface, in Hawkes's fiction, 729
Surrealism, 327; Carpentier and, 524 -25
Survival manuals, nineteenth century, 51
Susman, Warren, 343
Sutherland, Ronald, Second Image, 572
Swan, Susan, Biggest Modern Woman of the World, 580, 583 -84 Symbolism: in captivity narrative, 33; in Chesnutt's writing, 180; in Cooper's novels, 23–25; in Eastlake's work, 445; in Howells's writing, 184; in naturalist novels, 226 -27
Syntax, simplicity in, 11
Taking Stock: The Calgary Conference on the Canadian Novel, 577 -79
Talk story: Chinese, 533; postmodern, 534