She leaned back and pressed her body against him, and then squirmed pleasurably, enjoying the animal physical contact. Hardly realizing what he was doing, Paul crouched slightly and opened his knees, so that the girl's soft round ass fitted perfectly into his crotch.
'Make it do some more!' she said.
Paul leaned forward to the keyboard again, using it as an excuse to hug the little girl's warm body close to him. He held her very close to him and typed out the instructions for the machine to read out his own entry catalogue. As he punched the address, he could feel his arm moving up and down over Lisa's young breasts.
Lights dance across the screen and then formed themselves to spell:
'Golly!' the little girl said. 'That's really neat!'
She rubbed her young body against him in her excitement. He left his arm around her, feeling her breasts on his forearm. The mound of her tit swelled slightly, but her little nipple was almost as large as a woman's and it was becoming erect from the casual friction of Paul's arm.
Lisa broke out of his embrace and skipped around the room. 'Show me the rest of your house!' she said.
'There's not much more to see,' he said. 'Just the bedroom.'
He followed the little girl as she ran into the bedroom. She looked around once and then flopped on the bed. She pulled her bare feet up after her and raised her knees until Paul could see her round thighs all the way up to the bottom other panties.
'How come you're not married?' she asked.
'I used to be,' Paul answered. 'But I got a divorce. Like your mommy and daddy.' He sat down on the edge of the bed. Lisa moved her legs and her thighs parted, revealing the white crotch of her panties.
'Do you have a lot of girlfriends?' Lisa persisted.
'Not a lot. A few. Enough, I guess.'
'Didn't you 'n your wife have any kids?'
Paul shook his head. 'Nope. We never got around to it. I guess it's best that way.'
'Did you and your wife use birth control?' the little girl asked. The question was so unexpected that Paul broke out into a laugh.
'As a matter of fact, we did, but I think you're the first person who ever asked me that question! What do you know about birth control anyway?'
Lisa giggled and sat up on the bed. She crossed her legs and once again the leg-hole of her panties gaped just enough to show a thin strip of the pink flesh lying next to the pussy. A tiny blond curl of downy pubic hair peeked out.
'I know it's what people use when they want to. you know, when they want to do it, and they don't want to have babies!'
Paul could feel his heart hammering in his throat. He was amazed how it excited him just to be talking about sex with this beautiful little girl!
He decided to try to establish the limits of her knowledge and experience. What do you mean, 'do it'?'
'Well, you know, doing it, ya know?' Like when a man and a woman do the baby-making thing, ya know?' Lisa's pretty face was slightly flushed with embarrassment, but the glow in her eyes revealed that she too was secretly excited by the turn the conversation had taken.
Without even thinking about it, Paul heard himself asking, 'Do you ever do it? Have you ever done it with a boy?'
Lisa's eyes widened and she shook her head. 'Oh, no! I'd be too scared!'
Paul pushed on. 'Why would be scared?'
Lisa pouted and shrugged her shoulders. 'Cause it's scary, ya know?'
Paul nodded. 'I know. I was scared at first, too!'
Her eyes met his again. 'Were you really?'
'Sure. Don't worry about it. Do you have any boyfriends?'
Lisa nodded. 'One. His name is Roger. We go to school together. Sometimes he carries my books and I let him-hold my hand.'
'He holds your hand? Is that all?'
'Uh-huh. Once I let him kiss me.'
'On the lips?'
'Did he put his tongue inside your mouth?'
Lisa giggled. No! That sounds… dirty!' She was still giggling.
'Don't you ever like to do dirty things?' Paul asked.
Her face grew pouting and secretive. 'I think about dirty things sometimes.' She admitted.
'Like-what?' Paul persisted.
Lisa squirmed with the exciting agony of her Secret. Her little ass wiggled on the bed, her panties stretched still further, and for a brief second Paul thought he got a glimpse of folded pink flesh nestled in shadowy blond curls.
'Tell me!' he begged her.
'Well… once a couple of years ago I was at my friend Sheryl's house, ya know? And she has a little brother. He was about six or seven then, ya know?'
'Yeah? And what happened?'
Lisa giggled and squirmed, her pretty little face flushing with a mixture of excitement and embarrassment.
'Sheryl talked him into takin' his pants off!' she blurted, laughing and blushing. 'We looked at his peter!' she added.
'Wow!' Paul said. 'That must really have been exciting!' His head was swirling and his belly tingling.
What the fuck do I think I'm doing? Paul asked himself this little girl is only twelve years old, she's never even been properly kissed, and you're sitting with her encouraging her to talk dirty, and getting a hard-on for her!
It was true! Talking to Lisa about sex, and watching her beautiful little body made Paul so excited he could feel his cock stirring inside his pants. He tried to rearrange his, legs so it wouldn't show.
I really should stop this right now, he told himself I really should tell her to go home so I can go back to work.
But instead, he heard himself saying, 'Did you touch his peter?'
'No! I was scared! But Sheryl did!'
'She did!'
'Yeah! And you know what?'
'Tell me!'
'It got big! His peter got big!' Her face was suddenly serious. 'Do all boys peter get big like that?'
'Sure!' Paul answered. 'Is that the only time you've ever seen a boy's peter?'
'Yes,' Lisa said. She looked away for a moment; but then Paul caught her sneaking a glance at his lap.
And he had to admit he wanted her to see it!
He wanted her to know he had a hard-on. He uncrossed his legs so she could see it pressing upward against his pants. She kept looking at it, pretending not to.
And Paul had to admit he found this flirtation with this little girl more exciting than all the foreplay he'd gone through with women for many months!
'Do you know any dirty words?' Paul asked her.
Lisa giggled again. 'Yes,' she said.
'Tell me,' he urged.
'I'm scared,' she pouted.
'C'mon! It'll be fun, and I won't ever tell anybody!'
'Sure! Tell me a dirty word-you know!'
Lisa's face broke into a blushing grin. 'Cock!' she burst out. 'that's a boy's thing. Like peter!'
'Right!' Paul encouraged. 'What else?'