had become a part of it.
He rode slowly back to the Priory, wondering why one derived so little comfort from counting blessings. His mood was as bleak as the January day; he wanted to be alone, but he must go back to Jenny, and try not to let her guess what were his true feelings. He hoped that he would be able to maintain a cheerful front, but he thought that it was going to be as difficult a duty as any he had ever undertaken.
But it was only in epic tragedies that gloom was unrelieved. In real life tragedy and comedy were so intermingled that when one was most wretched ridiculous things happened to make one laugh in spite of oneself.
He came round an angle of the Priory from the stableyard to find Jenny surveying with every sign of disgust a peacock —
“Need you ask?” she said bitterly. “Papa sent them!”
Amusement sprang to his eyes. “Oh, no, you don’t mean it? Now, why should he — Ah, to smarten us up a trifle! Well, and so they will!”
“Adam! You can’t wish for a couple of peacocks!” she said. “There’s no
He knew that her view of the animal creation was strictly practical, but this puzzled him. “But why? Do you want some pigeons?”
“No, I can’t say that I do, but at least they would have been of use. You told me that you use pigeon-dung for manure, so — Now, Adam — !”
He had uttered a shout of laughter. “Oh, Jenny, you absurd creature! What
She smiled, but abstractedly, considering the peacocks. “I know!” she said suddenly. “I’ll give them to Charlotte! They are just the thing for the terrace at Membury Place! And if Papa asks you what became of them, Adam, you’ll say that a fox got them!”
Chapter XXII
Jenny’s baby was expected at the end of March, but before she was brought to bed Adam had narrowly escaped being involved in the Corn Law Riots, and an appalling piece of news had burst like a thunder-clap over Europe. On the first day of the month, the ex-Emperor Napoleon, having escaped from Elba and slipped through the British blockade, landed in the south of France with a small force, and issued proclamations calling on the faithful to trample the white cockade underfoot, and to return to their former allegiance.
After the first shock, it was felt by all but the most pessimistic that this attempt to regain command of France would prove abortive. Massena, from Marseilles, had sent two regiments to cut Bonaparte off on his march to Paris, and it did not seem, according to reports received in London, that the ex-Emperor’s return was being greeted with any marked display of enthusiasm. But the news: grew steadily more disquieting. Instead of following the main road through unfriendly Provence, Bonaparte chose the mountain road to Grenoble, and Massena’s troops failed to intercept him. At Grasse his reception was chilly; but as he proceeded northward through the Dauphiné men began to flock to his standard.
It was reassuring to learn that in Paris complete calm reigned, and if there were those who doubted the willingness of the Minister of War to take active measures against his old master their suspicions were soon allayed by the news that Marshal Soult had proposed to the Council to throw a large force into the southern provinces, under the command of Monsieur, the King’s brother, with three Marshals to support him. With this force in his front, and Massena’s regiments in his rear, Bonaparte must be trapped.
He met a battalion of Infantry of the Line on the road beyond Gap, and, with his unfailing instinct for the dramatic gesture, dismounted and walked forward alone. An officer shouted an order to fire, but it was not obeyed. “Men of the Fifth!” said Napoleon, standing squarely before the uneasy troops, “I am your Emperor! Know me! If there is one of you who would kill his Emperor, here I am!”
It was hardly surprising that men who had fought under the Eagles should not have availed themselves of this invitation. Instead, they broke their ranks, yelling
After that the end was certain. The Parisians, enjoying a period of prosperity, due to the influx of wealthy English travellers to their city, were for the most part loyal to the Bourbons; at Vienna the Congress declared Bonaparte to be
“What did I tell you?” demanded Mr Chawleigh of his son-in-law, who was in London on a brief visit. “Didn’t I say we’d have him rampaging all over the Continent again before the cat could lock its ear?”
“You did, sir, but I’ll lay you handsome odds we don’t!”
“I’ve no wish to rob you, my lord!” said Mr Chawleigh grimly.
Mr Chawleigh was taking the gloomiest view of the entire political situation. He said he didn’t know what the country was coming to; and, exacerbated by Adam’s cheerful mien, recommended him to look at what had happened to us in America.
The news of the defeat and death of Sir Edward Pakenham at New Orleans, in January, had just reached London, and the reminder did bring a cloud to Adam’s brow: not because he doubted the ability of the Army to make a recover, but because no one who had served in the Peninsula could fail to sorrow at Pakenham’s death. But he only replied: “Come out of the dismals, sir! You should meet the fellows in my Regiment! I swear they’ve never been in better heart!”
The officers and men of the 52nd were indeed in good heart, and rendering thanks to Providence for having spared them the crashing disappointment of being absent from the coming battle
Encountering Lord Oversley in Brooks’s Club, Adam learned that my Lord and Lady Rockhill, enjoying a protracted honeymoon in Paris, had not been amongst those who had fled in such unseemly haste. The Marquis, a cynic, had placed no dependence whatsoever on the loyalty of King Louis’ soldiers, and when the news of Bonaparte’s landing reached Paris, he brought his bride home immediately, and without loss of dignity. He said languidly that he was quite unfitted to take part in the helter-skelter flight he foresaw, and had never, at any state of his career, derived amusement from watching the too-easily predictable behaviour of mobs.
Adam was glad to know that Julia was safe in England, but as he had never doubted Rockhill’s ability to take care of her the intelligence relieved his mind of no particular anxiety. Julia, taking Parisian society by storm, winning for herself the title of