
 Coordinate pt3;

 pt3 = pt2;

 Console.WriteLine('After assigning pt2 to pt3');

 Console.WriteLine('pt2: {0}', pt2.ToString());

 Console.WriteLine('pt3: {0}', pt3.ToString());

 pt3.latitude = 1.45631234;

 pt3.longitude = 101.32355;

 Console.WriteLine('After changing pt3');

 Console.WriteLine('pt2: {0}', pt2.ToString());

 Console.WriteLine('pt3: {0}', pt3.ToString());


Here's the program's output:

After assigning pt2 to pt3

pt2: 1.33463167,103.74697

pt3: 1.33463167,103.74697

After changing pt3

pt2: 1.33463167,103.74697

pt3: 1.45631234,101.32355

Notice that after changing the properties of pt3, the latitude and longitude properties of pt2 and pt3 are different.

Memory Allocation

When you use the new keyword to create an instance of a class, the object will be allocated on the heap. When using structs, the struct object is created on the stack instead. Because of this, using structs yields better performance gains. Also, when passing a struct to a method, note that it is passed by value instead of passed by reference.

In general, use classes when dealing with large collections of data. When you have smaller sets of data to deal with, using structs is more efficient.


This chapter explained how to define a class and the various components that make up a class — properties, methods, constructors, and destructors. In addition, it explored the new features in C# 3.0 — object initializers, anonymous types, and automatic properties. While you need to use the new keyword to instantiate a new object, you can also create static classes that can be used without instantiation. Finally, you saw how to use structs, the lightweight alternative to classes, that behave much like classes but are value types.

Chapter 5


When defining a class, you have to provide the implementation for all its methods and properties. However, there are times when you do not want to provide the actual implementation of how a class might work. Rather, you want to describe the functionalities of the class. This set of descriptions is like a contract, dictating what the class will do, the types of parameters needed, and the type of return results. In object-oriented programming, this contract is known as an interface.

An interface defines a class and its members without providing any implementation. When using interfaces in programming, generally three parties are involved:

□ Interface definition — The interface defines the composition of a class, such as methods, properties, and so on. However, the interface does not provide any implementation for any of these members.

□ Implementing class — The class that implements a particular interface provides the implementation for all the members defined in that interface.

□ Clients — Objects that instantiate from the implementing classes are known as the client. The client invokes the methods defined in the interface, whose implementation is provided by the implementing class.

Differences between an Interface and an Abstract Base Class

Conceptually, an abstract class is similar to an interface; however, they do have some subtle differences:

□ An abstract class can contain a mixture of concrete methods (implemented) and abstract methods (an abstract class needs at least one abstract method); an interface does not contain any method implementations.

□ An abstract class can contain constructors and destructors; an interface does not.

□ A class can implement multiple interfaces, but it can inherit from only one abstract class.

This chapter explains how to define an interface and how to implement the interface using a class.

Defining an Interface

Defining an interface is similar to defining a class — you use the interface keyword followed by an identifier (the name of the interface) and then specify the interface body. For example:

interface IPerson {

 string Name { get; set; }

 DateTime DateofBirth { get; set; }

 ushort Age();


Here you define the IPerson interface containing three members — two properties and one function. You do not use any access modifiers on interface members — they are implicitly public. That's because the real use of an interface is to define the publicly accessible members (such as methods and properties) of a class so that all implementing classes have the same public members. The implementation of each individual member is left to the implementing class.

The declaration for the Name property consists simply of get and set accessors without implementation:

string Name { get; set; }

And the Age() method simply contains its return type (and input parameters, if any) but without its implementation:

ushort Age();

It's important to note that you cannot create an instance of the interface directly; you can only instantiate a class that implements that interface:

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