this.ID = ID;

  this.FirstName = FirstName;

  this.LastName = LastName;


 public Contact(int ID, string FirstName, string LastName, string Email) {

  this.ID = ID;

  this.FirstName = FirstName;

  this.LastName = LastName;

  this.Email = Email;



Instead of setting the properties individually in each constructor, each constructor itself sets some of the properties for other constructors. A more efficient way would be for some constructors to call the other constructors to set some of the properties. That would prevent a duplication of code that does the same thing. The Contact class could be rewritten like this:

public class Contact {


 //---first constructor---

 public Contact() {

  this.ID = 9999;


 //---second constructor---

 public Contact(int ID) {

  this.ID = ID;


 //---third constructor---

 public Contact(int ID, string FirstName, string LastName) :

  this(ID) {

  this.FirstName = FirstName;

  this.LastName = LastName;


 //---fourth constructor---

 public Contact(int ID, string FirstName, string LastName, string Email) :

  this(ID, FirstName, LastName) {

  this.Email = Email;



In this case, the fourth constructor is calling the third constructor using the this keyword. In addition, it is also passing in the arguments required by the third constructor. The third constructor in turn calls the second constructor. This process of one constructor calling another is call constructor chaining.

To prove that constructor chaining works, use the following statements:

Contact c1 = new Contact(1234, 'Wei-Meng', 'Lee', '[email protected]');

Console.WriteLine(c1.ID); //---1234---

Console.WriteLine(c1.FirstName); //---Wei-Meng---

Console.WriteLine(c1.LastName); //---Lee---

Console.WriteLine(c1.Email); //[email protected]

To understand the sequence of the constructors that are called, insert the following highlighted statements:

class Contact {


 //---first constructor---

 public Contact() {

  this.ID = 9999;

  Console.WriteLine('First constructor');


 //---second constructor---

 public Contact(int ID) {

  this.ID = ID;

  Console.WriteLine('Second constructor');


 //---third constructor---

 public Contact(int ID, string FirstName, string LastName) :

  this(ID) {

  this.FirstName = FirstName;

  this.LastName = LastName;

  Console.WriteLine('Third constructor');


 //---fourth constructor---

 public Contact(int ID, string FirstName, string LastName, string Email) :

  this(ID, FirstName, LastName) {

  this.Email = Email;

  Console.WriteLine('Fourth constructor');



The statement:

Contact c1 = new Contact(1234, 'Wei-Meng', 'Lee', '[email protected]');

prints the following output:

Second constructor

Third constructor

Fourth constructor

Static Constructors

If your class has static members, it is only sometimes necessary to initialize them before an object is created and used. In that case, you can add static constructors to the class. For example, suppose that the Contact class has a public static member count to record the number of the Contact object created. You can add a static constructor to initialize the static member, like this:

public class Contact {


 public static int count;

 static Contact() {

  count = 0;

  Console.WriteLine('Static constructor');


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