clawing just as wildly; and ere the thunder from below announced the arrival of the bridge, both men had come to rest. Carson had achieved this first, and the several pounds of pull he was able to put on the rope had helped bring Smoke to a stop.
Each lay in a shallow niche, but Smoke's was so shallow that, tense with the strain of flattening and sticking, nevertheless he would have slid on had it not been for the slight assistance he took from the rope. He was on the verge of a bulge and could not see beneath him. Several minutes passed, in which they took stock of the situation and made rapid strides in learning the art of sticking to wet and slippery ice. The little man was the first to speak.
'Gee!' he said; and, a minute later, 'If you can dig in for a moment and slack on the rope, I can turn over. Try it.'
Smoke made the effort, then rested on the rope again. 'I can do it,' he said. 'Tell me when you're ready. And be quick.'
'About three feet down is holding for my heels,' Carson said. 'It won't take a moment. Are you ready?'
'Go on.'
It was hard work to slide down a yard, turn over and sit up; but it was even harder for Smoke to remain flattened and maintain a position that from instant to instant made a greater call upon his muscles. As it was, he could feel the almost perceptible beginning of the slip when the rope tightened and he looked up into his companion's face. Smoke noted the yellow pallor of sun-tan forsaken by the blood, and wondered what his own complexion was like. But when he saw Carson , with shaking fingers, fumble for his sheath-knife, he decided the end had come. The man was in a funk and was going to cut the rope.
'Don't m-mind m-m-me,' the little man chattered. 'I ain't scared. It's only my nerves, gosh-dang them. I'll b- b-be all right in a minute.'
And Smoke watched him, doubled over, his shoulders between his knees, shivering and awkward, holding a slight tension on the rope with one hand while with the other he hacked and gouged holes for his heels in the ice.
' Carson ,' he breathed up to him, 'you're some bear, some bear.'
The answering grin was ghastly and pathetic. 'I never could stand height,' Carson confessed. 'It always did get me. Do you mind if I stop a minute and clear my head? Then I'll make those heel-holds deeper so I can heave you up.'
Smoke's heart warmed. 'Look here, Carson . The thing for you to do is to cut the rope. You can never get me up, and there's no use both of us being lost. You can make it out with your knife.'
'You shut up!' was the hurt retort. 'Who's running this?'
And Smoke could not help but see that anger was a good restorative for the other's nerves. As for himself, it was the more nerve-racking strain, lying plastered against the ice with nothing to do but strive to stick on.
A groan and a quick cry of 'Hold on!' warned him. With face pressed against the ice, he made a supreme sticking effort, felt the rope slacken, and knew Carson was slipping toward him. He did not dare look up until he felt the rope tighten and knew the other had again come to rest.
'Gee, that was a near go,' Carson chattered. 'I came down over a yard. Now you wait. I've got to dig new holds. If this danged ice wasn't so melty we'd be hunky-dory.'
Holding the few pounds of strain necessary for Smoke with his left hand, the little man jabbed and chopped at the ice with his right. Ten minutes of this passed.
'Now, I'll tell you what I've done,' Carson called down. 'I've made heel-holds and hand-holes for you alongside of me. I'm going to heave the rope in slow and easy, and you just come along sticking an' not too fast. I'll tell you what, first of all. I'll take you on the rope and you worry out of that pack. Get me?'
Smoke nodded, and with infinite care unbuckled his pack-straps. With a wriggle of the shoulders he dislodged the pack, and Carson saw it slide over the bulge and out of sight.
'Now, I'm going to ditch mine,' he called down. 'You just take it easy and wait.'
Five minutes later the upward struggle began. Smoke, after drying his hands on the insides of his arm- sleeves, clawed into the climb — bellied, and clung, and stuck, and plastered — sustained and helped by the pull of the rope. Alone, he could not have advanced. Despite his muscles, because of his forty pounds' handicap, he could not cling as did Carson . A third of the way up, where the pitch was steeper and the ice less eroded, he felt the strain on the rope decreasing. He moved slower and slower. Here was no place to stop and remain. His most desperate effort could not prevent the stop, and he could feel the down-slip beginning.
'I'm going,' he called up.
'So am I,' was the reply, gritted through Carson 's teeth.
'Then cast loose.'
Smoke felt the rope tauten in a futile effort, then the pace quickened, and as he went past his previous lodgment and over the bulge the last glimpse he caught of Carson he was turned over, with madly moving hands and feet striving to overcome the downward draw. To Smoke's surprise, as he went over the bulge, there was no sheer fall. The rope restrained him as he slid down a steeper pitch, which quickly eased until he came to a halt in another niche on the verge of another bulge. Carson was now out of sight, ensconced in the place previously occupied by Smoke.
'Gee!' he could hear Carson shiver. 'Gee!'
An interval of quiet followed, and then Smoke could feel the rope agitated.
'What are you doing?' he called up.
'Making more hand– and foot-holds,' came the trembling answer. 'You just wait. I'll have you up here in a jiffy. Don't mind the way I talk. I'm just excited. But I'm all right. You wait and see.'
'You're holding me by main strength,' Smoke argued. 'Soon or late, with the ice melting, you'll slip down after me. The thing for you to do is to cut loose. Hear me! There's no use both of us going. Get that? You're the biggest little man in creation, but you've done your best. You cut loose.'
'You shut up. I'm going to make holes this time deep enough to haul up a span of horses.'
'You've held me up long enough,' Smoke urged. 'Let me go.'
'How many times have I held you up?' came the truculent query.
'Some several, and all of them too many. You've been coming down all the time.'
'And I've been learning the game all the time. I'm going on holding you up until we get out of here. Savvy? When God made me a light-weight I guess he knew what he was about. Now, shut up. I'm busy.'
Several silent minutes passed. Smoke could hear the metallic strike and hack of the knife and occasional driblets of ice slid over the bulge and came down to him. Thirsty, clinging on hand and foot, he caught the fragments in his mouth and melted them to water, which he swallowed.
He heard a gasp that slid into a groan of despair, and felt a slackening of the rope that made him claw. Immediately the rope tightened again. Straining his eyes in an upward look along the steep slope, he stared a moment, then saw the knife, point first, slide over the verge of the bulge and down upon him. He tucked his cheek to it, shrank from the pang of cut flesh, tucked more tightly, and felt the knife come to rest.
'I'm a slob,' came the wail down the crevasse.
'Cheer up, I've got it,' Smoke answered.
'Say! Wait! I've a lot of string in my pocket. I'll drop it down to you, and you send the knife up.'
Smoke made no reply. He was battling with a sudden rush of thought.
'Hey! You! Here comes the string. Tell me when you've got it.'
A small pocket-knife, weighted on the end of the string, slid down the ice. Smoke got it, opened the larger blade by a quick effort of his teeth and one hand, and made sure that the blade was sharp. Then he tied the sheath-knife to the end of the string.
'Haul away!' he called.
With strained eyes he saw the upward progress of the knife. But he saw more — a little man, afraid and indomitable, who shivered and chattered, whose head swam with giddiness, and who mastered his qualms and distresses and played a hero's part. Not since his meeting with Shorty had Smoke so quickly liked a man. Here was a proper meat-eater, eager with friendliness, generous to destruction, with a grit that shaking fear could not shake. Then, too, he considered the situation cold-bloodedly. There was no chance for two. Steadily, they were sliding into the heart of the glacier, and it was his greater weight that was dragging the little man down. The little man could stick like a fly. Alone, he could save himself.