
 //---bind to a datagridview control---

 dataGridView1.DataSource = authors;

Aggregate Functions

In an earlier section, you used the following query to obtain a list of authors living in CA:

var authors =

 from author in ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()

 where author.Field<string>('State') == 'CA'

 select author;

To get the total number of authors living in CA, you can use the Count() extension method (also known as an aggregate function), like this:


A much more efficient way would be to use the following query in method syntax:

var query =

 ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Count(a => a.Field<string>('State')=='CA');


LINQ supports the following standard aggregate functions:

Aggregate function Description
Aggregate Performs a custom aggregation operation on the values of a collection.
Average Calculates the average value of a collection of values.
Count Counts the elements in a collection, optionally only those elements that satisfy a predicate function.
LongCount Counts the elements in a large collection, optionally only those elements that satisfy a predicate function.
Max Determines the maximum value in a collection.
Min Determines the minimum value in a collection.
Sum Calculates the sum of the values in a collection.

For example, the following statements print out the largest odd number contained in the nums array:

int[] nums = {

 12, 34, 10, 3, 45, 6, 90, 22, 87, 49, 13, 32


var maxOddNums = nums.Where

 (n => n % 2 == 1).OrderByDescending(n => n).Max();

Console.WriteLine('Largest odd number: {0}', maxOddNums); //---87---

The following statements print out the sum of all the odd numbers in nums:

int[] nums = {

 12, 34, 10, 3, 45, 6, 90, 22, 87, 49, 13, 32


var sumOfOddNums = nums.Where

 (n => n % 2 == 1).OrderByDescending(n => n).Sum();

Console.WriteLine('Sum of all odd number: {0}', sumOfOddNums); //---197---

Joining Tables

So far you've been dealing with a single table. In real life, you often have multiple, related tables. A good example is the Northwind sample database, which contains a number of related tables, three of which are shown in Figure 14-7.

Figure 14-7

Here, the Customers table is related to the Orders table via the CustomerID field, while the Orders table is related to the Order_Details table via the OrderID field.

You can use LINQ to DataSet to join several tables stored in a DataSet. Here's how. First, load the three tables into the DataSet, using the following code:

conn = new SqlConnection(@'Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;' +

 'Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=True');

comm =

 new SqlCommand('SELECT * FROM Customers; SELECT * FROM Orders; SELECT * FROM [Order Details]',


adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(comm);


The three tables loaded onto the DataSet can now be referenced using three DataTable objects:

DataTable customersTable = ds.Tables[0]; //---Customers---

DataTable ordersTable = ds.Tables[1]; //---Orders---

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