almost looked to see whether the sun had turned green! 'It isn’t Lan’s fault, and you know it, Nynaeve,' she said at last. She pushed away memories of her own recent thoughts about Rand. This was not the same. And the opportunity was a gift of the Light. Tomorrow, Nynaeve would likely try to box her ears if she said Nynaeve was being foolish. 'Take hold of yourself, Nynaeve. Stop behaving like a giddy girl.' Definitely not thoughts of Rand!
Folding her hands at her waist, Nynaeve actually hung her head. 'I’ll try,' she mumbled. 'I will, truly. You don’t know what it’s like, though. I… I’m sorry.'
Elayne nearly swallowed her tongue. Nynaeve,
It did not last, of course. Abruptly frowning at the
With a sigh, Elayne handed her the bracelet-and-rings, and she stalked away, fumbling the piece of jewelry onto her left hand and calling loudly for everyone to take their places. Sometimes, it was difficult to tell Nynaeve leading from Nynaeve bullying. As long as she
The Bowl of the Winds sat atop its unfolded white wrappings in the center of the hilltop, a shallow, heavy disc of clear crystal two feet across, worked inside with thick swirling clouds. An ornate piece, yet simple when you thought of what it could do. What they hoped it could do. Nynaeve took up her place nearby, the
Lifting her divided skirts, Elayne met Aviendha at the Bowl and eyed the Sea Folk suspiciously. Did they intend to create a fuss? She had been afraid of exactly that from the first mention of women at the farm who might be strong enough to join the link. The Atha’an Miere were sticklers for rank enough to shame the White Tower, and Garenia’s presence meant that Renaile din Calon Blue Star, Windfinder to the Mistress of the Ships to the Atha’an Miere, would not be part of the circle. Should not be.
Renaile frowned searchingly at the women around the Bowl. She seemed to be weighing them, judging their capabilities. 'Talaan din Gelyn,' she barked suddenly, 'take your station!' It was like a whip-crack! Even Nynaeve jumped.
Talaan bowed low, touching her heart, then ran to the Bowl. As soon as she moved, Renaile barked again. 'Metarra din Junalle, take your station!' Metarra, plump yet solid, sped on Talaan’s heels. Neither apprentice was old enough to have earned what the Sea Folk called a 'salt name.'
Once begun, Renaile rattled off names quickly, sending Rainyn and two other Windfinders, all of whom moved quickly, yet not so fast as the apprentices. By the number of their medallions, Naime and Rysael were higher in rank than Rainyn, dignified women with a quiet air of command, but markedly weaker. Then Renaile paused, only for a heartbeat, yet in that rapid listing it stood out. 'Tebreille din Gelyn South Wind, take your station! Caire din Gelyn Running Wave, assume the command!'
Elayne felt a moment of relief that Renaile had not named herself, but it lasted about as long as Renaile’s pause had. Tereille and Caire exchanged one look, Tebreille grim and Caire smug, before moving to the Bowl. Eight earrings and a multitude of overlapping medallions marked each Windfinder to a Clan Wavemistress. Only Renaile stood above them; only Dorile among the Sea Folk on the hilltop was their equal. In brocaded yellow silks, Caire was slightly the taller, Tebreille in brocaded green somewhat sterner of face, both more than handsome women, and it did not take their names to know them blood sisters. They had the same big, almost black eyes, the same straight nose, the same strong chin. Caire silently pointed to a spot at her right side; Tebreille did not speak either, nor did she hesitate in standing where her sister pointed, but her face was stone. With her, a circle of thirteen women surrounded the Bowl nearly shoulder-to-shoulder. Caire’s eyes almost sparkled. Tebreille’s were leaden. Elayne was reminded of another of Lini’s sayings.
Caire glared around the circle of women surrounding the Bowl, not yet truly a circle, as though trying to fix each face in her mind. Or maybe to fix her scowl in theirs. Remembering herself, Elayne hurriedly passed the last
'Silence!' Caire roared. Tattooed fists on her hips and bare feet apart, she belonged on the deck of a ship going into battle. 'There will be no talking on station without my permission. Talaan, report yourself immediately on returning to your ship.' Nothing in Caire’s tone suggested that she was speaking to her own daughter. Talaan bowed deeply, touching her heart, and murmured something inaudible. Caire snorted contemptuously — and gave Elayne a glare that suggested a wish that she could order her to report herself to someone as well — before going on in a voice that might have been heard at the base of the hill. 'Today, we shall do what has not been done since the Breaking of the World, when our ancestors fought wind and wave gone mad. By the Bowl of the Winds and the mercy of the Light, they survived. Today, we will use the Bowl of the Winds, lost to us for more than two thousand years, and now returned. I have studied the ancient lore, studied the records of the days when our foremothers first learned the sea and the Weaving of the Winds, and the salt entered our blood. What is known of the Bowl of the Winds, I know, more than anyone else.' Her eyes cut toward her sister, a satisfied glance that Tebreille did not acknowledge. Which seemed to satisfy Caire even more. 'What the Aes Sedai cannot do, I will do today, if it pleases the Light. I expect every woman to stand her station to the last. I will not accept failure.'
The rest of the Atha’an Miere seemed to accept that speech as expected and proper, but the Kinswomen gaped at Caire in astonishment. In Elayne’s opinion, grandiose did not begin to describe it; plainly Caire fully expected that the Light
'Nynaeve,' the Windfinder announced loudly, 'you will now demonstrate your skill at linking. Be about it, woman, and quickly!'
In response, Nynaeve shut her eyes tight. Her lips… writhed. She looked about to burst a blood vessel. 'I assume that means I have
'The first thing is to embrace the True Source, Caire.' The light of
'I prepare myself to embrace the Source,' Elayne put in quickly, before Caire could erupt, 'but I don’t actually embrace it.' She opened herself, and the Windfinders leaned forward, peering at her, though there really was nothing to see yet. Even Kirstian and Garenia forgot their fear enough to show interest. 'While I’m at this point, the rest is up to Nynaeve.'
'Now I will reach out to her…' Nynaeve paused, looking at Talaan. Elayne had not had a chance to tell her anything, really. It’s much the same as with an
Concentration or no concentration, sweat began to bead on Elayne’s forehead. But then, the heat had nothing to do with it. The True Source beckoned; it throbbed, and she throbbed with it. It demanded. The longer she hung just a hairsbreadth from touching the Power, the worse the desire, the need, would grow. Hanging, she began to tremble slightly. Vandene had told her that the longer you channeled, the worse that anticipation